
This page includes links to profiles of course directors, discussions of women's cinema and class films, materials
on film research, sites on film terminology, guidelines on writing about film, resources for women in the film industry, and
information on the Seattle film scene.
When you follow the links, the Web sites will open in a new browser
window. To return to this page, simply close the new browser window.
Course Directors
Arzner | Bigelow | Dash | Deren | Dunye | Lupino | Varda | von Trotta | Weber
Dorothy Arzner
- Dorothy Arzner
Arzner profile from the Arts and Culture Network; includes links to
other resources.
- Senses of Cinema Dorothy Arzner Page
Part of Senses of Cinema Great Director Database, Theresa Geller's
entry offers an analysis of Arzner, her films, and feminist assessment
of her work. The entry also includes a filmography, bibliography,
and links to additional resources.
[Director List] [Top]
Kathryn Bigelow
- Kathryn Bigelow Fan Page
Fan web site contains links to a large collection of newspaper and
magazine interviews with Bigelow and reviews of her films; pictures of
Bigelow; announcements of recent Bigelow news; and a page of links to
other web sites.
- Playback
colleague Steve Shaviro's piece on Bigelow's Strange
[Director List] [Top]
Julie Dash
[Director List] [Top]
Cheryl Dunye
- Cheryl Dunye Biography
From the Black Cultural Studies web site, a brief discussion of Dunye's
- Cheryl Dunye Interview
From the Black Cultural Studies web site, an interview with Dunye about
making The Watermelon Woman, the controversy over the film, and
the issue of building a visual culture based on black lesbian
- Janine
and She Don't Fade
Dunye's article in Felix about making films and
developing a black lesbian cinematic voice.
- Stranger
Baby Productions
Web site for Dunye's production company features a biography and
information on her past and current projects, as well as those of other
female film and video artists. Stranger Baby "seeks to locate and
encourage the work of mediamakers wherever they may be working and
growing," so go ahead and submit a proposal.
[Director List] [Top]
Maya Deren
- Maya Deren, Dance, and Gestural Encounters in Ritual in Transfigured Time
of Cinema essay exploring the influence of dance on Deren’s
cinematic aesthetic.
- Maya Deren
international forum for those interested in Deren and her work, the site
notes, a filmography, a brief discussion of Deren’s “choreocinema,” and summaries of new
Deren books, videos, and DVDs.
- Maya Deren: High Priestess of Experimental Cinema
From the Senses of Cinema Great Directors Database, Wendy Haslem's
article provides a critical assessment of Deren's work, a filmography,
bibliography of books on Deren, and links to Web resources.
- Meshes of the Afternoon
A short essay on the film.
[Director List] [Top]
Ida Lupino
- Both Sides of the Screen
of Lupino’s directorial career and her Emerald/Filmakers films, with
some attention to common themes.
- Golden
Years Lupino Page
Links to Lupino biographies, filmographies and web sites, articles and
books on Lupino, reviews of her films, a listing of her awards, and a
gallery of Lupino photos.
- Ida Lupino: Queen of the 'B's
online journal Images, a short piece on Lupino’s work that
examines commonalities in Not Wanted, The Bigamist, and The
- South
of the Chocolate Mountains
from Bright Lights online film journal that questions auteurist
interpretations of Lupino’s work in an analysis of The Hitch-Hiker.
[Director List] [Top]
- Discovering Agnes Varda
Helen Carter's critical review of Varda's work; page includes
filmography, bibliography of books and article on Varda, and links to
Web resources.
[Director List] [Top]
Margarethe von Trotta
- Margarethe von Trotta
Ben Andac's biography and critical assessment of von Trotta's films;
page includes filmography, bibliography of books and article on von
Trotta, and links to Web resources.
[Director List] [Top]
Lois Weber
- Lois
Biography of Weber from Ally Acker's Reel
Women: Pioneers of the Cinema.
[Director List] [Top]
Women's Cinema and Course Films
- Critical Writing Online
Papers by students at Queen's University Film Studies
program, including a paper that addresses Boy's Don't Cry, a
meditation on queer cinema that discusses Arzner and Sagan, and an
analysis of how cinema represented working women in the pre- and
post-WWII era.
- Christopher Strong
Short analysis of Cynthia's character written for a Wellesley course on
strong women.
