EQUITY ISSUES FOR WOMEN IN THE ACADEMY Edited Books and Clusters, Reports, Videos Women in Philosophy: The Costs of Exclusion, a thematic cluster edited for Hypatia 26.2 (2011). Equity Issues for Women in Archaeology, co-edited with Margaret C. Nelson and Sarah M. Nelson, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Number 5, Washington D.C., 1994. Chilly Climate for Women in Colleges and Universities,
documentary video produced by Western's Caucus on Women's Issues and
the University of Western Ontario Employment Equity Committee and
Office; funded by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities and
the Ontario Women's Directorate, September 1991. WCWI video orders
"Standpoint (still) Matters: Research on Women, Work, and the Academy,” in Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Power in Knowledge, edited by Heidi Grasswick, Springer, 2011, pp. 157-179.
“Hypatia: A Journal of Her Own,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter, Feminism and Philosophy 9.2 (Fall 2010): 20-24.
"Reassessing the Profile and Needs of Battered Women,"
co-authored with Lorraine Greaves and Nelson Heapy, Canadian Journal
of Community Mental Health 7.2 (1988): 292-303.
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