Note: The document icon ( )indicates that an article or review is available for viewing/downloading in .pdf format.
1. Janus Parallelism in the Book of Job (JSOTS, 223; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996). Description
2. Egyptian Hieroglyphs Made Easy (CD-ROM; Smiles Productions, 2003). Description
3. Egyptian Hieroglyphs Made Easy (Revised edition with WorkBook and CD-ROM; Smiles Productions, 2006). Description
4. Nocturnal Ciphers: The Allusive Language of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (American Oriental Series, 89; New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society, 2007). Description
5. A Pioneering Kin: The Mog, Eckardt, Fohl, and Noegel Families of Wisconsin (Sheboygan Falls, WI: Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 2015). Description
6. Piety and Freethinkers on Wisconsin’s Frontier: The Life and Work of Carl Renatus Wilhelm Erbe, with an English Translation of Erbe’s German Sacramental Register, 1851-1886 (Sheboygan, WI: Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 2018). Description
7. “Wordplay” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Ancient Near Eastern Monographs Series, 26; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature Press, 2021) . Description.
Co-authored Books:
1. Historical Dictionary of Prophets in Islam and Judaism. Co-authored with Brannon Wheeler (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements, 43; Prévessin, France: Scarecrow Press, 2002). Description
2. Solomon's Vineyard: Studies in Song of Songs. Co-authored with Gary A. Rendsburg (SBL Ancient Israel and Its Literature, 1; Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, GA., 2009). Description
Edited Books:
1. Puns and Pundits: Wordplay in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2000). Description
2. Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World. Co-edited with Joel Walker, and Brannon Wheeler (Magic in History Series, 8; Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003). Description
3. Afroasiatic Linguistics, Semitics, and Egyptology: Selected Writings of Carleton T. Hodge. Co-edited with Alan Kaye (Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2004). Description
Articles in Journals and Books
1. "A Janus Parallelism in the Gilgamesh Flood Story." Acta Sumerologica 13 (1991), 419-421. ( )
2. "Fictional Sumerian Autobiographies." Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies 4 (1993), 46-53. ( )
3. "An Asymmmetrical Janus Parallelism in the Gilgamesh Flood Story." Acta Sumerologica 16 (1994), 306-308. ( )
4. "Dialect and Politics in Isaiah 24-27." Aula Orientalis 12 (1994), 177-192. ( )
5. "A Janus Parallelism in the Baal and `Anat Story." Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 21/1 (1995), 91-94. ( )
6. "Another Look at Job 18:2,3." Jewish Bible Quarterly 23/3 (1995), 159-161. ( )
7. "Another Janus Parallelism in the Atra-Hasis Epic." Acta Sumerologica 17 (1995), 342-344. ( )
8. "The Significance of the Seventh Plague." Biblica 76/4 (1995), 532-539. ( )
9. "A Flare for Style and Depth of Allusion: The Use of Fire and Water Imagery in Enuma Elish Tablet I." Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies 5/2 (1995), 82-87. ( )
10. "Janus Parallelism Clusters in Akkadian Literature." Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 71 (1995), 33-34. ( )
11. 1995 "Yasim-El's Sophisticated Rhetoric: A Janus Cluster in ARMT XXVI, 419, l. 10'." Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 73 (1995), 81-82. ( )
12. "Fox on the Run: Catch a Lamassu by the Pun." Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 73 (1995), 101-102. ( )
13. "Wordplay and Translation Technique in the Septuagint of Job." Aula Orientalis 14 (1995), 33-44. ( )
14. "Janus Parallelism in Job and Its Literary Significance." Journal of Biblical Literature 115/2 (1996), 313-320. ( )
15. "Atbash in Jeremiah and Its Literary Significance: Part 1." Jewish Bible Quarterly 24/2 (1996), 82-89. ( )
16. "Atbash in Jeremiah and Its Literary Significance: Part 2." Jewish Bible Quarterly 24/3 (1996), 160-166. ( )
17. "Atbash in Jeremiah and Its Literary Significance: Part 3." Jewish Bible Quarterly 24/4 (1996), 247-250. ( )
18. "Word Play in the Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur." Acta Sumerologica 19 (1996), 169-186. ( )
19. "Moses and Magic: Notes on the Book of Exodus." Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 24 (1996), 45-59. ( )
Translated into Turkish and published in the Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University 58 (2017), 161-182. See ( )
20. "Sex, Sticks, and the Trickster in Gen. 30:31-43: A New Look at an Old Crux." Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society 25 (1997), 7-17. ( )
21. "Raining Terror: Another Wordplay Cluster in Gilgamesh Tablet XI (Assyrian Version, ll. 45-47)." Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 75 (1997), 39-40. ( )
22. "Partying 'Canaanite Style.'"Jack Mackerel Magazine: Seattle (1998), 96-97. ( )
23. "A Slip of the Reader and Not the Reed: (Infinitive Absolutes with Divergent Finite Forms), Part 1." Jewish Bible Quarterly26/1 (1998), 12-19. ( )
24. "A Slip of the Reader and Not the Reed: (Infinitive Absolutes with Divergent Finite Forms), Part II." Jewish Bible Quarterly 26/2 (1998), 93-100. ( )
25. "The Aegean Ogygos of Boeotia and the Biblical Og of Bashan: Reflections of the Same Myth." Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 110 (1998), 411-426. ( )
26. "A Crux and a Taunt: Night-Time Then Sunset in Genesis 15." In Philip R. Davies and David J. A. Clines, eds. The World of Genesis: Persons, Places, Perspectives. JSOTSup, 223; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998, 128-135. ( )
27. "Genesis." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 200-201. ( )
28. "Babylonia." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 59-61. ( )
29. "Ancient Near East." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 20-22. ( )
30. "Bible: Hermeneutics." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 80-81. ( )
31. "Canaanites." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 98-100. ( )
32. "Song of Songs." In Reader's Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000, 570-571. ( )
33. "Drinking Feasts and Deceptive Feats: Jacob and Laban's Double Talk." In Scott B. Noegel, ed., Puns and Pundits: Wordplay in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2000, 163-179. ( )
34. "Egyptian sqb: A Cognate for Ugaritic tqb 'ash-tree.'" Ugarit Forschungen 32 (2000), 385-388. ( )
35. "Dreams and Dream Interpreters in Mesopotamia and in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)." In Kelly Bulkeley, ed., Dreams and Dreaming: A Reader in Religion, Anthropology, History, and Psychology. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-St. Martin's Press, 2001, 45-71. ( )
36. "Dreaming and the Ideology of Mantics: Homer and Ancient Near Eastern Oneiromancy." In Ideologies as Intercultural Phenomena: Proceedings of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project, Chicago, October 27-31, 2000. MELAMMU 3; Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian text Corpus Project, 143-157. ( )
37. "Abraham's Ten Trials and Biblical Literary Convention." Jewish Bible Quarterly 21 (2003), 73-83. ( )
38. "New Observations on Scribal Activity in the Ancient Near East." In Raimonda Modiano, Leroy F. Searle, and Peter Shillinsburg, eds., Voice, Text and Hypertext at the Millennium: Emerging Practices in Textual Studies. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004, 133-143. ( ) Translated by Andrea G. G. Parasiliti into Italian as "Nuove osservazioni sull'attività scrittoria nel Vicino Oriente antico," (Minima Bibliographica, 20; Università Cattolica Milano: C.R.E.L.E.B, 2014), 3-28. ( )
39. "Apollonius' Argonautika and Egyptian Solar Mythology." The Classical World 97/2 (2004), 123-136. ( )
40. "Geminate Ballast and Clustering: An Unrecognized Literary Feature in Ancient Semitic Poetry." Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004), 1-18, online.
41. "The 'Other' Demonstrative Pronouns: Pejorative Colloquialisms in Biblical Hebrew." Jewish Bible Quarterly 33/1 (2004), 23-30. ( )
42. "Mesopotamian Epic." in John Miles Foley, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Ancient Epic. London: Blackwell, 2005, 233-245. ( )
43. "Phoenicia, Phoenicians." In Bill Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson, eds., Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005, 792-798. ( )
44. "Egyptian Love Poetry." In Gaetan Brulotte and John Phillips, eds., Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. 3 vols. New York: Routledge, 2006, 399-400. ( )
45. "On Puns and Divination: Egyptian Dream Exegesis from a Comparative Perspective." In K. Szpakowska, ed., Through a Glass Darkly: Magic, Dreams, and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt. Swansea, Wales: The Classical Press of Wales, 2006, 95-119. ( )
46. "The Ekron Inscription." In Mark W. Chavalas, ed., The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. London: Blackwell, 2006, 372-375. ( )
47. "The Zakkur Inscription" In Mark W. Chavalas, ed., The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. London: Blackwell, 2006, 307-311. ( )
48. "The Samaria Ostraca." In Mark W. Chavalas, ed., The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. London: Blackwell, 2006, 396-399. ( )
49. "The Lachish Ostraca." In Mark W. Chavalas, ed., The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. London: Blackwell, 2006, 400-403. ( )
50. "Greek Religion and the Ancient Near East." In Daniel Ogden, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Greek Religion. London: Blackwell, 2007, 21-37. ( )
51. "Dismemberment, Creation, and Ritual: Images of Divine Violence in the Ancient Near East." In James Wellman, ed., Belief and Bloodshed: Religion and Violence across Time and Tradition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007, 13-27. ( )
52. "'Word Play' in the Ramesside Dream Manual." Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur 35 (2007), 193-212. ( ) Co-authored with Kasia Szpakowska.
53. "Games, Old Testament." In Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, et al., eds., New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. D-H. Vol. 2. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2007, 520-521. ( )
54. "Job iii 5 in the Light of Mesopotamian Demons of Time." Vetus Testamentum 57 (2007), 556-562. ( )
55. "'Word Play' in Qoheleth." Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), 1-28, online.
56. "He of Two Horns and a Tail." Ugarit Forschungen 38 (2007), 537-542. ( )
57. “‘Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign’”: Script, Power, and Interpretation in the Ancient Near East.” In Amar Annus, ed., Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World. Oriental Institute Seminars, 6; Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010, 143-162. ( )
58. “The Ritual Use of Linguistic and Textual Violence in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East.” In Margo Kitts, et al., eds., State, Power, and Violence. Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual, 3; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010, 33-46. ( )
59. "Bodily Features as Literary Devices in the Hebrew Bible." In Moshe Garsiel, et al., eds., Studies in Bible and Exegesis Presented to Samuel Vargon. Studies in Bible and Exegesis 10; Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 2011, 509-531, in Hebrew. ( )
60. "'Word Play' in the Song of Erra." In Wolfgang Heimpel and Gabriella Frantz-Szabó, eds., Strings and Threads: A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. Winona Lake, IN.: Eisenbrauns, 2011, 162-193. ( )
61. “Polysemy.” In Geoffrey Khan, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3 Leiden: Brill, 2013, 178-186. ( )
62. “Paronomasia.” In Geoffrey Khan, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3 Leiden: Brill, 2013, 24-29. ( )
63. “Euphemism.” In Geoffrey Khan, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Vol. 1 Leiden: Brill, 2013, 869-871. ( )
64. “'Literary' Craft and Performative Power in the Ancient Near East.” In Karolien Vermuelen, ed., Approaches to Literary Readings of Ancient Jewish Texts. Leiden: Brill, 2014, 19-38. ( )
65. “Kirtu's Allusive Dream.” Aula Orientalis 32 (2014), 299-316. ( )
66. “The Egyptian Origin of the Ark of the Covenant.” In Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Schneider, and William H.C. Propp, eds., Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective: Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience. Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2; New York: Springer, 2015, 223-242. ( )
67. “More Geminate Ballast and Clustering in Biblical Hebrew.” In Ian Wilson and Diana Edelman, eds., History, Memory, and Hebrew Scriptures: Studies in Honor of Ehud Ben Zvi on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015), 417-432. ( )
68. “The Shame of Baʿal: The Mnemonics of Odium.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 41/2 (2015), 69-94. (
69. “Jonah and Leviathan: Inner-Biblical Allusions and the Problem with Dragons.” Henoch 37 (2015), 236-260. ( )
70. “Corpses, Cannibals, and Commensality: A Literary and Artistic Shaming Convention in the Ancient Near East.” Journal of Religion and Violence 4 (2016), 255-303. ( )
71. “Suffering Ambiguity in Ludlul bēl nēmeqi: On Erudition, Ideology, and Theology in Tablet.” Bibliotheca Orientalis 73 (2016), 613-636. ( )
72. “The Egyptian ‘Magicians.’” (2017), online. Translated into Hebrew, January 2023.
73. “Why Pharaoh Went to the Nile: Privy to Midrash and Egyptian Ritual Practice.” (2017), online.
74. “Evil Looms: Delilah—Wicked Weaver of Wiles.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 79 (2017), 187-204. ( )
75. “Scarlet and Harlots: Seeing Red in the Hebrew Bible.” Hebrew Union College Annual 87 (2016), 1-47. Appeared in 2017. )
76. “God of Heaven and Sheol: The ‘Unearthing’ of Creation.” Hebrew Studies 58 (2017), 119-144. ( )
77. “Maleness, Memory, and the Matter of Dream Divination in the Hebrew Bible.” In Esther Hamori and Jonathan Stökl, eds., Perchance to Dream: Essays on Dream Divination in Biblical and Other Ancient Near Eastern and Early Jewish Sources (Ancient Near Eastern Monographs Series, 21; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017), 61-90. ( )
78. “On the Wings of the Winds: Towards an Understanding of Winged Mischwesen in the Ancient Near East,” KASKAL: Rivista di Storia, ambiente e culture del Vicino Oriente antico 14 (2017), 15-54. ( )
79. “Pharaoh.” In Bible Odyssey (Society of Biblical Literature online resource, 2018), online.
