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Publications – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington


Pitching Poetry

A new essay of mine–“Setting a Poem: A. J. Carruthers’ ‘Music, After Michael Dransfield’”–has appeared in the June 2017 issue of the Chinese journal Waiguo Wenxue Yanjiu [Foreign Literature Studies]. It’s an attempt to think about the analogy between the poem on the page and a score for musical performance,

New essay on Indigenous poetics

I have an essay–“Sherwin Bitsui’s Blank Dictionary: Navajo Poetics and Non-Indigenous Readers”–in a fantastic new book, The Fate of Difficulty in the Poetry of Our Time, edited by Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace, that’s just out from the University of Chicago Press. I’m honored to appear alongside the likes of

VisPo Blooms

I have a short piece–“On Mary Ellen Solt’s ‘Forsythia‘”–that has been posted as part of the online journal Coldfront‘s cool new series “Singular VisPo: First Encounters,” which retells different poets’ and critics’ first epiphanic experiences with “visual poetry,” however defined.

I Edit, Too

I’ve just joined the Editorial Board of the journal Contemporary Literature. That’s on top of two other recent appointments, to the Editorial Board of the Poetics Research Journal, run by John Tranter out of Sydney, and to the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Poetry and Poetics, a PRC-based

Bluebirds Fly

I have a new essay up over at the online journal Amodern. It’s a special issue on the “poetry reading” as an object of literary analysis, and my piece is titled “Somewhere Bluebirds Fly: Jackson Mac Low Directs a Poetry Reading.”

Is You or Aint You

I have a short piece up over at Jacket2 titled “Is You or Ain’t You My Poetry?” which is part of their new feature “Quick Question.” Katie Price is asking why the word “poetry” is still being used nowadays to refer to texts, performances, and artifacts that don’t seem especially

Interviews Posted

The web site Critical Margins: Perspectives on Book Culture, Technology, and Reading in the Digital Age has posted an interview with me about my book Nobody’s Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics. The questions were tough ones: I ended up saying a lot more than I expected. Another interview, more of

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