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Neuroscience For Kids

2006-2007 drawing contest

Judging of the 2007 NEUROSCIENCE FOR KIDS DRAWING CONTEST is finished and winners have been mailed their prizes. Drawings from 1,232 students from India, Croatia, Iceland, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Canada, Kenya and the United States (31 states) were received.

The artwork was first evaluated by Dr. Eric H. Chudler. He selected the finalists in the four age groups (Kindergarten - Grade 2; Grades 3 - 5; Grades 6 - 8; Grades 9 - 12) and then a panel of 22 judges viewed all of the finalists and voted for the winners.

Here is an art gallery with some of the winning drawings:

Here were the rules:

If you are in Kindergrarten to Grade 2: Your picture should be about "My brain helps me ________."

If you are in Grade 3 to Grade 5: Your picture should be about "Brain Fitness: I keep my brain healthy by ______."

If you are in Grade 6 to Grade 8: Your picture should be about "My brain is like a _______ because _________.

If you are in Grade 9 to Grade 12: Your picture should be about "Brain research is important because________."

Dr. Eric H. Chudler
UWEB Education and Outreach
Box 355061
1705 NE Pacific St.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-5061

Questions about this contest should be directed to Dr. Chudler at

Copyright © 1996-2006, Eric H. Chudler All Rights Reserved.