Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL) Version 2.0 Released

Version 2.0 is a semi-annual update of this reference library. It has been published as of November 15, 2019. The library now contains 2,881 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of disaster information and information technologies and their uses in the context of disasters. This represents an increase over the previous version of 328 references, or 13.7%).

The DIRL is intended to become an indispensable tool for Disaster Information and Technology-interested scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions may want to rely on this reference library. The revision history can be accessed here.

Packaged in a zip file, bibTeX, RIS as well as Endnote XML (enlx) and Endnote package (enlp) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation. [Go to Download Site]

Please also note: The DIRL is provided on basis of self-service. Do not request any support.

Interview with Emergency Management Magazine at Govtech.com

Last week I was interviewed by the Emergency Management Magazine, a publication widely read by emergency responders nationwide. Based on my research projects on the subject over the past five years I summarized preparedness-related recommendations for the Pacific Northwest. The interview can be found under https://www.govtech.com/em/preparedness/Making-the-Case-for-More-Realistic-Disaster-Exercises.html

DIRL (Disaster Information Reference Library) — Version 1.5 Released

Now Listing 2,533 references of Peer-reviewed Research Articles in the English Language
Version 1.5 of the Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL) is the first semi-annual update of this reference library. It has been published as of May 15, 2019. The library now contains 2,533 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of disaster information and information technologies and their uses in the context of disasters. This represents an increase over the previous version of 424 references, or 20.1%).

The DIRL is intended to become an indispensable tool for Disaster Information and Technology-interested scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions may want to rely on this reference library.

Packaged in a zip file, bibTeX, RIS as well as Endnote export (enx) and Endnote XML versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.
The DIRL can be downloaded at 

(CL) Hans Jochen Scholl

Interview on Disaster Zone Show at King County TV

I had the great pleasure to appear as featured interview guest on the 30-minute Disaster Zone TV show in downtown Seattle. The show is hosted by Eric Holdeman, one of the nation’s most highly reputed experts on disaster response management. Holdeman is a former emergency manager himself who held managerial positions at Federal, State, and County levels. The show is produced by King County TV and watched by professional emergency responders around the nation. The recorded edition of the show will be on the air shortly and can already be watched on YouTube. (Video, 24:55)