80. “Appellative Paronomasia and Polysemy in the Tale of Sinuhe,” Lingua Aegyptia 26 (2018), 233-238. ( )
81. “To Open a Lance in the Epic of Zimri-Lim,” Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires (2018), 117-118. ( )
82. “From Ape to Zebra: On Wild Animals and Taxonomy in Ancient Israel.” In Raija Mattila, Sanae Ito, Sebastian Fink, eds., Animals and Their Relation to Gods, Humans and Things in the Ancient World (Studies in Universal and Cultural History; Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, 2019), 141-179. ( )
83. “Augur Anxieties in the Ancient Near East,” in Lindsay G. Driediger-Murphy and Esther Eidinow, eds., Ancient Divination & Experience (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 17-43. For the entire open access volume click here ( )
84. “Seeing Doubles: On Two of a Kind,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45 (2019), 1-12. Co-authored with Corinna E. Nichols. ( )
85. “When Animals Speak,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 34 (2020), 107-135. ( )
86. “The Women of Asherah: Weaving Wickedness in 2 Kgs 23:7,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83 (2021), 208-219. ( )
87. “Lurking Lions and Hidden Herds: Concealed Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible,” Religions 12 (2021), 1-13. Co-authored with Corinna E. Nichols. Open access ( )
88. “Enallage in Ugaritic Poetic Texts,” Ugarit Forschungen 52 (2021), 179-207. ( )
89. “On the Dysphemistic Baal Names in 2 Samuel,” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 48 (2022), 25-41. ( )
90. “Hidden Waters: The Sounds of Sinking in the Song of the Sea,” in Vincent Beiler and Aaron Rubin, eds., Linguistic and Philological Studies of the Hebrew Bible and its Manuscripts in Honor of Gary A. Rendsburg (Studia Semitica Neerlandica; Leiden: Brill, 2023), 228-238. ( )
91. “The Head of Anubis: A Curious Gift from Aegean Emissaries in the Tomb of Menkheperreseneb,” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 40 (2023), 94-102. Copy available upon request.
92. “Near Eastern Poetics in Callimachus’ Hymn to Apollo,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 113 (2023), 142-199. Co-authored with James J. Clauss. Backdated. Appeared in 2024. Copy available upon request.
93. “Joseph: Does His Ability to Interpret Dreams Represent Actual Divinatory Practice?,” in Philippe Guillaume and Diana Edelman, eds., The Old Testament / Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes (Sheffield: Equinox, 2024), 318-322.
94. "Scale Scriptitious: The Concentration of Divine Power in the Ancient Near East,” Talanta, 54 (2022), 11-30. Backdated. Appeared in 2024. ( )
95. “Historiolae in the Hebrew Bible,” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 26 (2024), 283-314. Copy available upon request.
96. “Antanaclasis in the Ugaritic Poetic Epics,” Ugarit Forschungen 54 (2022), 97-129. Backdated. Appeared in December 2024. ( )
97. “Eyelids of the Dawn,” in Andreas Johandi, ed. Biblical Job in the Literary Network of the Ancient Near East (Kasion-Publikationen zur ostmediterranen Antike; Münster: Zaphon, 2024), in press.
98. “Devices of Sound and Meaning in the Book of Job,” in J. E. Harding, ed., Job (Themes and Issues in Biblical Studies; Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 2024), in press.
99. “Not So Black and White: On Hair, Skin, Horses, and Heat in the Hebrew Bible,” in Ellena Lyell, ed., Colour and Culture: Polychromy and Perception in the Hebrew Bible (The Hebrew Bible in Social Perspective; Bloomsbury: T&T Clark, 2024), in press.
100. “From Rebellion and Death to Victory: On Appellative Paronomasia in Numbers 20-21,” in Advances in Ancient Biblical and Near Eastern Research (2024), in press.
101. “Hidden in Hides: An Unrecognized Motif of Deception in the Hebrew Bible,” in Yonatan S. Miller, ed., The Motif in Biblical Literature: Contours, Critiques, and New Horizons, in press.
102. “‘To Make Them See Your Majesty’: The Visual Program of the ‘Poetical Stela’ of Thutmosis III,” in Rita Lucarelli, et al., eds., Rethinking the Visual Aesthetics of Ancient Egyptian Writing (Oxford: Archeopress Publishing), in press.
103. “Taxonomic Approaches to Biblical Animals,” in Suzanna Millar, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Animals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024), in press.
104. Prophecy, Gastronomic Ghosts, and Oracular Flatulence: On the Substance of Spirit in Ancient Israel and Mesopotamia,” in Robin Baker, ed., Religion: The Bible and Ancient Mesopotamia (2024), in press.
105. “Ancient Near Eastern Poetic Repetition in the Light of Neuroscience,” in Nicla de Zorzi, ed., Volume Title to Be Determined (Workshop on Textual Repetition and Creativity in Ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt and China), in press.
106.“The Narrator in the Epics from Ugarit,” Ugarit Forschungen 54 (2023), in press. Backdated, will appear in 2025.
107.“Signs of Dream Divination in the Exagoge of Ezekiel, 68-89,” Aitia (2025), in press
Articles Beyond the Ancient Near East
1. "The Founding of Johnsonville." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center 23/5 (2013), 4-7.( )
2. "The Murder of 1851." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center 24/1 (2013), 4-6.( )
3. "The Pre-Plank Intellectuals of Sheboygan Falls." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center 24/3 (2014), 6-7.( )
4. "Log School Leaders: The Rublee Family of Sheboygan Falls (Part 1)." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 24/4 (2014), 4-5. ( )
5. "Log School Leaders: The Rublee Family of Sheboygan Falls (Part 2)." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 24/5 (2014), 3, 6-7 (see #4 above, both parts together).
6. "Addison Center: Then & Now." In The Court Reporter: Washington County Historical Society Newsletter 21/3 (2014), 1. ( )
7. "Cold Case File Revisited: The Murder of 1851." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 24/6 (2014), 4-5, 9-10. ( )
8. "Meet Me at Laack's." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 25/2 (2014), 4-6. ( )
9. "Researchers Beware: The Potential Perils of Online Genealogy." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, 25/3 (2015), 10-11. ( )
10. "Anti-German Hysteria in Wisconsin." In The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center 25/6 (2015), 4-6. ( )
11. “Carl Renatus Wilhelm Erbe: Sheboygan County’s Fascinating Itinerant Minister,” in The Researcher: The Newsletter of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center 26 (2015), 9-12 (= 1-4 insert). ( )
Indices and Forewords
1. "Text Index." David I. Owen and Martha A. Morrison, Studies on the Civilization of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Vol. 4. The Eastern Archives and Excavations at Nuzi 9/2 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992), 399-420.
2. "Text Index." David I. Owen, "Syrians in Sumerian Archival Sources from the Ur III Period," Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 25 (1993), 140.
3. "Text Index." David I. Owen and Martha A. Morrison, Studies on the Civilization of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Vol. 5. The Eastern Archives and Excavations at Nuzi 9/3 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994), 137-142.
4. "Foreword." for Donald P. Ryan, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Biblical Mysteries (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2000).
5. "Foreword." for Donald P. Ryan, The Complete Idiot's Guide to the World of the Bible (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2003).
6. "Foreword" for Marian Broida, Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2002).
7. "Introduction" for reprinted edition of A. Leo Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East: With a Translation of the Assyrian Dream Book (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 46/3[1956]; Philadelphia, Pa.: American Philosophical Society, 1956). Reprinted by Gorgias Press, 2008), iii-viii.
