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Beyond Science
Current students and post-docs
- Dan Pendleton, Post-doctoral researcher, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Currently co-PI (with E. Holmes) on a NASA BIOCLIM project, Bowhead whale habitat use in response to Arctic climate change.
Previous students and post-docs
- Yasmin Lucero, NRC Post-doctoral fellow 2007-2011, Northwest Fisheries Science Center.
- Kevin See, PhD student, QERM Dept., UW. Currently a contractor for NOAA.
- Brice Semmens, NRC Post-doctoral fellow 2006-2010. Currently an assistant professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Brice also works in the Cayman Islands on Nassau grouper:
Grouper Moon project.
- Teresa Mongillo, masters student, School for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, UW. Currently working for NOAA Fisheries, NW Regional Office.
- Eric Ward, NRC post-doctoral fellow, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Currently, a federal research scientist at Northwest Fisheries Science Center.
- Donna Hauser, masters student, School for Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences. Currently a PhD student at the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences (UW page).
- Kim Parsons, NRC post-doctoral fellow, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Currently a research biologist with NMML's Cetacean Assessment Ecology Program (CAEP).
- John Sabo, NRC post-doctoral fellow, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Currently an associate professor at Arizona State University.
- Steven Viscido, NRC post-doctoral fellow, Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Currently an assistant professor at Winston-Salem State University.
- Guillaume Bal, NRC post-doctoral fellow, Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Currently the scientific secretary for the adaptive management of hunted species at Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.