Kathalina Rose Hoffman

My name is Kathalina Hoffman, I am a senior at the University of Washington majoring in Nursing and American Indian Studies, with a minor in Dance. I am Kaigani Haida from the Haida Indian Tribe of Alaska, and a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Gáad Gáas hín uu díi kya’áang. Ga yáalaas gúusd uu díi k’wáalaagang. My Haida name is Gáad Gáas, I am from the Raven moiety, my clan is Yahkw ‘Jáanaas, and my crest is SGaan tśal tl’asdang (Double Finned Killer Whale).
My goal is to become a nurse and work for Indian Health Services across Indian country. In the meantime I’m enjoying my Indigenous community in Seattle! I strive to dive deeper into my cultures as a mixed race person (my dad is Native and my mom is from Nicaragua). I like to bead, and I draw elements from both of my tribes into my bead work, as well as some Latin inspiration. I’m currently working on learning my Haida language, Xáad kíl. I love the PNW, cute animals, and dancing!