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CV – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington



050 Communications Building
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Office: (206) 543-5340
E-Mail: bmreed@uw.edu


Divisional Dean of the Humanities, University of Washington. 2018-present.

Chair of the Department of English, University of Washington. 2014-2018.


Milliman Endowed Chair in the Humanities, University of Washington. 2018-present.

Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Washington. 2014-present.

Professor of English, University of Washington. 2012-14.

Associate Professor of English, University of Washington. 2006-12.

Assistant Professor of English, University of Washington. 2000-06.


Slavic Department, University of Washington. 2006-present.

Program in the Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington. 2014-2019.


Ph.D., Stanford University, in English and American Literature. 1994-2000.

B.A., Oxford University, with first-class honours in Modern History. 1992-94.

A.B., Harvard University, summa cum laude in English and American Literature. 1988-92

Visiting Student, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, 1990.


Katz Distinguished Lecturer in the Humanities, University of Washington. 2018.

Elizabeth Agee Prize for excellence in American literary study, awarded for the manuscript of Phenomenal Reading: Essays in Modern and Contemporary Poetics. 2010.


Visiting Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University. 2014.

Fulbright Scholar, Federal Republic of Germany. 2009.

Rhodes Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University. 1992-94.


Co-Principal Investigator, “Next Generation Ph.D: The Department of English,” Next Generation Ph.D. Initiative ($13,600, Simpson Center for the Humanities), 2016.

Faculty Advisor Research Budget, Mellon Summer Fellowships for Public Projects in the Humanities ($750, Simpson Center for the Humanities), 2015.

Scholarship to attend the 2016 Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University of Victoria ($1,750, Simpson Center for the Humanities). 2015.

Co-Principal Investigator, “Affect and Audience in the Digital Age,” Crossdisciplinary Research Cluster Grant ($10,620, Simpson Center for the Humanities). 2015-16.

Co-Principal Investigator, “Affect and Audience in the Digital Age,” Crossdisciplinary Research Cluster Grant ($5,450, Simpson Center for the Humanities). 2014-15.

Scholarship to attend the 2014 Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University of Victoria ($1,350, Simpson Center for the Humanities). 2013.

University of Washington Royalty Research Scholar. 2002-03 and 2012-13.

Principal Investigator, “Affect and Audience in the Digital Age,” Colloquia and Conference Grant ($6,000, Simpson Center for the Humanities). 2013.

Society of Scholars, Simpson Center for the Humanities. 2005-06.



Nobody’s Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013. Reviewed in ALH Online Reviews, American Literature, Modern Language Quarterly, and Rocky Mountain Review.

Phenomenal Reading: Essays in Modern and Contemporary Poetics. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2012. Reviewed in American Literature and Modern Language Quarterly.

Hart Crane: After His Lights. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2006. Reviewed in American Literature, Bookforum, Foreign Literature Studies, Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Modern Language Quarterly, and Rocky Mountain Review.

Collections Edited:

Modern American Poetry: Points of Access. Co-edited with Kornelia Freitag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013. Reviewed in Anglia.

Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow. Co-edited with Nancy Perloff. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2003. Reviewed in Art Book, Ballast Quarterly Review, Leonardo Digital Reviews, and Slavic Review.

Essays and Articles:

“Another Dimension: Sweeney Reed’s Visual Poetics.” Antipodes 32.1-2 (2018): 195-208.

“Poet, Tree: Martin Harrison’s ‘Red Gum’.” Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 18.2 (2018). Web.

“’Feels Deeply / Cannot Understand’: John Ashbery, The Tennis Court Oath and Queer Affect.” Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 2.1 (June 2018): 1-7.

“Visual Poetry and the Poetics of Data Visualization.” Journal of English Language and Literature 63.4 (Fall 2017): 659-74.

“Setting a Poem: A. J. Carruthers’ ‘Music, After Michael Dransfield.’” Foreign Literature Studies 39.3 (June 2017): 7-15.

“Postdigital Global Literary History: On the Fourth Edition of The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.” Boundary 2 44.2 (May 2017): 213-39.

“Idea Eater: The Conceptual Lyric as an Emergent Literary Form.” Mosaic 49.2 (June 2016): 1-15.

