
Our group:

Lynn McMurdie (obviously!!)


Joe Finlon (on right with blue shirt). Expert on cloud microphysics and winter storms. Post Doctoral scientist working with me on IMPACTS. Joined our group in August 2019. Also pictured (from left): Andrew DeLaFrance (see below), Valeria Garcia (new student starting Fall 2022), myself and Joe.


Andrew DeLaFrance – Graduate student who started Fall 2018 working with Prof. Angela Rowe and I on OLYMPEX data.


Victoria McDonald – Graduate student started Fall 2019 working with me on IMPACTS. Shown here in front of the P-3 aircraft during IMPACTS 2020. Studied velocity azimuth display data from the EXRAD radar on the ER-2 using IMPACTS 2020 data.  Graduated with Master’s July 2022.


Clayton Sasaki – Graduate student (Fall 2018) and already has traveled to Argentina to participate in RELAMPAGO, investigating severe convection. Pictured here (left) with Kristen Rasmussen (Right, Asst. Prof CSU) and her student Zach Bruick (middle) and Angela (standing).

Joe Zagrodnik –  Although he graduated 15 March 2019, he’s still part of my group in my heart! Willing to hike long distances to fix rain gauges and disdrometers, python guru, weather junkie and star forecaster.  Currently a postdoctoral scientist at Washington State University. Read his blog on NW weather: