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Set the time cutoff (TCUT=)
DECAY: keyword (or sample input files)

    DECAY: TCUT={time cutoff parameter (h)}
    DECAY: TCUT=2880.0    !Set time cutoff to 2,880 hours.

Purpose: Time cutoff used to truncate the dose rate function at some time point after the radiation source has been introduced into the cell system of interest (see also DCUT).
Data Type:
Default: ~ 10
308 h (machine infinity)
Comments:  The TCUT and DCUT parameters are used to limit damage repair simulations of damage repair processes to a finite time period.  This procedure is justifiable on the grounds that, at some point in time, the activity of the radiation source becomes so small that any further radiation killing of the cell population can be neglected. Repopulation effects may also suffice to compensate for any radiation killing (i.e., the surviving fraction remains constant).  The TAD parameter represents the total absorbed dose delivered to the cell system over all time.  The SAD parameter is the effective dose delivered to the cell system in a finite time interval (0, TCUT).  The total delivered dose is related to the effective delivered dose by SAD=(1-DCUT)*TAD.

School of Health Sciences
Purdue University

Last updated: 10 June, 2011