Comparative Animal Physiology
I taught Comparative Animal Physiology (Biology 334) at the University of Puget Sound in the fall of 2002. A course overview and logistical details are included in the
official course syllabus. Also available here is a post-course reflection on aspects of the course that could be improved next time.
Answer keys are now available for in-class exam #1, take-home exam #1, in-class exam #2, and the final exam.
Fun Animal Questions asked by Biology 334B
Q. Why does hyperkalemia
(high potassium levels in the blood) cause cardiac arrhythmias?
A. Hyperkalemia
changes the resting membrane potential
of the cardiac cells (to the extent that cardiac cells
are ever at rest). Since the cell membrane is permeable to
potassium, most of the "excess" extracellular potassium diffuses
into the cell, depolarizing the membrane somewhat. Following an
action potential, the voltage-gated sodium channels
are normally "reset" so that they may open again during the next
action potential. However, this resetting process is
voltage-dependent. UPS neurobiologist Sue
Hannaford suggests that
the more-depolarized-than-normal membrane
potential interferes with the resetting process such that the
sodium channels remain inactivated for a long time after each
action potential, leading to a slow and irregular heartbeat.
Q. When a heat shock
protein binds to a protein that has unfolded due to heat stress,
does the unfolded protein regain function? (11-6-02)
A. Not while the heat shock
protein is bound, no. However, by stabilizing the unfolded protein and
preventing it from "getting into trouble," the heat shock protein
increases the likelihood that the unfolded protein will refold
properly once the temperature drops to normal levels (M.E. Feder,
"Ecological and evolutionary physiology of stress proteins and the
stress response: the Drosophila melanogaster model," in Animals and
Temperature [1996], edited by I.A. Johnston and A.F. Bennett).
Q. Are any hormones
known to cause fast-twitch muscle fibers to become slow-twitch fibers or vice
versa? (11-4-02)
A. Yes. According to Baldwin
& Haddad (2001), thyroid hormone exerts a strong influence
on muscle fiber type. Hypothyroidism leads to an increase in the fraction of fibers
expressing type I
(slow-twitch) myosin, whereas hyperthyroidism causes an increase in the proportion of
type II (fast-twitch) fibers.
Q. Do dogs have blood glucose
levels similar to humans? In other words, is Figure 9.9 of our text
a reasonable depiction of glucose reabsorption in humans as well
as dogs? (10-16-02)
A. Dogs and humans have similar
blood glucose levels (~5 mM). Figure 9.9 is confusing because it uses
units of mg/ml, whereas most blood glucose measurements are
given in units of mM (mmol/l) or mg/dl.
Q. Do we yawn because we aren't getting
enough oxygen? Do animals other than humans yawn? (10-4-02)
A. According to a
post to, many different animals display yawning behavior.
Apparently, it is not fully understood why yawning occurs, but post author
Benjamin Walker does offer an intriguing explanation.
Q. Since frogs depend
on their skin for gas exchange when underwater, is cutaneous circulation
more extensive in aquatic frogs than in terrestrial frogs? (9-27-02)
A. Yes and no. According to
Ed DeGrauw, "Highly specialized
aquatic frogs have greater capillary density in the skin than your average
frog, but the most xeric [moisture-deprived] forms also have very high capillary densities
confined to the region of the ventral thighs and pelvic region." This
"pelvic patch" is used to absorb water from the ground.
Q. Can the pooling of blood
in the legs lead to the development of varicose veins?
A. Yes, it can. In healthy individuals,
venous valves and pressure from the leg muscles ensures that blood flows from
the legs back to the heart. However, if the valves fail, blood lingers
in the legs longer than it should, causing the veins to swell.