“Stanisław Dróżdż: From Conceptual Poem to Concept-Shape.” Jacket2. University of Pennsylvania. 5 February 2016. Web.

“On Mary Ellen Solt’s ‘Forsythia.’” Coldfront. 9 November 2015. Web.

“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web.

“When Did Gertrude Stein Become a Poet?” International Journal of Poetry and Poetics 2.1 (April 2015): 25-34. Rpt. in Foreign Literature Studies 38.4 (August 2016): 101-08.

“Somewhere Bluebirds Fly: Jackson Mac Low Directs a Poetry Reading.” Amodern no. 4 (Spring 2015). Web.

“Null Appropriate: On the Untimeliness of the Avant-Garde.” Lana Turner no. 7 (2014): 315-19.

“Some Old Dream of Kinship: Christopher Brennan’s Poems (1913) and Modernism’s Place.” Lingua Humanitatis 15.3 (December 2013): 123-39.

“Becoming Marjorie Perloff.” Jacket2. Kelly Writers House, 8 November 2012. Web.

“In Other Words: Postmillennial Poetry and Redirected Language.” Contemporary Literature 52.4 (Winter 2011): 756-90.

“Lisa Robertson, Ezra Pound, and Preposterous Classicism.” Open Letter 14.5 (Spring 2011): 42-52.

“Mechanical Form and Twenty-First Century American Poetry.” Co-authored with Ping Guo. Foreign Literature Studies 32.2 (April 2010): 10-25.

“Hard Going: Resisting the Fantasy of Distance’s Irrelevance.” Hyperrhiz no.7 (Spring 2010). Web.

“Hand in Hand: Jasper Johns and Hart Crane.” Modernism/modernity 17.1 (January 2010): 21-45.

“Reginald Shepherd at Hart Crane’s Grave.” Callaloo 32.4 (Fall 2009): 1274-92.

“Grammar Trouble.” Boundary 2 36.3 (Fall 2009): 133-58.

“On the Style and Philosophy of Robert Frost’s ‘Nothing Gold Can Stay.’” Co-authored with Ping Guo. Foreign Literature Studies 30.4 (Fall 2008): 112-19.

“Modernist Ohio: Hart Crane and the Challenge of Akron.” Hiram Poetry Review no. 69 (Spring 2008): 47-62.

“Now Not Now: Gertrude Stein Speaks.” English Studies in Canada 33.4 (December 2007): 103-13.

“The Dark Room Collective and Post-Soul Poetics.” African American Review 41.4 (Winter 2007): 727-47.

“‘Lost Already Walking’: Caroline Bergvall’s ‘Via.’” Jacket no.34 (October 2007). Web.

“The Time Has Come to Talk of Queens: John Ashbery’s ‘Coma Berenices.’” The Seattle Review 1.1 (Summer 2007): 159-77.

“Carry on England: Tom Raworth’s ‘West Wind,’ Intuition, and Neo-Avant-Garde Poetics.” Contemporary Literature 47.2 (Summer 2006): 170-206.

“Locating Zaum: Mnatsakanova on Khlebnikov.” Jacket no. 27 (April 2005). Web.

“Carl Sandburg’s The People, Yes, Thirties Modernism, and the Problem of Bad Political Poetry.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 46.2 (Summer 2004): 181-212.

“‘Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web.

“Hart Crane’s Aberrant English.” Lingua Humanitatis (June 2003): 167- 92.

“‘Splice of Life’: Rosmarie Waldrop Renews Collage.” How2 no. 8 (Fall 2002). Web.

“The Baseness of Robert Grenier’s Visual Poetics.” Verdure no.3-4 (Winter-Spring 2001): 67-70.

“Hart Crane’s Victrola.” Modernism/modernity 7.1 (January 2000): 99-125.

“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in the Rock-Drill Cantos.” Paideuma 26 (Fall-Winter 1997): 111-21.

Book Chapters:

“Now That’s Poetry: Vito Acconci, Conceptual Writing, and Poetic Nominalism.” Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry, ed. Jeanne Heuving and Tyrone Williams. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2019. 192-224.

