2007 1-day workshop on the use of multivariate autoregressive models for analysis of community time series data. Ecological Society
Meetings, San Jose.
2006 Lecture and PopTools lab on Marine Mammal life-history modeling.
- Undergraduate level. In the lab, the students pretended they were on the 1989 Steller sea lion status review team and had to give a listing recommendation and rationale. Each team (5 students) wrote a 5 min Powerpoint presentation and gave it at the end of the 2 hr lab.
- The lab uses the free Excel plug-in PopTools developed by Greg Hood at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
- Lecture slides, PopTools lab, and Lab background
2005 1-day workshop on stochastic estimation for PVA problems. Ecological Society
Meetings, Montreal.
2001/2002 Graduate course on ecosystem management, Zoology Dept., University of Washington
- Review of the concept of ecosystem management versus its application in actual Ecosystem Management plans and projects
- Co-organized and co-lectured with D. Boersma, M. McClure, P. Kareiva
2000 Spatial Ecology, graduate course, Zoology Dept., University of Washington
- Course on the effect of spatial structure on population and community dynamics
- Lecture style course based on a course reader that I developed
1999, 1998 Ecology, Zoology Dept., University of Washington
- Undergraduate core course for majors
- Co-taught in 1999 with Eric Anderson: ecology was taught by a statistician and theoretician.
1998 10 wk graduate seminar on Metapopulation models, University of Washington
- Course on the population, community and genetic consequences of metapopulation structure
- Lecture and student presentation style course using “Metapopulation Biology” (I. Hanski, ed)
1998 10 wk graduate seminar on Metapopulation models, University of Washington
- Course on the population, community and genetic consequences of metapopulation structure
- Lecture and student presentation style course using “Metapopulation Biology” (I. Hanski, ed)
1996 6 wk graduate seminar on Cellular Automata models, Silwood Park, Imperial College, UK
- Series of lectures and student presentations