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brain awareness week

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a nationwide effort organized by the Dana Foundation and the Society for Neuroscience to promote the public and personal benefits of brain research. The official week for BAW was March 11-17, 2024, but any week is a good time to get involved.

The Brain Rocks: A New BAW Activity

To participate, all you have to do is find a rock and paint it with a drawing of a brain or a neuron. It would be great if you could add a few words such as "BAW 2024" or "Brain Awareness Week." Then put your brain rock outside and take a photo of it. Please do not include any people in your photos; just your brain rock.

Upload your photo by clicking on the small + in the circle at the bottom of the Brain Rocks Padlet. Here is an example brain rock:

For 2024 Brain Awareness Week, we will host a "Speakers Bureau" with University of Washington neuroscientists interested in discussing their work with students. Teachers can now request a neuroscientist to speak with their students.

"A Few Minutes With..." -- Dr. Eric Chudler interviews neuroscientists

More video interviews will be uploaded soon!

BAW Activities on the Neuroscience for Kids Web Site

Scheduled BAW Events Around Seattle, WA


BAW Events Around the USA/World

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