Date | Topic | Reading | Due | ||
Week_1 | Lect_1 | Tuesday | Introduction The Assignment and TSP problems | Chapter 1 | Lecture 1 summary |
Week_1 | Lect_2 | Thursday | Algorithm Analysis Background, sample analysis | Chapter 2 | Induction
Review Lecture 2 |
Week_2 | Lect_3 | Tuesday | Recurence
relations, polynomials Algorthm Analysis | Chapter 2 Chapter 5 Discrete Math 5.1, 5.2 | Assignment 1 Lecture 3 |
Week_2 | Lect_4 | Thursday | Recurrence
relations and the log function(continued) | Chapter_4 (DM) | More
Lecture 4 |
Week_3 | Lect_5 | Tuesday | Algorithms and
data structures More recursion, Linked Lists, Stacks | 2.4.4, 3.2, 3.3 | Assignment 2 Lecture 5 |
Week_3 | Lect_6 | Thursday | Design and analysis of
sorting Algorithms Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick | Chapter 7 | Drill Lecture 6 |
Week_4 | Lect_7 | Tuesday | Stacks & Sorting RPN, Infix --> Postfix Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Selection | 3.3, 7.6-7.7 | Assignment 3 |
Week_4 | Lect_8 | Thursday | Sorting Selection and external sorts | Quiz #1 7.7.5-7.7.6, 7.10 | Quiz Info |
Week_5 | Lect_9 | Tuesday | Sorting, Trees Genral bound for sorting, Trees | 7.8, Chapter 4 | Assignment 4 |
Week_5 | Lect_10 | Thursday | Trees (continued)
Balanced trees, red-Black trees, B-Trees | 4.6, 4.7, 12.2 | Trees PPT
files Drill #4 |
Week_6 | Lect_11 | Tuesday | Graphs Definitions, representations Quiz # 1 | 9.1-9.3 | Assignment 5 |
Week_6 | Lect_12 | Thursday | Graph Algorithms Shortest Path, Search | 9.5 -9.6 | Drill #5 |
Week_7 | Lect_13 | Tuesday | Graphs Minimum Cost spanning Trees | Chapter 9 | Drill #6 |
Week_7 | Lect_14 | Thursday | Graphs (continued)
Bipartite graphs, Eulerian, Matching | Graphs... | Assignment 6 |
Week_8 | Lect_15 | Tuesday | Graphs Shortest Path Minimum Cost spanning Trees | Chapter 9 | Assignment 7 |
Week_8 | Lect_16 | Thursday | Graphs Shortest Path Network flows, Matchings Tree | Chapter 9 | Drill #7 |
Week_9 | Lect_17 | Tuesday | Graphs Quiz #2 Quiz Info | Chapter 9 | Assignment 8 |
Week_9 | Lect_18 | Thursday | Graphs Quiz #2 Quiz Info | Chapter 9 | Shortest Path Drill |
Week_10 | Lect_17 | Tuesday | Dynamic programming
???? | to be announced | Assignment 8 |
Dec. 20 | 2001 | Thursday | FINAL EXAM | Final exam preparations |
Revised: Oct 1, 2001