MW, 12:30-2:50
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Course Grades Grades in the course will be computed as follows: Participation, weekly
responses, and conference attendance: 10%
Response Grades Responses will be graded on honest effort, quality of ideas, and engaged responses to the assigned topics. The default grade on response essays is a check. Exceptional entries will receive a check-plus; insufficient entries will be marked check-minus. No late papers (without a documented medical excuse) will be accepted; failure to submit assignments on time will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Essay Grades Follow the links to grading criteria for each essay: Failure to submit a draft will bring a reduction of .5 in the paper grade, as will failure to show up for the conference; .5 will be deducted for each day a final draft is late, including weekends and holidays.Completion Policy Students must turn in all papers and complete both exams in order to pass the course. Plagiarism Policy While students are encouraged to discuss ideas
with one another, you need to compose your papers and responses alone.
If papers or responses include the ideas or words of another writer—whether
of a published scholar or another member of the class—then you must cite
those words or ideas. Failure to attribute clearly any material borrowed
from other writers may lead to a failing grade on the assignment or in
the course. For more information on how to avoid plagiarism, click