5 Selecting on Spot Count

Once you have an estimate for the heritability of spot count in your Left Field population, go back to the Analyze Populations tab in the Analyses pane. Make a note of the mean spot count for the Left Field ladybugs. The mean appears below the graph, and it is indicated by a white dot on the horizontal axis of the histogram.

Before you go any further, note the mean spot count of your Left Field population.
Before you go any further, note the mean spot count of your Left Field population.

Record the mean of your Left Field population on your copy of the Bugsville worksheet:

Write the mean spot count for the Left Field population in the highlighted space.
Write the mean spot count for the Left Field population in the highlighted space.

Now you can perform a mass selection experiment. Decide whether you will select for high spot count or low spot count. Move at least a dozen adult ladybugs with the desired spot counts to Right Field. Make sure they are touching each other, so that when you start the simulation running they will mate.

I have chosen to select parents with low spot count. You can select for either do the same or select for high spot count.
I have chosen to select parents with low spot count. You can select for either do the same or select for high spot count.

Before you start the simulation, make a note of the mean spot count in your newly-established Right Field population.

Write the mean spot count for your selected parents in Right Field in the highlighted space.
Write the mean spot count for your selected parents in Right Field in the highlighted space.