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M-TH, 12:00-2:10
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K. Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A305
MW, 11:00-11:50
and by appointment

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All course films are on reserve at the Odegaard Media Library.  Film titles followed by an asterisk are available compilation tapes or DVDs.  While you may not check out reserve films, you may view them at the Media Library. 
All links go to the Internet Movie Database page on the linked film or director.
  • Giannetti, Louis.  Understanding Movies.  9th ed.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002.
  • Gillis-Bridges, Kimberlee.  Reading Packet for English 345.  Available at Professional Copy N’ Print on the northeast corner of 42nd and University.
  • Available for checkout from Kimberlee:  Kolker, Robert.  Film, Form, and Culture (CD-ROM)
Reserve Texts

I have placed a sizeable collection of books on three-day reserve at Odegaard Undergraduate Library.  These books should prove valuable if you wish to seek additional information on course directors, films, or women in cinema.