EGRL Version 13.0 Released — Now 9,287 Entries

Version 13.0 of the e-Gov Reference Library (EGRL) has been published as of June 26, 2017. It now contains 9,287 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of electronic government, electronic governance, and electronic democracy.

This marks a 5.5% increase in references from version 12.5 (March of 2017) and a 13.5% increase from version 12.0 (July of 2016). This past publication period has yet been another good one for e-Government-related publishing adding a 4-digit number (1,106) of new peer-reviewed academic references within the past 12 months.

Go to the EGRL Site, from where you can download the reference library.

New Publication on 2014 Oso/SR530 Landslide by iQRP DRIM

iQRP (the iSchool Qualitative Research Project) on Disaster Response Information Management has published its first report on the March 22, 2014 Oso/SR530 landslide response (Informational Challenges in Early Disaster Response: The Massive Oso/SR530 Landslide 2014 as Case in Point by Hans J Scholl, Stephanie Ballard, Sarah Carnes, Andy Herman, and Neal Parker). The manuscript passed a rigorous peer review and was accepted for presentation at the prestigious Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. It focuses on the challenges responders had to master when establishing “situational awareness” and a “common operating picture,” which guided the response efforts. The manuscript discusses, how the management of information during a disaster response can be improved. The research group currently also investigates the specific “managerial challenges” responders faced during the incident response. The results of this sub-project are expected to be published later in 2017.

Concurrently, the group empirically investigates the same challenges responders faced during the Cascadia Rising Exercise of June 2016 (CR16). This simulation of a catastrophic incident (a magnitude 9.0+ earthquake and a subsequent tsunami) in the Pacific Northwest involved about 20,000 professional responders as participants, which makes it one of the largest exercises of its kind ever. Many of the CR16 participants were also involved in the Oso/SR530 incident response.

The iQRP team will compare the results of the two studies in order to derive important insights about how the internal and external information management in disaster response can be improved. We will update on the progress of the project and the various iQRP sub-projects here.


IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016 Conference — Program

The program of the IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016 Five-Track Conference Cluster (September 5-8, 2016) has been released and can be downloaded/viewed here (PDF).

Over the years, this top-2 ranked annual conference in the greater study domain of electronic government and electronic participation has grown to host five distinct tracks:

— General EGOV Track
— General ePart Track
— Open Government /Open and Big Data Track
— Smart Governance/Government/Cities Track
— Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics Track.

The conference hosts several formats for presenting academic and practitioner work: keynotes, formal paper sessions, workshops, posters, and a pre-conference doctoral colloquium.

This year the conference is hosted by the University of Minho and the United Nations University’s Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance at the Campus de Couros at the heart of the wonderful City of Guimarães, Portugal.

EGRL Version 12.0 Released and Downloadable (Electronic Government Reference Library)

In a ZIP file containing editions in BibTeX, RIS, EndNote™ XML, and fully packaged EndNote™ lib formats among others, we herewith make available version 12.0 (July 6, 2016) of the E-Government Reference Library (EGRL).

Version 12.0 of the EGRL now contains 8,181 references of predominantly English language, peer-reviewed work. The number of qualifying references in the library has increased by 282, or 3.6% over version 11.5 (December of 2015) and by 8.3 % over version 11.0 (July of 2015). This publication period has been another good one for e-Government-related research adding a 3-digit number (628) of new peer-reviewed academic references to the EGRL within 12 months.

The EGRL has developed into an indispensable tool for e-Gov scholars. In particular, preparing and reviewing paper submissions was reported to heavily rely on this reference library.

In order to download the library, please register (or re-register, for repeat downloads) yourself and accept the GPL license agreement. As stated above we provide the references in various editions (BibTeX, RIS, EndNote™ XML, and unpackaged EndNote™ among others). Mendeley and Zotero versions can be created based on the files we provide.

As an author or co-author please check all your own entries for completeness and correctness. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.
