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Treasure -- Treasure --
TREASURE HUNT #9 is now CLOSED! Please try Treasure Hunt #10
Do I have your attention now? Here is a contest, a game, a challenge.
Your job is to find the answers to 10 questions related to the brain and nervous system. All of the answers can be found right here on the pages of "Neuroscience for Kids." Send me an e-mail ( when you have found all of the answers.
It's easy! If you send me the correct answers to all of the questions, you will win the Golden Neuron Award.
"What is the Golden Neuron Award?," you ask? It is
NOT fame, fortune and a new car. The Golden Neuron Award
is recognition on a SPECIAL PAGE.
Treasure hunt #9 is CLOSED.
Send your answers to
me (Dr. Eric H. Chudler) at
Include whatever information about yourself that you want posted on this
page (name, grade, school, age). If you don't want your name posted, just
say so.
Winners with the correct answers will be listed on the GOLDEN NEURON AWARD PAGE.
Treasure Hunt #9 is more difficult than any of the previous hunts. Here are the questions:
Can you answer these questions? If so, go for the gold...the Golden Neuron Award, that is.
Send your answers to me (Dr. Eric H. Chudler) at
Copyright © 1996-2010, Eric H. Chudler All Rights Reserved.