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M-TH, 12:00-2:10
More 225

K. Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A305
MW, 11:00-11:50
and by appointment

Page last updated


Please submit essays on 8.5" by 11" paper, titled, paginated, typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins.  In the upper left hand corner of the first page, include your name, the course number, the assignment, and the due date; this information should be single-spaced.  You may use a 10- or 12-point Arial, Bookman, Century Schoolbook, or Times New Roman font for your papers.  If you cite sources, please use MLA format.  You may submit essays in hard copy or via the course E-submit tool.   

Late essays will receive a 10-point deduction per day late, including weekends. I will not accept Essay 2 responses submitted after the last week of the term.  I will make exceptions to the lateness policy only in cases of documented illness or family emergency.

Follow the links below for more information on essay assignments.

Essay 1
Essay 2