Department of Philosophy - University of Washington











For full (overlapping) lists of publications by area see:
          Philosophy of Science
          Philosophy of Archaeology
          Research Ethics
          Feminist Philosophy of Science and Feminist Archaeology
          Equity Issues
For conferences and workshops see:
          Conferences & Workshops
For current projects see:
          Home page

Recent Presentations

  • Resilience and Sustainability: What We Are Learning from the Maya and Other Ancient Cultures?: plenary panel presentation, “A Sustainable Epistemology: The Challenges of Collaboration Across Disciplines and Communities” (University of Minnesota, November 2013). Podcast
  • "What Knowers Know Well: Standpoint Theory and the Formation of Gender Archaeology”: Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidad de São Paulo (October 2013).
  • Inter-American Philosophical Society, Plenary lecture: "Standpoint Matters: Transformative Criticism in Archaeology"  (Salvador, Brazil, October 2013).
  • British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Plenary lecture: "Collateral Evidence: The Vagaries of  Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology" (University of Exeter, July 2013).
  • Springer Lecture, European Philosophy of Science Association: "Epistemic Diversity: The Advantages of Collaborative Practice" (Helsinki, August 2013). Podcast
  • Mulvaney Lecture, Australia National University: "Collateral Evidence: Ethnographic Analogy Revisited"  (March 20, 2013). Abstract
  • Laura C. Harris Symposium, Denison University: "Why Equity Matters in Science" (April 18, 2013).
  • "Negotiating the Past: Collaborative Practice in Cultural Heritage Research." Public History Seminar, Kings College London (November 2012). Podcast 
  • "Standpoint Matters: Transformative Criticism in Archaeology,": Fellows Lecture, Institute for Advanced Study, Durham University (October 2012).
  • "Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters": 2012 Presidential Address, Pacific Division APA (April 2012). Podcast
  • "Evidential Reasoning: Experimental Archaeology and Archaeological Modeling”: invited contribution to NSF-funded workshop on “The Experimental Side of Modeling,” convened by Isabelle Peschard and Bas van Fraassen, San Francisco State University (September 2011).
  • “A Plurality of Pluralisms: Does Collaborative Archaeology Undermine Ideals of Objectivity?: contribution to  "Pragmatist Social Science" at the Summer Institute in American Philosophy, University of Oregon (June 2011); contribution to a panel on “Methodological Pluralism” at the 2011 meeting of the Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice, Exeter (June 2011); originally presented at “Objectivity in Science: What is it? Why does it matter?,” University of British Columbia (July 2010). 
  • “Inequity Reconceptualized: What are the Implications for Philosophy?”: panel on “Gender Climate, Institutional Recognition, and Material Compensation,” sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women, Pacific APA (April 2011).
  • “Mixed Masses of Data: Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology”: invited conference contribution, Making Sense of Data: Who and How?, ESRC Center for Genomics in Society, Exeter University (June 2011).
  • Transformative Criticism as a Catalyst for Discovery”: workshop keynote address, Discovery in the Social Sciences: Towards an Empirically-Informed Philosophy of Social Science, University of Leuven, Belgium (March 2011). 
  • “Archaeological Facts and Non-archaeological Values: How to Implement Collaborative Ideals and Why it Matters Epistemically”: invited contribution to Science, Facts, and Values, conference sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation and the Center for Science and Values at the University of Western Ontario (May 2010).
  • “Stewardship Revisited”: invited contribution to Stewardship Principles in Archaeology; Perspectives from Law, Environmental Studies, and Philosophy, workshop sponsored by the Centre for Ethics of Cultural Heritage, University of Durham (May 2010).
  • Videos

  • Feminist Legacies / Feminist Futures: Hypatia 25th Annivesary Conference (2009): audio podcasts, streaminig video, and  interview with Hypatia founders and editors available online.
  • Women, Work, and the Academy (video of keynote panel discussion with Nancy Hopkins, Claude Steele, and Virginia Valian (Barnard Center for Research on Women). video
  • The Chilly Climate in Universities and Colleges, a video produced by Western's Caucus on Women's Issues and UWO Equity Department (with support from the Ontario Women's Directory and Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities). WCWI Catalog
  • Interviews

  • Conversations Through a Discipline, edited by William Rathje, Michael Shanks, Timothy Webmoor, and Christopher Witmore, Routledge, 2013, pp. 93-121.
  • Personal Histories in Archaeological Method and Theory: "Early Gendered and Post-processual Approaches" (Conkey, Moore, Tringham, and Wylie); Pamela Smith, Cambridge Personal Histories Project (October 2007). On-line video / Podcast
  • Telling Stories, Constructing Narratives: Gender Equity and Archaeology: Uzma Z. Rizvi, Greenfield Intercultural Center (2007).
  • Kathryn Denning: Words of Wisdom: "From the Ground Up: An Interview with Alison Wylie" Assemblage 5 (April 2000). Interview.
