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M-TH, 12:00-2:10
More 225

K. Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A305
MW, 11:00-11:50
and by appointment

Page last updated


Week1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Date Activity Reading Due
6/23 Course introduction

Screening: The Blot (Weber, 1921) 
  Posting on The Blot due by 10:00 p.m.
6/24 Screening: How Men Propose (Weber, 1913) and Matrimony’s Speed Limit (Guy Blachè, 1913)

Discuss films of Alice Guy Blaché and Lois Weber
Giannetti, 1-22; Parchesky, “Lois Weber’s The Blot,” 1-26 (P) Optional response posting due by 10:00 p.m.

Screening and discussion: Christopher Strong (Arzner, 1933) Giannetti, 43-65, 311-332 Posting on Christopher Strong due by 10:00 p.m.
6/26 Discuss Christopher Strong Johnston, “Dorothy Arzner: Critical Strategies,” 27-31 (P); Mayne, “Odd Couples,” 32-37 (P)  

    Take-home midterm due by noon in hard copy at Padelford A305 or via E-Submit
6/30 Screening and discussion: Maedchen in Uniform (Sagan, 1931)
Giannetti, 66-89 Posting on Maedchen in Uniform due by 10:00 p.m.
7/1 Discuss Maedchen in Uniform

Student Presentations
Rich, “From Repressive Tolerance to Erotic Liberation,” 38-56 (P) Student Presentations
7/2 Screening and discussion: Not Wanted (Lupino, 1949) Giannetti, 333-361, 393-405 Posting on Not Wanted due by 10:00 p.m.

Screening: Meshes of the Afternoon (Deren, 1943)

Discuss Not Wanted and Meshes of the Afternoon

Student Presentations
Waldman, “Not Wanted,” 57-70 (P); Rabinovitz, “Maya Deren and an American Avant-garde Cinema,” 71-82 (P) Student Presentations

Optional response posting due by 10:00 p.m.
Screening and discussion:  Marianne and Juliane (Von Trotta, 1981)
Giannetti, 133-154, 168-180  Posting on Marianne and Juliane due by 10:00 p.m. 
Discuss Marianne and Juliane

Student Presentations
Linville, “Retrieving History,” 83-95 (P) Student Presentations
Screening and discussion: Cléo de 5 à 7   (Varda, 1962)   Giannetti, 112-132
Posting on Cléo de 5 à 7 due by 10:00 p.m. 
Discuss Cléo de 5 à 7

Student Presentations
Flitterman-Lewis, “From Déesse to Idée,” 96-104 (P) Student Presentations 


Essay 1 due by noon in hard copy at Padelford A305 or via E-Submit
Screening and discussion: Blue Steel (Bigelow,1990) 
Posting on Blue Steel due by 10:00 p.m.
Discuss Blue Steel  and women in Hollywood
Kaplan, “Dirty Harriet/Blue Steel,” 105-115 (P)   
Screening and discussion:The Watermelon Woman (Dunye, 1996)  Sullivan, “Chasing Fae,” 116-128 (P)   Posting on The Watermelon Woman  due by 10:00 p.m.
Screening: Illusions (Dash, 1982)

Discuss Illusions and The Watermelon Woman
Giannetti, 207-226; hooks, “The Oppositional Gaze,” 129-142 (P); Foster, “Julie Dash,” 143-145 (P) Optional response posting due by 10:00 p.m.


Screen on own: Boys Don’t Cry (Peirce, 1999)   
Postings on Boys Don't Cry  and film connections due by 10:00 p.m. on 7/20
Discuss Boys Don't Cry

Course wrap-up and evaluation
The Boys Don’t Cry Debate:  Aaron, “Pass/Fail,” 146-150 (P); Pidduck, “Risk and Queer Spectatorship,” 151-156 (P); White, “Girls Still Cry,” 157-161 (P); Halberstam, “The Transgender Gaze in Boys Don’t Cry,” 162-166 (P)  
Class cancelled for essay conferences   


Class cancelled
Essay 2 due by noon in hard copy at Padelford A305 or via E-Submit