Q. Can a Q10 be as high as, say, 5?
A. Yes. In their book Biochemical
Adaption, Hochachka & Somero note that some chemical reactions are
extraordinarily temperature-sensitive because temperature affects both the
enzyme's affinity for its substrate (Km) and its activity at a given substrate
concentration. As temperature falls, they say, "The combined effects
of reduced substrate binding ... and reduced kinetic energy for driving the
reaction over its activation enthalpy 'barrier' can lead to Q10 values greater
than 10 at physiological substrate concentrations."
Q. What happens if an animal doesn't
get enough protein? (9-9-02)
A. If an immature animal
is chronically deprived of protein, its growth will be stunted, since
it won't be able to synthesize the proteins that cells need to grow and
divide. If a (juvenile or adult) animal's intake is not sufficient to sustain
its current body size, it will literally digest its tissues (mainly muscle, the body's
biggest reserve of protein) in order to free up some amino acids
for maintenance and repair. The fertility of females may also be
compromised by inadequate protein intake.
Since animals can synthesize some amino
acids from scratch but not others, what is most important is their intake of
the "essential" amino acids rather than their total protein intake per se.
According to Eckert & Randall's Animal
Physiology text, "The rate of growth of chickens at one time was limited
by too small a proportion of one essential amino acid in the grain diet they
were provided. Supplementing the diet with this amino acid allowed full
utilization of the other amino acids present in the feed, greatly increasing
the rate of protein synthesis and hence the rate of poultry growth and egg
Q. Do different feedback control
loops have different error signal thresholds? In other words, are small error
signals ignored by some control loops but not others? (9-6-02)
A. Yes. A recent article about fluid balance in
humans (Shirreffs
& Maughan, Exerc Sport Sci Rev 28: 27-32, 2000) provides a
good example: "A rise of 2-3% in plasma osmolality is sufficient
to evoke a profound sensation of thirst coupled with an increase
in the circulating concentration of vasopressin. The mechanisms that respond
to changes in intravascular volume and pressure seem to be less sensitive than
those that monitor plasma osmolality; hypovolemic thirst is evident only after
a 10% decrease in blood volume."
for Wed., Dec. 11: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
507-8 |
for Mon., Dec. 9: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
502-5 |
for Fri., Dec. 6: |
Kreithen & Eisner
(1978) article |
for Wed., Dec. 4: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
497-502, 511-3 |
for Mon., Dec. 2: |
none |
for Wed., Nov. 27: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
534-5, 548-55, 562-70 |
for Mon., Nov. 25: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
486-95 |
for Fri., Nov. 22: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
479-86 |
for Wed., Nov. 20: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
470-9, and worksheet |
for Mon., Nov. 18: |
none |
for Fri., Nov. 15: |
none |
for Mon., Nov. 11: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
247-77 |
for Wed., Nov. 6: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
222-38 |
for Mon., Nov. 4: |
none |
for Fri., Nov. 1: |
Lutz &
Rome (1994) article |
for Wed., Oct. 30: |
pp. 410-21 |
for Mon., Oct. 28: |
none |
for Fri., Oct. 25: |
none |
for Wed., Oct. 23: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
400-10 |
for Fri., Oct. 18: |
none |
for Wed., Oct. 16: |
none |
for Mon., Oct. 14: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 366-78 |
for Fri., Oct. 11: |
none |
for Wed., Oct. 9: |
none |
for Mon., Oct. 7: |
handout on elite divers |
for Fri., Oct. 4: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 301-25 |
for Wed., Oct. 2: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 25-36 |
for Mon., Sept. 30: |
none |
for Fri., Sept. 27: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp.
5-25; handout |
for Wed., Sept. 25: |
none |
for Mon., Sept. 23: |
none |
for Fri., Sept. 20: |
none |
for Wed., Sept. 18: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 91-115 |
for Mon., Sept. 16: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 78-87 |
for Fri., Sept. 13: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 65-78 |
for Wed., Sept. 11: |
none |
for Mon., Sept. 9: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 192-200, 218-22 |
for Fri., Sept. 6: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 169-78 |
for Wed., Sept. 4: |
Schmidt-Nielsen, pp. 1-2 |