Fundamentals of Psychological Research


"Invisible college"

Conference proceedings

Journal articles

Scholarly books


Popular periodicals

Popular books

Reference works


Conference Proceedings

Many psychology researchers attend professional conferences and deliver papers at them. These presentations may include data or other information about an experiment or study which is in progress and the results of which have not been published. These conference papers are not ordinarily the "official" report of research, which will come at the next publication stage in a journal arti cle.

Monday, June 19


Parallel Updates

The evidence based status of psychodynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

Horst Kachele, Ulm

Serotonin-reproduction hormone interface in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Paula Trzepacz, Indianapolis

Can psychological interventions improve the prognosis of cancer?
An overview of current status of research

David Spiegel, Stanford

The psychophysiology of emotion: Perception of Threat.

Peter Lang, NIMH-Gainsville

11.00-12.30 Poster Session A/Exhibition
12.30-14.00 Lunch



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