Department of Philosophy - University of Washington










Edited Volume

Ethics in American Archaeology: Challenges for the 1990s, co-edited with Mark J. Lynott, Society for American Archaeology Special Report Series, Washington D.C., 1995.  Second revised edition, Ethics in American Archaeology, 2000.


"'Do Not Do Unto Others...': Cultural Misrecognition and the Harms of Appropriation in an Open Source World," co-authored with George Nicholas: in Appropriating the Past: Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Archaeology, edited by Geoffrey Scarre and Robin Coningham, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 195-221.

“The Appropriation of Archaeological Finds,” co-authored with George Nicholas, in The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation edited by James O. Young and Conrad G. Brunk, Routledge, 2009, pp. 11-54.

“The Promise and Perils of an Ethic of Stewardship,” Embedding Ethics, edited by Lynn Meskell and Peter Pells, Berg Press, London, 2005, pp. 47-68.

“On Ethics,” in Handbook on Ethical Issues in Archaeology, edited by Larry Zimmerman, Karen D. Vitelli, and Julie Hollowell-Zimmer, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek CA, 2003, pp. 3-16

“Reflections on the Work of the SAA Committee for Ethics in Archaeology,” Canadian Journal of Archaeology 24.2 (2001): 151-156. 

“Foreword,” Working Together: Native Americans and Archaeologists, edited by Kurt E. Dongoske, Mark Aldenderfer, and Karen Doehner, Society for American Archaeology, Washington D.C., 2000, pp. v-ix.

“Science, Conservation, and Stewardship: Evolving Codes of Conduct in Archaeology,” Science and Engineering Ethics 5.3 (1999): 319-336.

“Contextualizing Ethics: Comments on ‘Ethics in Canadian Archaeology’ by Robert Rosenswig,” Canadian Journal of Archaeology 21(1997): 115-120.

“Review of K.D. Vitelli (ed.), Archaeological Ethics,” Public Archaeology Review 4.2(1997): 17-23.

"Ethical Dilemmas in Archaeological Practice: Looting, Repatriation, Stewardship, and the (Trans)formation of Disciplinary Identity,” Perspectives on Science 4.2 (1996): 154-194. 
   Reprinted in Ethics in American Archaeology, Society for American Archaeology, Washington D.C., 2000, pp. 138-157.

"Principles of Archaeological Ethics: A Preliminary Report on the Reno Workshop on 'Ethics in Archaeology'," Public Archaeology Review 2.1(1994): 11-13, 21-24.

"Praxis in Anthropology: Ethical Self-Consciousness and Informed Consent," co-authored with Michael Burgess, Anthropology in Praxis, edited by Philip Spauld-ing, Occasional Papers in Anthropology and Primatology, Department of Anthropol-ogy, University of Calgary, Calgary, 1986, pp. 3-24.

"Archaeology in a Social Context: Ethical and Epistemological Considerations," Directions in Archaeology: A Question of Goals, Proceedings of the 14th Annual CHACMOOL Conference, edited by P.D. Francis and E.C. Poplin, Archaeological Association of Calgary, Calgary, 1983, pp. 369-374.

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