Critical Reviews
1. Book Note. Andre Pichot, La naissance de la science. Vol. 1. Mesopotamie, Egypte. Vol. 2. Grece presocratique. Gallimard, 1991. In Religious Studies Review 20 (1994), 138. ( )
2. Book Review. Angel Saenz-Badillos, A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 4 (1995), 64-68. ( )
3. Book Review. David A. Glatt, Chronological Displacement in Biblical and Related Literatures. SBL Dissertation Series 139. Atlanta, GA.: Scholars Press, 1993. In Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 21 (1996), 367-369. ( )
4. Book Note. Robert Kriech Ritner, The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, No. 54. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1993. In Religious Studies Review 22/1 (1996), 55. ( )
5. Book Review. Marietta T. Stepaniants, Sufi Wisdom. SUNY Series in Islam. Albany, NY.: State University of New York Press, 1994. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 4 (1995), 56-60. ( )
6. Book Review. Florentino Garcia Martinez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English. Wilfred G. E. Watson, trans. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 4/4 (1995), 78-85. ( )
7. Book Review. Hector Avalos, Illness and Health Care in the Ancient Near East: The Role of theTemple in Greece, Mesopotamia, and Israel. Harvard Semitic Museum Monographs, 54. Atlanta, GA.: Scholars Press, 1995. In Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 22/1 (1997), 107-109. ( )
8. Book Review. David Marcus, From Balaam to Jonah: Anti-prophetic Satire in the Hebrew Bible. Brown Judaic Studies, 301; Atlanta, GA.: Scholars Press, 1995. In Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 22/1 (1997), 103-105. ( )
9. Book Review. Jill Kamil, Aswan and Abu Simbel: History and Guide. Cairo, Egypt: University of Cairo Press, 1993. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 5/2 (1996), 51-55. ( )
10. Book Review. Margaret S. Drower, Flinders Petrie: A Life in Archaeology. Madison, WI.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 5/3 (1996), 78-81. ( )
11. Book Review. Toby E. Huff, The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 5/2 (1996), 72-76. ( )
12. Book Review. David Wolfers, Deep Things Out of Darkness: The Book of Job, Essays and a New Translation. Kampen, The Netherlands: Kok Pharos, and Grand Rapids, MI.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1995. In Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 22/2 (1997), 243-248. ( )
13. Book Review. Marc Zvi Brettler, The Creation of History in Ancient Israel. London and New York: Routledge press, 1995). In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 6 (1997), 70-75. ( )
14. Book Review. Shlomo Izre'el and Rina Drory Israel, eds. Israel Oriental Studies XV: Language and Culture in the Near East (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995). In Anthropological Linguistics 39/1 (1997), 175-180. ( )
15. Book Review. Charles Burnett, Magic and Divination in the Middle Ages: Texts and Techniques in the Islamic and Christian Worlds. Hampshire, Great Britain: Variorum, 1996. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 6/4 (1997), 87-90. ( )
16. Book Review. Friedrich Avemarie and Hermann Lichtenberger, eds, Bund und Tora: Zur theologischen Begriffsgeschichte in alttestamentlicher, frühjüdischer und urchristlicher Tradition. Wissenschafteliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 92; Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1996. For H-Judaic (1997), online. ( )
17. Book Review. Benjamin Arbell, editor, Intercultural Contacts in the Medieval Meditteranean. London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1996. In Digest of Middle Eastern Studies 7/1 (1998), 77-87. ( )
18. Book Review. W. F. R. Browning, Dictionary of the Bible. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. In Hebrew Studies 39 (1998), 190-193. ( )
19. Book Note. Jibrail S. Jabbur, The Bedouins and the Desert: Aspects of Nomadic Life in the Arab East. Translated by Lawrence I. Conrad. Albany, NY.: State University of New York Press, 1995. In Religious Studies Review 24/2 (1998), 210. ( )
20. Book Note. Miquel Pérez Fernandez, An Introductory Grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew (John Elwolde, trans.; Leiden: E. J. Brill 1997. In Religious Studies Review 24 (1998), 433. ( )
21. Book Note. Bernard Lewis, The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years. New York, NY:. Scribner, 1995. In Religious Studies Review 24 (1998), 437. ( )
22. CD-ROM Review. Sindibad Multimedia LTD. Soudan: Royaumes sur le Nile, 1997. In Discover Archaeology 1 (1999), 86-87. ( )
23. Book Review. Galia Hatav, The Semantics of Aspect and Modality: Evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew. Studies in Language Companion Series, 34. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997. In Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 24 (1999), 370-374. ( )
24. Book Note. Gerhard Bodendorfer and Matthias Millard, Bible und Midrash. Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 22; Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1998. In Religious Studies Review (in press).
25. Book Review. Herbert Chanan Brichto, The Names of God (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998). In Jewish Quarterly Review 90 (1999), 211-214. ( )
26. Book Note. Jan Assmann, Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1997). In Religious Studies Review 24 (1999), 434-435. ( )
27. Book Note. K. J. Asali, ed., Jerusalem in History (Brooklyn, NY: Olive Branch Press, 1999). In Religious Studies Review 24 (1999), 434. ( )
28. Book Note. Elizabeth M. Butler, Ritual Magic (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998). In Religious Studies Review 26 (2000), 50.
29. Book Note. Paul V. M. Flesher, ed., Targum Studies. Volume Two: Targum and Peshitta (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism, 165; Atlanta, GA.: Scholars Press, 1998). In Religious Studies Review (2000), 101.
30. Book Review. Jewish Publication Society, JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh (Philadelphia, PA.: Jewish Publication Society, 1999). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
31. Book Review. Jiri Prosecky, ed., Intellectual Life in the Ancient Near East: Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Prague, July 1-5, 1996 (Prague: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute, 1998). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
32. Book Review. J. William Whedbee, The Bible and the Comic Vision (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998). In Review of Biblical Literature (2000) , online.