“Give Them What They Want: Populist Rhetoric in Conceptual Art and Writing.” Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art, ed. Andrea Andersson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. 152-67.

“Sherwin Bitsui’s Blank Dictionary: Navajo Poetics and Non-Indigenous Readers.” The Fate of Difficulty in the Poetry of Our Time, ed. Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 189-99.

“The Shine and the Shadow: John Tranter Re-Views John Ashbery.” Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry, ed. Kornelia Freitag. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015. 139-56.

“Introduction: How to Read.” Co-authored with Kornelia Freitag. Modern American Poetry: Points of Access. 7-15.

“Confessional Poetry: Staging the Self.” Modern American Poetry: Points of Access. 99-114.

“Land’s End and Periscope (Hart Crane).” Jasper Johns: Seeing with the Mind’s Eye. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2012. 94-98.

“Robert Duncan and Gertrude Stein from Writing Writing to Ground Work II.” (Re:)Working the Ground: Essays on the Late Writings of Robert Duncan, ed. James Maynard. New York: Palgrave, 2011. 169-92.

“‘Footprints of a Wild Ballet’: The Poem-Paintings of Frank O’Hara and Norman Bluhm.” Frank O’Hara Now: New Essays on the New York Poet, ed. Robert Hampson and Will Montgomery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010. 211-28.

“Visual Experiment and Oral Performance.” The Poetry of Sound/The Sound of Poetry, ed. Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009. 270-84.

“Tom Raworth Between Two Avant-Gardes: The British Poetry Revival and the New American Poetry.” Another Language: Poetic Experiment in Britain and North America, ed. Kornelia Freitag and Katharina Vester. Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2008. 161-71.

Contributions to Reference Works:

“The New York School.” The Cambridge History of American Poetry, eds. Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 844-68.

“Poetics, Western.” Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., ed. Roland Greene et al. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. 1058-64.

“Twentieth-century Poetry and the New York Art World.” A Concise Companion to Twentieth-century American Poetry, ed. Stephen Fredman. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. 113-34.

Entries for “Imaginary Letters,” “Patria Mia,” “Pavannes and Divisions,” “Poems 1918-1921,” and “Profile.” Ezra Pound Encyclopedia, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Stephen J. Adams. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood, 2005.

Other Writings:

“Glad to Greet You.” Commentary on Karl Haendel’s Mazel Tov Group, exhibited in the Viewpoints series at the Henry Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, May to October 2019.

“First Readings” [moderated online discussion of how to read modern poetry]. Co-edited with Craig Dworkin and Al Filreis. Jacket2. University of Pennsylvania. 2013-16. Web.

“Craig Dworkin and Brian Reed.” Interview. Affect and Audience in a Digital Age, ed. Amaranth Borsuk. N.p.: Essay Press, 2015. 1-16.

“Is You or Ain’t You My Poetry?” Jacket2. 5 January 2015. Web.

“Brian Reed’s Blog.” Arcade. Stanford University. 2009-14. Web.

“Interview with Brian M. Reed, Author of Nobody’s Business.” Critical Margins: Perspectives on Book Culture, Technology, and Reading in the Digital Age. 13 November 2013. Web.

“Brian Reed” [interview]. Evening Will Come no. 35 (November 2013). Web.

“Shakespeare Tweeted Daily” [Twitter-based conceptual writing project]. 2012-13. Web.

“The Gardens of Krakow.” The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature. Eds. Ben Segal and Erinrose Mager. New York: Cow Heavy Books, 2011. 19.

“Reflection on George Sterling’s ‘The Black Vulture.’” Episode Nine of Reflections West. Montana National Public Radio. 16 Nov. 2010.

“A Reader’s Guide to Hart Crane’s ‘Voyages.’” Poetry Foundation. September 2007. Web.

“Queer I-Love-You’s.” Poetry Foundation. February 2007. Web.

“Stein Times Nine” [e-poem]. Cauldron and Net no. 4 (Fall 2002).


Rev. of Wallace Stevens Among Others: Diva-Dames, Deleuze, and American Culture by David R. Jarraway. Wallace Stevens Journal 40.1 (Spring 2016): 96-97.

