My name is Usman Khan, and while I’m technically from India, I don’t know if I’m really from India, having (thankfully) never lived there. I have a mixed background, raised partially in Saudi Arabia and in the US. I might be what you call culturally confused, since I feel like I’m from everywhere and nowhere.

I plan on majoring either in physics or electrical engineering, since my interests are in advanced physics and new technologies. Beyond that, I am also a writer at heart, and want to one day publish both fiction and nonfiction. I will shamelessly admit to wanting to write fantasy, since that’s what I like to read the most.
I took this class because I wanted to learn about leadership and about history and culture that I was very ignorant about. The current events taught me that oppression of Native people isn’t just something from the history books, but is a very real problem today that unfortunately rarely gets discussed.
I play basketball and volleyball, work out, and read often.