Hello World! After a busy quarter, we are getting back into the blogging habit. Some highlights of the past quarter or so: The #BeckerLab (Megan, Michelle, Axton, and Brenda) did a great job presenting our work at the Salish Sea
The unsung heroes of scientific research

Here in the Becker Lab we are wrapping up another busy summer of field work. When I began planning for this field season I knew I couldn’t do it without our wonderful collaborators on this Washington Sea Grant funded research
A little shameless self-promotion
Look what popped up on the UWT Homepage today!
Join the Becker Lab this summer! Paid undergraduate research positions

Looking for a great capstone with lots of field work plus some lab experience to make you competitive after graduation? Looking for a summer job? Wish you could do both at the same time? We have multiple PAID positions available
Empty nest no longer

After a lonely winter with just me and Megan (@BivalveFanatic) holding down the fort, our lab is full of life again. This February, UWT alumna Michelle McCartha (@Geoduck_Pac) joined our group as a technician to take the lead on the
Visit our YouTube Channel

While we are working on this site, we’ve also been setting up a YouTube channel (under “Becker Lab”) to organize and disseminate some videos about shellfish larvae and our lab. We’re most excited about posting videos of larvae of some of
We are under construction!

We are working on a much needed update to this page. We’ve got some great stuff in the works, so please come back soon and check us out!