

Screening: MW, 12:30-2:50
Class: TTh, 12:30-1:50
Room: Thompson 101

Claudia Gorbman
Padelford A-504
Hours: W, 10:30-12:30

Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A-16
Hours: TTh, 11:30-12:30

Last Updated: 5/3/00
Comments or queries



Week I   March 27 – March 30

  • Topics:  Introduction; traditions of comedy, sight gags and slapstick; Chaplin and  Keaton
  • Films:  Early comic shorts (1895-1915) Sherlock Jr. (Keaton, 1924), Kid Auto Races at Venice (Chaplin, 1914), The Pawnshop (Chaplin, 1916), excerpts from The Gold Rush (Chaplin, 1925) and Modern Times (Chaplin, 1936)
  • Reading: Belton, “American Comedy”
  • Due: Response due Wednesday March 29
Week II   April 3 - April 6
  • Topics: The silent clowns; Keaton, Lloyd
  • Films: The General (Keaton, 1927),  Safety Last (Lloyd, 1923)
  • Reading: Carroll, “Notes on the Sight Gag”' Robinson, “Comedy”
  • Due: Response due Wednesday April 5

Week III   April 10 – April 13

  • Topics: Early sound comedy; dialogue, the voice, and physical comedy; pre-Code comedians: WC Fields, Marx Brothers, and Mae West
  • Films: The Dentist (1932) and/or The Barber Shop (1933), excerpt from I’m No Angel (Ruggles, 1933), Duck Soup (McCarey, 1933)
  • Reading:  Mast, “The Clown Tradition”
  • Due: Draft of paper #1 due April 14
Week IV   April 17 – April 20
  • Topics: The Production Code; Screwball comedy; Bergson’s theories of the comic
  • Films: Bringing up Baby (Hawks, 1938), It Happened One Night (Capra, 1934)
  • Reading: The Production Code; Bergson, from Laughter
Week V    April 24 – April 27
  • Topic: Director:  Preston Sturges
  • Films: Sullivan’s Travels (Sturges, 1942),  The Lady Eve (Sturges, 1941)
  • Reading:  Levowitz, “Smiles and Laughter: Neurologic, Developmental, andPsychodynamic Considerations”
  • Due: Final version of paper #1 due April 24
Week VI   May 1 – May 4
  • Topics: Director:  Billy Wilder; Chuckling in Vienna: Freud on jokes, humor, and the comic
  • Films: Some Like It Hot (Wilder, 1959),  Annie Hall  (Allen, 1977)
  • Reading: Grotjahn, “Sigmund Freud and the Psychoanalysis of Jokes”
  • Test: Midterm  May 2
  • Due: Response due May 4
Week VII   May 8 – May 11
  • Topic: Director: Woody Allen
  • Special Performance: Won Israel appears May 8
  • Film: Bullets Over Broadway  (Allen, 1994)
  • Reading:  Yacowar, “Annie Hall”
  • Due: Response due May 10
Week VIII   May 15 – May 18
  • Topic: Comedian comedy in the 80s and 90s; Steve Martin, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams
  • Films: All of Me (Reiner, 1984), Mrs. Doubtfire (Columbus, 1993), excerpts from Carrey films 
  • Reading:  Freud, from Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
  • Due:  First draft of paper #2 due May 19
Week IX    May 22 – May 25
  • Topic: Postmodern comedy
  • FilmBeing John Malkovitch
  • Reading: TBA
Week X   May 30 – June 1  (Note: no class Memorial Day holiday, Monday May 29)
  • Topic:  Limits of comedy?  The Holocaust
  • Films: Life Is Beautiful (Benigni, 1998); excerpts from The Great Dictator (Chaplin, 1940), To Be or Not To Be (Lubitsch, 1942), and To Be or Not To Be (A. Johnson/Mel Brooks, 1983)
  • Reading: Viano, “Life Is Beautiful: Reception, Allegory, and Holocaust Laughter”
  • Due: Final version of paper #2 due May 31
Final Examination:   Thursday June 8, 8:30-10:20 a.m.
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