An International Conference

WTO, China, 

and the Asian Economies, IV:

Economic Integration and Economic Development

University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, June 24-25, 2006

Downloadable Papers

The followings are some of the papers scheduled to be presented in the conference. They are posted for the convenience of the participants and others who are interested in these papers. The first listed author is the one expected to present the paper.

Copyrights of the papers are owned by the authors. For the latest version of the papers, please contact the authors directly.

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Ari Van Assche and Galina A. Schwartz Firm Heterogeneity, Input Specificity, and the Optimal Outsourcing Strategy
Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Howard J. Wall Immigration and Outsourcing: A General Equilibrium Analysis
Yifan Hu and C. Simon Fan Does Foreign Direct Investment Hamper Indigenous Technological Creation? Theory and Evidence from China

Huayu Sun and Yue Ma

Is there any economic integration among China and her Western partners?

Yuanyuan Peng The Challenges of WTO entry to China’s banking industry
Chih-Chuan Yeh Patterns of Inflation Rates and Inflation Uncertainty in Quantile
Rossitza B. Wooster and David S. Diebel Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: A Meta-Regression Analysis
Been-Lon Chen and Mei Hsu Admiration is a Source of Indeterminacy
Joon-Mo Yang, Tae-Wan Kim, and Hyun-Ok Han Understanding the Economic Development of Korea from a Co-Evolutionary Perspective
K.C. Fung, Busakorn Chantasasawat, Hitomi Iizaka, and Alan Siu FDI Flows to Latin America, East and Southeast Asia and China: Substitutes or Complements?
Rod Tyers and Jane Golley China’s Growth to 2030: The Roles of Demographic Change and Investment Risk
WANG Fei and EZAKI Mitsuo Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth, Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of China
Pak Hung Mo Trade, Exchanges and Productivity Growth
ZENG Hua and LI Kai After China’s entry into WTO, Study on National Bond Market and Market Prime Interest Rate

Kevin H. Zhang

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in China: A Panel Data Study for 1992-2004

Martin Richardson and Ryan Fang Private and public incentives for mergers in the face of foreign entry
Zhongxiu Zhao and Kevin H. Zhang Multinational Corporation and Technology Transfers in Developing Countries: Evidence from China
Ming Men and Rui Li An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Stock Index and the National Economy: The Case of China
Tran Van Hoa

Impact of the WTO Membership, Regional Economic Integration and Structural Change on China’s Trade and Growth

SHEN Hongfang

Implications of China’s WTO Entry on Philippine Economic Growth and Development

Xiaoling Huang

Trade and Technology Transfer: The Case of Automobile, Electronic and Telecommunication Sectors in China

Jin-Li Hu, Chiang-Ping Chen, and Yi-Yuan Su Ownership Reform and Efficiency of Nationwide Banks in China

Muqun Li, Wei Liu, and Shunfeng Song

How Do Fluctuations of Yen Affect Exports of China, Japan, and South Korea?

Ashok S. Guhal Similarities and Differences in the Roles of China and India in the World Economy

Tianshu Liu, and Xuean Jiao

Impact of regional trade agreements on commodity trade between China and Australia

Yin-Wong Cheung, Menzie D. Chinn, and Eiji Fujii

Why the Renminbi Might be Overvalued (But Probably Isn’t)

Pavel Chakraborty and Alokesh Barua Does openness affect inequality? A case study of Manufacturing Sector of India
Jian-Ming Zhou Achieving Global Competitive Agriculture without Protectionist Subsidies - Solving Its Most Fundamental Microeconomic Obstacle Ignored by Nobel Laureate Schultz and Nominee Hirschman
Kishor Goswami Impact of Globalisation of Silk Industry in Northeast India: An Assessment from Gender Perspectives
ZHUO Jun, Leeva Li, and Xiaoling Hu Do Chinese Consumer Prefer to Buy Imported Wine? ——the Effect of Country-of-Origin
Thomas Gries Reducing regional disparity through WTO? - Endogenous formation of regions, labor market frictions and multiple equilibria
Caren Sureth and Dirk Langeleh The degree of integrating corporate and capital gains tax into income tax and its impact on investment decisions
Kazunori Tanigaki A Simple Model of Product Complexity
Zhihua Song and Kai Li The analysis of different economic growth rates among countries

Akira Kohsaka and Masahiro Enya

The Balance Sheet Effects and Macroeconomic Development in the Pacific Region
Chawin Leenabanchong East Asia FTAs: ASEAN Perspectives
LIN Guijun and Ronald M. Schramm A Decade of Flow of Funds in China (1995-2005)
Kun-Ming Chen, Chia-Ching Lin, and Hsiu-Hua Rau Exchange Rate Volatility and the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment: Market-seeking versus Export-substituting
Tang Yihong and
Wang Weiwei
An Analysis of Trade Potential between China and ASEAN within China-ASEAN FTA
Jean-Claude Maswana

Reconciling the Chinese Financial Development With its Economic Growth: an empirical examination

Fengjuan Xiao and Donald Kimball

Effectiveness and Effects of China’s Capital Controls

Jin-Li Hu, Yang Li, Yung-Ho Chiu, and Tsz-Yi Ke Shadow Prices of SO2 Abatements for Regions in China
JIA Baohua and YANG Lingming An Argument about the RMB Exchange Rate
Danuta Tomczak

Multilateralism and regional integration: the European and the Asian approach

CHEN Lurong A Two-Hub Trading Bloc in East Asia?

Kai Li and Tao Xiang

The Relations between Concentration and Agglomeration in Manufactures Development of China
Junmin Wan The Incentive to Declare Taxes and Tax Revenue: The Lottery Receipt Experiment in China
Yunhua Liu and Beoy Kui Ng Facing the Challenge of Rising Chinese Economy: ASEAN’s Responses
Se Young Ahn and Kiyoun Sohn Improving WTO Dispute Settlement Rules: Lessons from the Korea-China Garlic Dispute
Baomin Dong, Boqiang Lin, and Xuefeng Li Forecasting Long-run Coal Price in China: A Shifting Trend Time Series Approach
Robert Dekle and Guillaume Vandenbroucke Whither Chinese Growth? A Sectoral Growth Accounting Approach
Ping Hua Price-competitiveness of China and its Asian neighbor competitors
Len-kuo Hu Culture Coherence and Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
Chan-Hyun Sohn and Hongshik Lee Trade Structure, FTA and Economic Growth: Implications to East Asia
Kiyoun Sohn Policies for the Development-Friendly World Trading System
Hiro Ito and Menzie D. Chinn Current Account Balances, Financial Development and Institutions: Assaying the World ‘Savings Glut’
WONG Hock Tsen Exports, Domestic Demand and Economic Growth in China: Granger Causality Analysis
Xiaopeng Yin The Tendency of Regional Integration in China: Incentive, Pattern, and Growth


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This page was last revised on June 22, 2006.