- Feminist Film Theory
Anneke Smelik's comprehensive essay on the history of feminist film
theory, with references to key theorists, books, and articles.
- Geechee Girls
Official site for Julie Dash's Daughters of the Dust contains a
review of the film, audio and video clips, Dash's discussion of her
influences, and background on Gullah and the sea islands.
- Reel
Women Productions
Site for Ally Acker's production company features "Reel Remarkable
Stories" page with profiles of Alice Guy Blache, Lois Weber, Ida Lupino,
Jodie Foster, and Euzhan Palcy. Acker produced a series of videos
on women filmmakers and authored the book Reel Women: Pioneers of
the Cinema.
- Sisters in
Filmmaker and scholar Yvonne Welbon's site for and about African
American women filmmakers. The "Films" link contains a timeline of
feature films directed by African American women and a list of film,
video, and multimedia produced by African American lesbians.
- The Status of Contemporary Women Filmmakers
Essay by Dr. Katrien Jacobs speculating on women's contributions to
cinema beyond the year 2000 and discussing the intersection between
feminist film theory and women directors' filmmaking practices.
- Where Are the Female Directors?
Salon.com article on the dearth of women in the film industry, with
quotes from directors Martha Coolidge, Mira Nair, Nora Ephron, Mary
Harron, Allison Anders, and Christine Choy (who is incorrectly called
"Christina Choy" in the article).
- Women's Studies Database Film Reviews
Part of the women's studies database at the University of Maryland, the
site features feminist film reviews of several course films as well as
other films made by women directors.
- A World Ruled by Hilarity: Gender and Low Comedy in
the Films of Amy Heckerling
Leslie Speed argues that "while [Amy Heckerling's] films exemplify
Hollywood's tendency to absorb and de-politicise feminist values,
Heckerling's career also reflects the role of contemporary female film
directors in expanding teen film and low comedy beyond their
traditional masculine preoccupations."
Film Research
- AFI Online
Site of the American Film Institute.- American
Studies Web
An essential Internet research tool for American Studies
scholars. The site has numerous links to sources on American literature,
history, art, material culture (including film), gender studies,
performing arts, religion and psychology, legal studies, race and
ethnicity, economics, politics and social sciences.- Cinemedia
"The Internet's largest film and media directory," Cinemedia
contains links to resources on cinema, directors, organizations,
networks, actors, particular films, and research. Browse the
categories to view Cinemedia's 25,000+ links.- English Server
Links to multiple resources in the humanities and social
- Feminism
in the United States
Bibliography of sources on various aspects of feminism. Although
film is not included, the section on aesthetics, history, and politics
are useful, as are the links to sources on African American feminism and
specific feminist scholars.
- Film History
Decade-by-decade overview of historical events, industrial shifts, and
emerging genres, with listing of key films from each year of a
particular decade.
- Hollywood and Society
Essay by Douglas Kellner that explores the film-society
connection from the silent period to the contemporary era.- Internet Movie Database
Searchable index of over 125,000 films. Contains links
to biographies of directors, screenwriters, producers and actors;
commentaries on individual films; and links to popular film reviews.- Movie Review Query
Use the query engine to search for Web reviews of particular
films.- Library of Congress Internet Resources Page
Links to U.S. and international research sites on film and
- Research
This page defines primary and secondary sources,
describes the information cycle and offers tips on how to construct
search statements, select databases and evaluate sources.
- UCLA Arts Library Selected Internet Sources on Film
Links to sites on directors, actors, studios, unions,
electronic journals, film research, festivals, movie reviews, searchable
databases, and internet guides to film.- UW Libraries Cinema Studies Research Site
Authored by a cinema studies librarian, the site has
information on finding cinema studies resources in the UW libraries and
links to electronic journals and cinema studies resources on the Web.
- Women in Cinema: A Reference Guide
Philip McEldowney's comprehensive guide to
bibliographies, articles, books, special collections, and electronic
resources on women in cinema. McEldowney's page contains a useful
review essay outlining the history of scholarly approaches to women and
- Women
in Film and Television: A Bibliography of Materials
From the Media Resource Center at U.C. Berkeley, a bibliography of
texts on women, gender, and representation in film and television.
