- Bimonthly SST anomalies from Ragu model
- Bimonthly SST anomalies from Chen/Kessler model
- Mean and RMS of Z20 from exp-82
- Amplitude and Phase of Z20 from exp-82
- Bimonthly Z20 from exp-16.ragu
- Bimonthly Z20 from exp-82.mambo
- Bimonthly Z20 anomalies from exp-16.ragu
- Bimonthly Z20 anomalies from exp-82.mambo
- Quarterly "Z20" from Zuojun's model (thickness of 2 upper layers)
- Quarterly Z20 from Exp-82 Anomalies
- Compare G/C model and AOML XBT means: SST Z20 Z20 w mean zonal slope removed T(x,z) along 8.5°N
-> Comparisons along 9°N
- Observed (Reynolds) SST
- Model (exp-82) SST
- Model (exp-16r) SST
- Observed (AOML XBT) Z20
- Model (exp-82) Z20
- Model (exp-16r) Z20
-> Comparisons between the two models
- Zonal winds SW of CA
- Meridional winds SW of CA
- Vector winds SW of CA
- Rossby waves on a tilted coast: RW rays and phase (tilted coast WKB solution)