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Set the background absorbed dose rate (BGDR=)
XBRT: keyword (or sample input files)

    XBRT: BGDR={absorbed dose rate (Gy/hour)}
    XBRT: BGDR=1000         !1,000 Gy/hour  (inside a PWR containment vessel???)

Purpose: Set the instantaneous absorbed dose rate that arises from environmental sources of radiation (e.g., cosmic rays, -rays from the ground and buildings, radon, and 14C and 40K inside the human body).
Data Type:
Default: 0.0
Comments:  The average annual dose rate from background radiation in the U.S. is 3.0 mGy/year (NCRP 1987).  In other regions of the world, the dose rate from background radiation may vary as much as 10-fold (UNSCEAR 2000).  Dose rates of 1, 2 and 3 mGy/year correspond to dose rates of 1.1408E-07, 2.2815E-07, and 3.4223E-07 Gy/hour, respectively.


  • NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements). 1987. Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States. NCRP Report 93, Bethesda, MD.

  • UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation). 2000. Sources and effects of ionizing radiation, Vol. II: Effects. UNSCEAR 2000 Report to the General Assembly.

School of Health Sciences
Purdue University

Last updated: 10 June, 2011