The site includes an annotated bibliography of articles on Julie
Film Terminology
- Film
Sound Design
Site dedicated to film sound includes extensive glossaries
of several scholars' descriptions of sound terminology, introductory
articles on film sound and the soundtrack, other online articles, and
links to sites on film, sound, and film sound.
- Glossary of Film Terms
Part of Dartmouth's page on writing about film, the
glossary defines key film terms, from "accelerated motion" to "zoom."
(Study of Film as Internet Application)
Click on "Camera," "Genre," "Editing," "Story," and "Form"
for extended definitions and discussion of cinematic terms. The
site contains material on technical aspects of filmmaking, discussions
of genres and arguments regarding the relationship between film and
society. Also contains book reviews, an essay gallery of works on
film and film theory, and links to material on Hollywood film studios,
critical theory and writing.- Reading
a Film Sequence
A short guide on how to to read the text and context of a
film. The page has excellent questions to guide students in their
analysis of narrative, staging, cinematography, editing and sound.
Writing About Film
- Citing Film, Video, and Online Media
Information on how to correctly document citations of
film, video and online media materials.
- Dartmouth's Writing About Film Page
Detailed web site explains expectations for film papers; defines types
of papers written for film classes (formal, historical, ideological,
cultural studies, auteurist); describes useful strategies for taking
film notes, annotating shot sequences, and questioning the film's
contexts; provides writing tips; and includes an extensive glossary of
film terms.
- GMU Writing Center's "Writing About Film" Page
George Mason's step-by-step guide to writing film
- Plagiarism Discussed
A Purdue Online Writing Lab handout on what can
constitute plagiarism, with information on when and when not to cite
- MLA Citation Guide
This site not only reviews MLA guidelines for
formatting papers, composing a works cited list, and citing books,
articles, and electronic sources within your text.- Thinking Critically about Discipline-Based Web Resources
Authored by UCLA librarian Esther Grassian, this page
offers criteria for evaluating discipline-based world wide web
sites. Writers can use Grassian's list to help them decide whether
a particular web source is appropiate for an academic research paper.
Women in the Film Industry
- BFI Women in Film and TV Gateway
British Film Institute's page of links to resources for women in the
film and television industry in Europe and the United States.
- Mama Africa
A project that brought African women directors together to create six
short films highlighting the complexity of Africa and African women.
- Movies Directed by Women
This organization began with director Allison Anders 50/50 summit.
MDW strives to increase women's representation in the film
industry and to build awareness of women's history in the industry.
Be sure to view the statistics on women directors and Cari
Beauchamp's article, "The Woman Behind the Camera in Early Hollywood."
- Stranger
Baby Productions
Production company owned by filmmaker Cheryl Dunye, Stranger Baby "seeks to locate and
encourage the work of mediamakers wherever they may be working and
- Women in Film
An organization dedicated
to assisting women in the film and television industry.
- Women Make Movies
Make Movies is a multicultural, multiracial, non-profit media arts
organization which facilitates the production, promotion, distribution
and exhibition of independent films and videotapes by and about women."
WMM distributes selected films of course directors Julie Dash, Maya
Deren, Su Friedrich, and Barbara Hammer. Do not miss WMM's
extensive page of links to bibliographies, feminist film
theory, filmographies, and other resources on women in film.
Seattle Film Scene
- Cinema
Sponsors of Seattle International Film festival, the
Screenwriter's Forum, and The Talking Pictures series. - Northwest
Film Forum
An organization supporting local film, Northwest Film
Forum operates The Little Theater, the Grand Illusion, and Wigglyworld
Studios. NFF also curates various Seattle film programs.- 911 Media Arts Center
911 seeks to increase community participation in the
media through education programs, equipment access, screenings, and Web-based
film distribution.- Seattle
Film Institute
Seattle Film Institute concentrates on film, offering
courses in Super 8, 16 mm, sync sound, screenwriting, and the language
of film.
- Three-Dollar Bill Cinema
Sponsor of the Seattle Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
and other events, including The Sound of Music Sing-a-Long.- Wiggly
World Studios
As the Web page states, "WigglyWorld Studios provides
a wealth of material, financial and human resources for local
filmmakers, including production and post-production equipment,
workshops, guest lectures and open screenings."