33. Book Review. Marc van de Mieroop, Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History (London: Routledge, 1999). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
34. Book Review. Uriel Simon, The JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah (Jewish Publication Society, 1999). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
35. Book Review. Cornelius Van Dam, The Urim and Thummim: A Means of Revelation in Ancient Israel. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997. In Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59 (2000), 220-223. ( )
36. Book Review. Frederick E. Greenspahn, An Introduction to Aramaic (Socie ty of Biblical Literature Resources for Biblical Study, 38; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1999). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
37. Book Review. Jean-Marie Husser, Dreams and Dream Narratives in the Biblical World (Biblical Seminar, 63; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999). In Journal for Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
38. Book Review. T. Abusch and Karel van der Toorn, eds., Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical, and Interpretive Perspectives (Studies in Ancient Magic and Divination, 1; Styx, 1998). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
39. Book Review. Jeremy Black, et al, eds., A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian (SANTAG, 5; Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1999). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
40. Book Review. Kent R. Weeks, The Lost Tomb (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1998). In Discovering Archaeology (, online.
41. Book Note. Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett, eds., Abu Ma`shar on Political Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties. 2 Vols. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999). In Religious Studies Review. In press.
42. Book Review. Shaul Bar, A Letter That Has Not Been Read: Dreams in the Hebrew Bible. Trans. Lenn J. Schramm (Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 25; Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2001). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (2002), 120-123. ( )
43. Book Review. Stefan Schorch, Euphemismen in der Hebräischen Bibel (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana, 12; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (2002), 607-609. ( )
44. Book Review. Adele Berlin, JPS Bible Commentary: Esther (Philadelphia, PA.: Jewish Publication Society, 2001). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 3 (2000-2001), online.
45. Book Review. Daniel Schwemer, Wettergottgestalten. Die Wettergottgestalten Mesopotamiens und Nordsyriens im Zeitalter der Keilschriftkulturen: Materialien und Studien nach den schriftlichen Quellen (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
46. Book Note. Daniel K. Falk, F. Garcia Martinez, and Elieen M. Schuller, eds., Sapiential, Liturgical, and Poetical Texts from Qumran: Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Oslo 1998, Published in Memory of Murice Baillet (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 35; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2000). In Religious Studies Review 28 (2000), 178.
47. Book Review. Emanuel Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (2nd revised edition; Minneapolis, MI.: Augsburg Fortress, 2001). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2004-2003), online.
48. Book Review. Dianne Bergant, Song of Songs: Berit Olam, Studies in Hebrew Narrative and Poetry (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2001). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
49. Book Review. Ziony Zevit, The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches (London: Continuum, 2001). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
50. Book Review. Edward Lipinski, The Aramaeans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 100; Leuven: Peeters, 2000). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
51. Book Review. Dexter E. Callender, Jr., Adam in Myth and History: Ancient Israelite Perspectives on the Primal Human (Harvard Semitic Studies, 48; Winona Lake, IN.: Eisenbrauns, 2000). In Biblica 83 (2002), 583-586. ( )
52. Book Review. T. Abusch, Mesopotamian Witchcraft: Toward a History and Understanding of Babylonian Witchcraft Beliefs and Literature (Ancient Magic and Divination V; Leiden: Styx-Brill, 2002). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
53. Book Review. Marguerite Yon and Daniel Arnaud, eds., Études Ougaritiques. I. Travaux 1985-1995 (Ras Shamra-Ougarit XIV; Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 2001). In Review of Biblical Literature (2003), online.
54. Book Review. H. V. Hilprecht, Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century. Vol. 1. Assyria and Babylonia. Vol. 2. Palestine, Egypt, Arabia and Hittite Areas (originally published, Philadelphia: A. J. Molman, 1903) (Reprint; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2002). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
55. Book Review. Albert Pietersma, The Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres the Magicians: Edited with Introduction, Translation, & Commentary (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, 119; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994). In Sciences Religieuses (2002), 3-4. ( )
56. Book Review. Marjorie Susan Venit, Monumental Tombs of Ancient Alexandria: The Theater of the Dead (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002). In Aegyptos: Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt. Northwest Chapter 2 (2003), 18. ( )
57. Book Review. Leda Ciraolo and Jonathan Seidel, eds., Magic and Divination in the Ancient World (Ancient Magic and Divination II; Leiden: Brill, 2002). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
58. Book Review. Herbert Donner and Wolfgang Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften. Band 1, 5., erweiterte und überarbeite Auflage (Wiesbaden: Harrassowiz Verlag, 2002). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003), online.