Rev. of Among the Nightmare Fighters: American Poets of World War II by Diederik Oostdijk. William Carlos Williams Review 31.1 (Spring 2014): 88-92.

“Chances of Rhyme.” Rev. of A Common Strangeness: Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Comparative Literature by Jacob Edmond. Contemporary Literature 54.1 (Spring 2013): 175-82.

“One Ireland, Plus At Least Six Great Britains.” Rev. of Taller When Prone by Les Murray and Activist Poetics: Anarchy in the Avon Valley by John Kinsella. Los Angeles Review of Books. 22 February 2012. Web.

Rev. of Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic by Sandra M. Gustafson. Review 19. February 2012. Web.

Rev. of Greensward by Cole Swensen. Chicago Review 56.2-3 (Fall 2011): 209-13.

“Textbook Uncreative Writing.” Rev. of Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, eds. Kenneth Goldsmith and Craig Dworkin. American Book Review 32.4 (May-June 2011): 5-6.

Rev. of A Change in the Weather by Geoffrey Jacques, Rhythm and Race in Modernist Poetry and Science by Michael Golston, and The Shadow and the Act by Walton M. Muyumba. American Literature 83.1 (March 2011): 208-10.

“Let’s Hear It for the Boys.” Rev. of Laureates and Heretics: Six American Poets by Robert Archambeau. Contemporary Literature 51.3 (Fall 2010): 629-35.

Rev. of Language and the Renewal of Society in Walt Whitman, Laura (Riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson: The American Cratylus by Carla Billitteri. Review 19. September 2009. Web.

Rev. of Beyond Maximus by Anne Day Dewey, A Vocabulary of Thinking by Deborah Mix, Women, the New York School, and Other Abstractions by Maggie Nelson, and John Ashbery and You by John Emil Vincent. American Literature 80.3 (September 2008): 617-20.

Rev. of Rita Dove’s Cosmopolitanism by Malin Pereira. African American Review 41.3 (Fall 2007): 590-92.

“She Follows Them How Else? By Flying.” Rev. of A History of Twentieth-Century British Women’s Poetry by Jane Dowson and Alice Entwistle. Contemporary Literature 48.3 (Fall 2007): 460-67.

Rev. of Distant Reading: Performance, Readership, and Consumption in Contemporary Poetry by Peter Middleton. Modern Language Quarterly 68.4 (December 2007): 586-89.

Rev. of The Geometry of Modernism: The Vorticist Idiom in Lewis, Pound, H.D., and Yeats by Miranda B. Hickman. Modernism/modernity 14.2 (April 2007): 365-67.

Rev. of Ugly Feelings by Sianne Ngai, Integral Music by Aldon Lynn Nielsen, A Poetics of Impasse by Susan Schulz, and Expressionism and Modernism in American Theatre by Jane Walker. American Literature 79.1 (March 2007): 216-19.

Rev. of Poetry After Auschwitz: Remembering What One Never Knew by Susan Gubar. Modern Language Quarterly 67.3 (September 2006): 411-16.

“When All the Pieces Fail to Fit: The Puzzle of the Postmodern Long Poem.” Rev. of The Obligation toward the Difficult Whole: Postmodernist Long Poems by Brian McHale. Contemporary Literature 46.2 (Summer 2005): 340-45.

Rev. of Modern Enchantments: The Cultural Power of Secular Magic by Simon During. Modern Language Quarterly 65.4 (December 2004): 605-08.

Rev. of Death’s Jest Book by Thomas Lovell Beddoes. 2003 ed. of 1850 MS. Ed. Alan Halsey. The Gig no. 17 (October 2004): 55-56.

Rev. of Literary Modernism and Musical Aesthetics: Pater, Pound, Joyce, and Stein by Brad Bucknell. English Studies in Canada 30.3 (September 2004): 192-96.

Rev. of Untwisting the Serpent: Modernism in Literature, Music, and Other Arts by Daniel Albright. Modern Language Quarterly 63.1 (March 2002): 130-33.

