MW, 12:30-2:50
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Response Assignment One: The Function of American Film Comedy Length:
One page
Assignment Develop a one-page response to the following question, citing specific details from the reading and films to illustrate your points: According to Belton, what is the function of American film comedy? Explain how one or two of the films we have seen in their entirety (The Pawnshop, Kid Auto Races at Venice, and Sherlock Jr.) exhibit the themes and structures Belton identifies. Although Belton discusses Keaton's and Chaplin's films, you should base your response on your own viewing of the films. Instructions for Email Submission 1) After you have completed your response, save your document and choose "Edit--Select All" from the top menu bar. 2) Choose "Edit--Copy" from the top menu bar. 3) Minimize or exit your word processing program. If you exit, you may see a box that asks if you want to save the copied text to the large clipboard. Click "Yes." 4) Open your Email program and choose "Compose." 5) Click in the body of the message, choose "Edit--Paste," and your response will appear. The Golden Rules 1) Do not send attachments; we may not be able to open them. 2) Send your response to both Professors Gorbman and Gillis-Bridges. 3) Send your response
to yourself so that you have a time-marked copy.