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Uncategorized – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington


No Longer CompLit

As of April 15th, the name of the Comparative Literature Department at the University of Washington has been officially changed to the Department of Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media. So my official academic title is now Professor of English and CLCM. That’s a mouthful!

Why Are They Round Not Square?

This weekend I’m at the American Literature Association annual conference in Washington, DC. I’m speaking as part of a roundtable on the modernist Hart Crane, then moderating a second roundtable on the poet. Tomorrow I’m on a roundtable about the new Cambridge History of American Poetry, for which I wrote the

Over on Tumblr . . .

I’m trying an experiment. I’ve started a Tumblr feed called “Professor Reed Recommends” where I post daily examples of or pointers to art, music, and literature that I wish I had known about back in my twenties and thirties. The imagined ideal audience is my niece and nephew.

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