“Let Sounds Be Themselves.” Rev. of Wireless Imagination, eds. Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead, and Sound States: Innovative Poetics and Acoustical Technologies, ed. Adalaide Morris. Stanford Humanities Review 7 (Summer 1999): 158-62.



A Mine of Intersections: Writing the History of Contemporary American Poetry. Forthcoming from the University of New Mexico Press.

A Sovereign Devotion: On Sex, Sex, and Power from Mozart to Monteverdi. Forthcoming from Punctum Books.

Out of the Pen: Essays on Poetry at Its Limits. Forthcoming from the University of Alabama Press.


“Order Something Fancy: Kate Lilley’s Decolonising Poetics.” Accepted by Australian Literary Studies.

“Wild Song: Allen Curnow in 1940.” Accepted by Journal of New Zealand Literature.


Conferences, Lectures, Readings:

“Stowaways: Rae Armantrout and the Audience for Contemporary American Poetry.” Invited lecture. Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PRC, June 2019.

“Defying Gravity: Tyehimba Jess’s Syncopated Sonnets.” Keynote note. “Contemporary Literary Ideas and Practices” conference, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, PRC, June 2019.

“Writing from (0,0): Pi O’s Fitzroy: The Biography.” American Comparative Literature Association annual conference, Washington, DC, March 2019, and the American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS) annual conference, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, April 2019.

“Unfaithful but Ethical Translation: Sawako Nakayasu and Chika Sagawa.” Keynote talk. Seventh convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics, Wuhan, PRC, December 2018.

“The American Reception of the Ghazal and the Problem of the Poet-Translator.” Invited lecture. Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PRC, December 2018.

“A Discussion with Rae Armantrout.” Invited roundtable participant. Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) annual conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, November 2018.

“Printed Matter: Alan Loney and the Book-Object.” “Literary Interfaces” conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, July 2018.

“Poetic Rhythm.” Invited talk. “Serious Fun” event series, University of Washington, Seattle, January 2018.

“Present State of Practical Digital Humanities.” Roundtable participant. “Digital Humanities and World Literature” symposium, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea, November 2017.

“Visual Poetry and the Poetics of Visualization.” Keynote lecture. Korean Society of East-West Comparative Literature conference, Seoul, South Korea, November 2017.

“Boots.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Pasadena, CA, November 2016.

“Again the Memorial Hour: Anna Akhmatova v. Robert Lowell.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Pasadena, CA, November 2016.

“Setting a Poem: A.J. Carruthers’s ‘Music, After Michael Dransfield.’” Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics (CAAP) conference, Los Angeles, CA, November 2016.

“World Writing: Xu Bing’s Book from the Ground and Hsia Yü’s Pink Noise.” “Ekphrastic Assimilations” conference, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, October 2016.

“‘Feels Deeply/Cannot Understand’: John Ashbery, The Tennis Court Oath, and Queer Affect.” Panel on “Queer Sentiments,” University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 2016.

“The Digital Humanities: A Chair’s Perspective.” Invited talk. Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), University of Victoria, BC, June 2016.

“Denise Levertov’s ‘A Tree Telling of Orpheus’: A Reading.” Invited talk. “Till Death Do Us Part: The Enduring Appeal of the Orpheus & Eurydice Legend,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA, May 2016.

“Robin Hyde’s The Book of Nadath and Anglophone Modernism.” American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS) annual conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, April 2016.

“Pause on You: Cody Choi, Kim Hyesoon, and the Globality of the Avant-Garde.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) annual conference, Boston, MA, March 2016.

“Dickinson in Love / In Love with Dickinson.” Invited talk. “Short Takes: The World of Emily Dickinson” event, ACT Theatre, Seattle, WA, February 2016.

“Not Dutiful but Ethical: Sawako Nakayasu, Chika Sagawa, and the Problem of Literary Translation.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) annual conference, Portland, OR, November 2015.

“Masculinity and the Making and Breaking of New Zealand Modernism.” Invited contribution. New Zealand Modernist Consortium, University of Auckland, New Zealand, August 2015.

“Unfaithful But Ethical Verse: Context-Dependency and Contemporary Literary Translation.” Invited lecture. University of Auckland and University of Otago, New Zealand, August 2015.

