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bmreed – Page 3 – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington

Author: bmreed

Why Are They Round Not Square?

This weekend I’m at the American Literature Association annual conference in Washington, DC. I’m speaking as part of a roundtable on the modernist Hart Crane, then moderating a second roundtable on the poet. Tomorrow I’m on a roundtable about the new Cambridge History of American Poetry, for which I wrote the


I’m off to Portland for the annual conference of the American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS). On Saturday morning 4/26/14 I’ll be giving a paper titled “The Shine and the Shadow: John Tranter Re-Views John Ashbery” on a panel with John Beer and Kaplan Harris on the legacy of

Hear, Hear

You can now stream or download my lecture “Less is More: Contemporary Poems Composed Through Deletion,” which I gave in August 2012 at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Here’s how the talk was originally advertised: “Since the turn of the millennium, a number of poets have begun composing

Over on Tumblr . . .

I’m trying an experiment. I’ve started a Tumblr feed called “Professor Reed Recommends” where I post daily examples of or pointers to art, music, and literature that I wish I had known about back in my twenties and thirties. The imagined ideal audience is my niece and nephew.

See You at the MLA?

I’ve just received news that I’ve been elected to the Modern Language Association’s Poetry Division Executive Committee. It’s a five year term. So I’ll be helping to plan the division’s panels at the MLA conventions 2015-2019. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see featured at a future

Interviews Posted

The web site Critical Margins: Perspectives on Book Culture, Technology, and Reading in the Digital Age has posted an interview with me about my book Nobody’s Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics. The questions were tough ones: I ended up saying a lot more than I expected. Another interview, more of

New Book Released!

Nobody’s Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics is now available from Cornell University Press. Here’s how the poet-critic Michael Davidson describes the book: “The title of Nobody’s Business refers to the nose-thumbing qualities of all avant-garde practices and situates these gestures in a context of global economic crisis. Brian M. Reed addresses

New Bird Leaves the Nest

Announcing the publication of Modern American Poetry: Points of Access (Heidelberg: Winter, 2013), edited by Kornelia Freitag and myself, a collection of essays providing info and advice to teachers on the high school and college level who would like to start including poets from Emily Dickinson to Prageeta Sharma in

Canberra Here I Come

I’ve received exciting news: the Humanities Research Centre at Australian National University has selected me as a Visiting Fellow for 2014. I’ll be spending next July and August in Canberra, and I’ll be participating in workshops and other activities related to the HRC’s annual theme, “Now Showing: Cultures, Judgments, and

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