Unit 86 Seattle Japanese Garden Docents

photo from the garden

DEC 6, 2024

Schedule of tours for 2024


Short-cut to sign up for daily guided tours This works most of the time but not always.

Instructions for using InitLive (now Bloomerang)

Photos of people who work in the Seattle Japanese Garden


December 13 (Friday) 1pm to 3pm in the Tateuchi room. A chance to walk through the garden which is closed to the public.


Link to main webpage of Japanese Garden Be sure to read the blogs!

Seattle Japanese Garden Community Blog. A website with a variety of things related to the Seattle Japanese Garden, somewhat out of date but there are still many interesting links and it's worth exploring.


photo of waterfall

Setting Stones and the Flow of Water
A pdf file of the introductory talk about Japanese Garden design and traditions

Map of the stone lanterns


A stroll though the first 50 years of the Seattle Japanese Garden movie file, 30 min

Rock Water Plant Garden Masters' Record

Diary of Juki Iida

A history of the Japanese Garden by Ken Sorrells

An article written by Juki Iida in 1974

Juki Iida Scroll (powerpoint presentation)

Report for the Landmarks Preservation Board, 2008. This has many references and historic photographs. Mostly description until page 10

Study of Landscape Space and Design Elements at Seattle Japanese Garden. K.Kobayashi, 2014

Legacy of the Japanese Garden of Seattle, K.Kobayashi,2003

Summer 2020 Arboretum Foundation Bulletin about 60th Anniversary

Agreement between City of Seattle and Arboretum Foundation in January 2023


photo of flags

A timeline of historical events related to Japanese Gardens

Japanese History and Culture related to gardens

Japanese Cultural Events, Keiko Minami-Page

Japanese words used in the garden

Dream Windows, a Smithsonian documentary about gardens in Japan (YouTube)

Tea Ceremony

Talk about mizuhiki by Susan Ralph in November 2024. pdf file


Some special Maple Trees for October 2024, from the Plant Committee

Notes from the Plant committee continuing eduction class in the fall of 2024

Bloom list

Check out the wonderful new page by the Plant CommitteeThere are descriptions of MAPLES, FERNS, CAMELLIAS and RHODODENDRONS.

Blogs on the Garden website about plants

Materials about plants (restricted access to Unit 86 members)


Coloring outside the guide lines by Iain Robertson

A Designers Introduction by Iain Robertson

image of garden A movie of Iain Robertson's Scroll

A tour by Peter Putnicki, head gardener

Tour by Jesse Hiraoka with sketches by Louise Kikuchi

An Appreciation of the Japanese Garden, Barbara Engram, 2009

The 'classic' tour by Ellen Widmayer in 1992

Tours with children, Tai Shinohara

A tour of the garden (Youtube) Docent Peggy Garber presents her garden tour. There are 12 segments.

A summary of tour topics by Steve and Peggy Garber


NEW DESIGNS for the garden structure

Note that this is a large file with many images and may take a few minutes to download.

photo of new pavilion
Model of the planned pavilion


peace logo

Green Legacy Hiroshima(link)

Our Hibaku-jumoku trees(powerpoint)

Explanation of logo

Koi and Wildlife

Wildlife in the Garden, Timothy Grendon

Koi and the Pond, Karen Hemmeter

Some references provided by Anne Potter:
Reference book: Koi Varieties. Japanese Colored Card-Nishikigoi Dr. Herbert Axelrod, 1988
Links to websites about koi
Champion koi. Good pictures of varieties
Pan Intercorp, a local vendor from Kenmore, WA
A blog about koi legends
Washington Koi and Water Garden Society webpage
Ideal parameters for pond water