“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” American Comparative Literature Assocation (ACLA) annual conference, Seattle, WA, March 2015.

“Careers for Humanists: What Can Grad Programs Do?” Invited round table participant. Modern Language Association (MLA) annual conference, Vancouver, BC, January 2015.

“Push and Pull: Frank O’Hara Revitalizes Free Verse.” Invited lecture. Central China Normal University, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, December 2014.

“When Did Gertrude Stein Become a Poet?” Third convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, December 2014.

“A Conversation with Marjorie Perloff.” Invited roundtable participant. Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) annual conference, Riverside, CA, November 2014.

“Conceptual Writing: Poetry as Information Art.” Invited lecture. University of Sidney, Australia, September 2014.

“Conceptual Poetry: Managing Language in a Digital Age.” Invited lecture. English and Theatre Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia, August 2014.

“Conceptual Writing: Poetry as Information Art.” Invited lecture. Humanities Research Centre, Australia National University, Canberra, Australia, August 2014.

“The Spectrum of Employment for Ph.D.s.” Moderator. Association of Departments of English (ADE) and Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (ADFL) summer seminar, Seattle, WA, June 2014.

“DH for Department Chairs and Deans.” Participant. Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), University of Victoria, BC, June 2014.

“’A Widening Wake’: James K. Baxter, Hart Crane, and Global Modernism.” American Literature Association (ALA) annual conference, Washington, DC, May 2014.

“The Shine and the Shadow: John Tranter Re-Views John Ashbery.” American Association for Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS) annual conference, Portland State University, April 2014.

“A Measured Response to Appropriation-Based Poetry.” Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) annual conference, Seattle, Feb. 2014.

“The Poetry (+/- Critical) Playlist.” Invited roundtable participant. University of Pittsburgh Humanities Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nov. 2013.

“Bad Movies and Conceptual Poetry: Beyond the High/Low Divide.” SW/TX PCA/ACA annual conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Feb. 2013.

“Now That’s Poetry: The Case of Vito Acconci’s ‘MOVE, REMOVAL (LINE OF EVIDENCE).’” “Canonical Forms in Evolution” conference, Univ. of California San Diego, Feb. 2013.

“‘Some Old Dream of Kingship’: Christopher Brennan’s Poems 1913 and the Place of Modernism.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 2012.

“The Wildcard Bard.” Reading to benefit Caregifted, Hugo House, Seattle, Oct. 2012.

“The Beginningend of Poetry: The Case of Stanisław Dróżdż.” “Convergence on Poetics,” University of Washington, Bothell, Sept. 2012.

“Less is More: Contemporary Poems Composed Through Deletion.” Invited lecture. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, July 2012.

“Personalizing the Alphabet: The New York School and the New Australian Poetry.” Keynote. “Memory, the United States, and Transnational Poetics” conference, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, June 2012.

Headliner. Castalia Reading Series, Hugo House, Seattle, WA, May 2012.

“Thinking Through the International Reception of the New York School of Poetry.” Keynote. “Poetry Communities and Individual Talent” conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, April 2012.

“Intermediation and Self-Fashioning in Charles Bernstein’s #4 a portrait of one being in family living.” Modern Language Association (MLA) annual conference, Seattle, WA, Jan. 2011.

“In Other Words: Contemporary Poetry and the Art of Redirected Language.” Pierce Butler Chair Lecture, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2011.

“Where the Bones Fall: Agha Shahid Ali and Hart Crane.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Victoria, BC, Nov. 2010.

“One Sunday in Cleveland: Isadora Duncan and Hart Crane.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Montreal, QU, Nov. 2009.

“‘OMG I Like Totally Love Brooke’: Flarf Poetics and Vernacular English in the Digital Age.” Universität Paderborn, Germany, July 2009.

“Twenty-First Century American Poetry: An Overview.” Universität Rostock, Germany, May 2009.

“Chant and Native American Poetics from Washington Matthews to Sherman Alexie.” Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, May 2009.

“American Poetry Since 9/11: The Case of Flarf.” Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, Apr. 2009.

“Freeing Russian Verse: Poetry and the Book-as-Such from Futurism to Neo-Futurism.” Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 2009.

