Information for Midterm-2: In Class, Wednesday, November 12, 2008


There will be 3 questions, each with several parts. The exam will tell you the details of points on questions, but do not waste time worrying about it!
The reason for having several parts is to make it easier not harder: the parts take you through the steps, and enables partial credit to be more fairly assessed.

The exam will be on one page, and you will write solutions on blank paper to be provided. Please bring your preferred pencil/pen and eraser: if pencil, please make sure it is not too faint to read. I will try to avoid tedious arithmetic, but a calculator is strongly recommended.
NO cell phones may be used (as calculator or otherwise) during the exam..

Please be sure to write your name clearly on every sheet of paper handed in.
Please do NOT hand in the exam questions page, or the ``crib-sheet'' page of formulas etc.
If you have a small stapler handy, staple your pages, but if not it is OK, provided you label each page clearly with your name and the question number in the top right-hand corner.

Material to be covered:

This best way to know what may be covered is to review the notes for Week-1, Week-2, Week-3, Week-4, Week-5, Week-6, and Week-7. However, there will be no examples with probability densities for continuous random variables on this midterm.

The questions on the midterm will be like the Examples in the notes, and like the homework questions -- that is, more "problem" like than "theoretical". If you have done and understood the homeworks through homework-6 you should have no problem with the midterm.

The exam is closed-book. However, you will be provided with a brief summary of the main formulae we have covered for use in the Exam. In fact: here it is. It looks quite ``theoretical'', but the exam questions will be on understanding how to use these formulae, not on any proofs etc.

Note November 11 is a University Holiday: I will give an extra office hour 2:00 to 3.15 p.m. on Monday November 10.

Yanming Di: is a senior graduate student in the Statistics Department: he will proctor the midterm on November 12, as I am again out of town.