59. Book Review. Gary A. Anderson, The Genesis of Perfection: Adam and Eve in Jewish and Christian Imagination (Louisville, KT: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001). In Interpretation 58/1 (2004), 86-88. ( )
60. Book Review. Jaromir Malek, Egypt: 4000 Years of Art (London: Phaidon, 2003). In Aegyptos: Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt. Northwest Chapter 3 (2003), 19-20. ( )
61. Book Review. Michael M. Homan, To Your Tents, O Israel! The Terminology, Function, Form, and Symbolism of Tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 12; Leiden: Brill, 2002). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2003), 898-899. ( )
62. Book Review. Michael V. Fox, The JPS Bible Commentary: Ecclesiastes (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2004). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005), online.
63. Book Review. Rüdiger Schmitt, Magie im Alten Testament (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 313; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2004). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005), online.
64. Book Review. Todd Klutz, ed., Magic in the Biblical World: from the Rod of Aaron to the Ring of Solomon (JSOTSS, 245; T & T Clark, 2003). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005), 429-431.
65. Book Review. Donald H. Mills, The Hero and the Sea: Patterns of Chaos in Ancient Myth (Wauconda, IL.: Bolchazy-Carducci, 2002). In Journal of Near Eastern Studies 65 (2006), 140-141. ( )
66. Book Review. Frances Flannery-Dailey, Dreamers, Scribes, and Priests: Jewish Dreams in the Hellenistic and Roman Eras (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 90; Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2004). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005), online.
67. Book Review. Ruth Fidler, "Dreams Speak Falsely"? Dream Theophanies in the Bible: Their Place in Ancient Israelite Faith and Tradition (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Magness Press, 2005). (In Hebrew). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 6 (2006), online.
68. Book Review. Ulla Susanne Koch, Secrets of Extispicy: The Chapter Multabiltu of the Babylonian Extispicy Series and Nisirti baruti Texts mainly from Assurbanipal's Library (AOAT, 326; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 6 (2006), online.
69. Book Review. JoAnn Scurlock, Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia (Ancient Magic and Divination, III; Leiden: Brill/Styx, 2006). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), online.
70. Book Review. JoAnn Scurlock and Burton Andersen, Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine: Ancient Sources, Translations, and Modern Medical Analyses (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2005). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), online.
71. Book Review. Margo Kitts, Sanctified Violence in Homeric Society: Oath-Making Rituals and Narratives in the Iliad (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). In Journal of Near Eastern Studies 69 (2010), 113-114. ( )
72. Book Review. Joseph Azize and Noel Weeks, eds., Gilgamesh and the World of Assyria. Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mandelbaum House, The University of Sydney, 21-23 July 2004 (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series, 21; Leuven/Paris/Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2007). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), online.
73. Book Review. Alice Mouton, Rêves Hittites: Contribution à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 28; Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), online.
74. Book Review. Gideon Bohak, Ancient Jewish Magic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 9 (2009), online.
75. Book Review. Moshe Garsiel, From Earth to Heaven: A Literary Study of the Elijiah Stories in the Book of Kings (Bethesda, MD.: CDL Press, 2014). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, online.
76. Book Review. Alhena Gadotti, “Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld” and the Sumerian Gilgamesh Cycle (Untersuchungen zur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, 10; Boston/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2014). In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 12.14 (2014), online.
77. Book Review. G. del Olmo Lete, Canaanite Religion according to the Liturgical Texts of Ugarit. Second English Edition thoroughly Revised and Enlarged (AOAT, 408, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014). In Aula Orientalis 33 (2015), 187-189. ( )
78. Book Review. Kimberly B. Stratton and Dayna S. Kalleres, eds., Daughters of Hecate: Women and Magic in the Ancient World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). In Review of Biblical Literature 2 (2016), 1-8. ( )
79. Book Review. Takayoshi Oshima, Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers: Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy (Orientalische Religionen in der Antike, 14; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, online.
80. Book Review. Jens Kamlah, Rolf Schäfer, and Markus Witte, eds., Zauber und Magie im antiken Palästina und in seiner Umwelt (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 46; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2020), 256-260.( )
81. Book Review. Greta Van Buylaere, et al., eds., Sources of Evil. Studies in Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore (Ancient Magic and Divination, 15. Leiden: Brill, 2018). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2020), 264-267.( )
82. Book Review. Moshe Garsiel, The Book of Samuel: Studies in History, Historiography, Theology and Poetics Combined. Part I: The Story and History of David and His Kingdom (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 2018). In Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 19 (2019), online.
83. B. Ottervanger, The Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur (State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts, 12; Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2016). In Archiv für Orientforschung 54 (2021), 477-479. ( )