“Mikhail Kuzmin’s ‘First Blow’: Anti-Soviet Self-Fashioning in Forel’ razbivaet led.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Nashville, TN, Nov. 2008.

“The State of Poetry Today?” “Conceptual Poetry and Its Others” symposium. The University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, AZ, May 2008.

“Visual Rhetoric in Hughes’s Ask Your Mama.” American Literature Association (ALA) annual conference, San Francisco, May 2008.

“Crossing the Page: Gennady Aigi’s Free Verse.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2007.

“Looking at Verse.” “Visible Language” panel. University of Washington, Bothell, May 2007.

“Workshop on Russian Avant-Garde Book Art.” Participant. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, April 2007.
“Porphyro in Akron: Hart Crane’s Ohio Years.” Invited lecture. Hiram College, Ohio, March 2007.

“Hart Crane’s Compositional Process.” Invited lecture. Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 2007.

“Oral Performance and Visual Experiment.” Modern Language Association (MLA) annual convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2006.

“Frank McCourt’s Trilogy.” Public lecture preceding McCourt’s talk in Seattle Arts and Lectures series, Nov. 2006.

“Hart Crane’s ‘Repose of Rivers’ and the Irrelevance of Melville.” “Reckoning with Hart Crane” event. Humanities Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, NY, Oct. 2006.

“Elizbeth Bishop’s Uncollected Poems, Drafts, and Fragments.” A roundtable with Alice Quinn and Linda Bierds. Seattle, WA, Apr. 2006.

“Still Stein: Robert Duncan’s ‘Turbine, Veil, Cord & Bird’.” “(Re:)Working the Ground” conference. SUNY-Buffalo, NY, Apr. 2006.

“Constructivist Davenport.” Modern Language Association (MLA) annual convention, Washington, DC, Dec. 2005.

“I’ve Been Thinking a Lot about Sestinas.” American Literature Association (ALA) conference “Poetic Form,” San Diego, CA, Oct. 2005.

“Tom Raworth Between Two Avant-Gardes: The New American Poetry and the British Poetry Revival.” “Another Language” conference, Ruhr-Bochum Universität, Germany, July 2005.

“Locating Zaum: Mnatsakanova on Khlebnikov.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 2004.

“The Word as Such Revisited: Elizaveta Mnatsakanova’s Poetry in an International Context.” Invited lecture, Harvard U. Slavic Dept., Oct. 2004.

“Professor Roethke.” “Poetry of the 1940s” conference, U. of Maine, Orono, June 2004.

“Who Is Billy Collins?” Public lecture preceding Collins’s talk in Seattle Arts and Lectures series, Jan. 2004.

“‘Ubi Amor Ibi Oculus’: From Pound’s Ideograms to Cobbing’s Soundsignals.” Modern Language Association (MLA) annual convention, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2003.

“Preposterous Classicism from Ezra Pound to Lisa Robertson.” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, U. of Louisville, KY, Feb. 2003.

“Assemblage and the Return of Narrative: Jasper Johns’s Passage.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Madison, WI, Oct. 2002.

“What Susan Howe Saw in Agnes Martin.” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, U. of Louisville, KY, Feb. 2002.

“Collage in / and Sound, or, Listening to Joseph Beuys’s Ocean-symphony, 1964.” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) annual conference, Houston, TX, Oct. 2001.

“James Merrill, Courtier Poet: A Response to J.D. McClatchy and Stephen Yenser.” Counterbalance Poetry Series, Seattle, WA, Aug. 2001.

“A Spectacle of Failure: Thomas Lovell Beddoes’s Death’s Jest-Book.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) annual conference, U. of Washington, Seattle, Aug. 2001.

“Performing American Studies in the Classroom: A Roundtable Discussion.” American Studies Conference, U. of Washington, Seattle, Apr. 2001.

“Broken Baroque: On John Ashbery, AIDS, and a Double Sestina.” American Studies Colloquium, U. of Washington, Seattle, Feb. 2001.

“‘Disastrous to Civilization’: Hart Crane and Yvor Winters Revisited.” Yvor Winters Centenary conference, Stanford U., Palo Alto, CA, Nov. 2000.

“On Beyond Language Poetry: From Ron Silliman to C.D. Wright.” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, U. of Louisville, KY, Feb. 2000.

“Some Reflections on SGML, Visual Poetics, and Ezra Pound’s Cantos.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) annual conference, Montréal, Canada, Apr. 1999.

“A Son Rebels: George Oppen’s Discrete Series as a Response to Williams and Pound.” Modern Language Association (MLA) annual convention, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 1998.

“‘His Appetite Is Not Experimental’: Robert Duncan and Gertrude Stein.” American Literature Association conference, San Diego, CA, May 1998.

“Steve McCaffery’s Cheat of Words and Nostalgia for the Lyrical.” “Nostalgia” conference, Stanford U. Art Dept., Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 1997.

“John Ashbery’s ‘Litany’ and the American Academy’s Resistance to Visual Poetry.” “Eye-Rhymes” conference, U. of Alberta, Edmonton, June 1997.

“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in Rock-Drill.” “American Poetry of the 50s” conference, U. of Maine, Orono, June 1996.

Service to the Profession:

Editor (Poetry), Contemporary Literature, 2017-present.

Editorial Board of Contemporary Literature. 2015-present.

Foreign Editorial Board of The Journal of English Literature and Language (South Korea). 2015-present.

Editorial Board of International Journal of Poetry and Poetics (China). 2014-present.

Editorial Board of Journal of Poetics Research (Australia). 2014-present.

Editorial Board of Modern Language Quarterly. 2006-present.

Executive Committee of the Poetry and Poetics Forum of the Modern Language Association (MLA). 2014-2019. Secretary 2016-2017. President 2017-2018.

Executive Board of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). 2015-2018.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) panelist, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources, Division of Preservation and Access, 2010 and 2012, and NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication, 2018.

Editorial Board of Profession. 2013-15.

Editorial Board of American Literature. 2009-11.

Book Review Editor (Poetry) for Contemporary Literature. 2008-11.

Service to the University of Washington:

Textual Studies Interdisciplinary Committee. 2014-present.

UW Teaching and Learning Technology Oversight Committee. 2011-18.

Selection Board, Digital Humanities Commons, Simpson Center for the Humanities. 2013-2015 and 2017.

UW Graduate School Council. Oversees program reviews and proposals for new or modified programs. 2013-16.

UW Graduate Tuition Policy Committee. 2014-2016.

English Department Executive Committee. 2003-05 and 2012-14.

Chair, English Department Executive Committee. 2012-2013.

Department of Comparative Literature Ten-Year Review Committee. 2012-13.

Director of Graduate Studies, English Department. 2009-12.

Program Director, UW Honors Oxford Summer Abroad. 2011.

Executive Board of the Simpson Center for the Humanities. 2008-11.

UW Undergraduate Scholarship Office. Vetted applications and conducted both mock interviews and interview preparation sessions for university-level Rhodes, Marshall, and Mitchell Scholar candidates. Fall 2000-10.

UW Faculty Senate. 2008-10.

English Department Graduate Studies Committee. 2008-09.

Selection Committee for the UW Royalty Research Fund. 2006-08.

UW Digital Humanities Task Force. 2007-08.

English Department Placement Committee. 2001-03 and 2007-08.

Selection Committee for the Roethke Memorial Poetry Reading. 2000-01, 2006-07, and 2007-08.

English Department Chair Search Committee. 2005-06.

Secretary of the English Department Executive Committee. 2003-04.

English Department, Senior Search, Field Open. 2003-04.

English Department Junior Search in Romanticism. 2000-01.


UW English Department Annual Teaching Award. 2008-09.


Instructor, Teachers as Scholars (two-weekend seminars for Seattle-area secondary school teachers), Simpson Center for the Humanities. 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006.

Danz Course Award, “Becoming Strangers: Travel, Trust, and the Everyday,” Simpson Center for the Humanities (along with Philip Thurtle, History). 2005.

Faculty, UW Summer Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Undergraduate Research Program (along with Ellen Garvens and Arianna Russell, Art, and Philip Thurtle, History). 2005.

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