Curriculum Vitae

Scholarly Presentations and Invited Lectures

1. "On the Subtler Side of Sagacity: Wisdom and Wordplay in the Book of Job." Read at the Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton, NY. October 16, 1994

2. "The Significance of the Seventh Plague." Berea College, Berea, KY. January 26, 1995.

3. "So You Choose Crafty Speech": The Literary Significance of Wordplay in the Book of Job." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia, PA. November, 18, 1995.

4. "Sevens and Narrative Structure in the Hebrew Bible and Elsewhere." Jewish Studies Colloquium. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. November 28, 1995.

5. "Nocturnal Secret Ciphers: the Punning Language of Dreams in the Hebrew Bible and in the Ancient Near East." American Oriental Society. Philadelphia, PA., March 18, 1996.

6. "Pejorative Colloquialisms: The 'Other' Demonstrative Pronouns." North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics. Philadelphia, PA. March 16, 1996.

7. "Special Video Presentation of 'The Descent of Ishtar'." American Oriental Society. Philadelphia, PA., March 17, 1996.

8. "Knowledge, Piety, and Magic: Ancient Mesopotamian Discipleship." Religious Studies Faculty and Graduate Student Colloquium. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. February 20, 1996.

9. "Hidden Words and Divine Secrets: The Power of Puns in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Literature." University of California-Berkeley. Department of Near Eastern Studies. Berkeley, CA. April 25, 1996.

10. "Teaching Ancient Myth with Video: Ishtar Revivus." Regional Middle East Seminar. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. May 4, 1996.

11. "The Magical Power of Puns in the Ancient Near East." Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Colloquium. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. May 21, 1996.

12. "Invoking the Ancient Mindset: Words as Power in the Hebrew Bible." First Summer Institute in Jewish Studies. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. June 2, 1996.

13. "The Biblical Creation Story in the Light of Other Ancient Near Eastern Sources." Guest Lecturer. First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. October 3, 1996.

14. "Noah and the Flood: The Story and Its Mesopotamian Source." Guest Lecturer. First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. October 10, 1996.

15. "What Can Egyptian and Mesopotamian Texts Tell Us about Moses?" Guest Lecturer. First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. October 17, 1996.

16. "The David and Bathsheba Affair: Uncovering Criticism in the Old Testament." Guest Lecturer. First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. December 1, 1996.

17. "Creation in Genesis as a Polemical Document." Saint Matthew Lutheran Church Theology Luncheon Group. November 14, 1996.

18. "The Politics of Creation: The Israelite Genesis in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context." Guest Lecturer. Congregation Beth Yeshurun. Houston, TX. March 31, 1997.

19. "Noah and the Flood: An Israelite Polemic." Guest Lecturer. Congregation Beth Yeshurun. Houston, TX. April 7, 1997.

20. "Moses, Egypt, and Politics." Guest Lecturer. Congregation Beth Yeshurun. Houston, TX. April 14, 1997.

21. "Words, Images, and Ciphers: Dream Theory in the Ancient Near East." Guest Lecturer. Graduate Studies Colloquium Series. Rice University. Houston, TX. February 20, 1997.

22. "Moses from the Standpoint of the Egyptian Magicians." Saint Matthew Lutheran Church Theology Luncheon Group. Houston, TX. March 6, 1997.

23. "Okeanos: A New Website for Biblical, Classical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies." "Class Web Pages." E-Text Center Webweek Discussions. Rice University. Houston, TX. March 18, 1997.

24. "David and Goliath: Embattled Traditions." First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. April 20, 1997.

25. "The Magic of Ambiguity: Dream Theory in Ancient Near Eastern Literature." Guest Lecturer. Center for Middle Eastern Studies Colloquium Series. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX. April 24, 1997.

26. "Tamar Plays the Harlot: The Politics of Genesis 38." First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. April 27, 1997.

27. "Biblical Law in Context: Evidence from the Ancient Near East." First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. May 4, 1996.

28. "Elijah and the Prophets of Baal: A Window into Canaanite Religious Practice." First Presbyterian Church. Houston, TX. May 11, 1996.

29. "Moses and the Egyptians: An Israelite Polemic." Hillel Faculty/Staff luncheon. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. October 21, 1997.

30. "Text, Script, and Media: New Observations on Scribal Activity in the Ancient Near East." Voice, Text and Hypertext at the Millennium: Inaugural Conference in Textual Studies. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. October 31, 1997.

31. "What's New in Biblical Studies: Discoveries, Insights, and Scholarship." Friends of Jewish Studies" Jewish Studies Program Outreach. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. November 5, 1997.

32. "Poetic Features of the Genre of Lament in the Bible: The Case of 2 Samuel 1." Panelist. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Francisco, CA. November 24, 1997.

33. "The Role of Magic in Egyptian Religion." Comparative Religion Interest Group. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. December 2, 1997.

34. "The Exegesis of Dreams in Biblical Israel and the Ancient Near East." Jewish Studies Colloquium. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. January 13, 1998.

35. "Teaching the Ancient Near East: Interesting Aspects." Guest Lecturer. Annual Conference on Teaching Classics in the Schools. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. February 28, 1997.

36. "The Evidence for Dating the Exodus." Guest Lecturer. Congregation Beth `Am. Seattle, WA. March 1, 1998.

37. "Hieroglyphic Egyptian." Guest Lecturer. World Languages Day. University of Washington. March 6, 1998.

38. "Non-traditional Teaching Technologies: Possibilities for Near Eastern Studies." Islamic Studies and Liberal Arts Workshop. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. March 7, 1998.

39. "When Man Began to Create the Hebrew Text and Canon: The Context Being Unclear and Void." Religious Studies Faculty and Graduate Student Colloquium. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. April 21, 1998.

40. "Okeanos: An Online Resource for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Topics." Guest Demonstrator. Seattle Celebrates Israel at Fifty. Seattle, WA. May 3, 1998.

41. "Antanaclasis in Job." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature-Pacific Northwest Chapter. Portland, OR. May 8-10, 1998.

42. "Okeanos and Other Online Sources for Studying Ancient Egypt." Egypt: Gift of the Nile: Training Institute. Seattle Art Museum and University of Washington. Seattle, WA. August 19, 1998.

43. "Hieroglyphic Egyptian." Egypt: Gift of the Nile: Training Institute. Seattle Art Museum and University of Washington. Seattle, WA. August 19, 1998.

44. "Hieroglyphic Egyptian: The Convergence of Writing and Art." Presentation for Seattle Art Museum Docents. Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. October 9, 1998.

45. "Dreams, Eroticism, and Rites of the Dead." Session Commentator. Thanatos: Ways of Death in the Ancient World Conference. Department of History. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. October 24, 1998.

46. "Canaanite Texts and Israelite Polemic: The Case of Elijah the Prophet," American Oriental Society. Western Branch. Seattle, WA. October 31, 1998.

47. "Egypt in Africa: Panel Discussion." Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. December 10, 1998.

48. "Hieroglyphic Egyptian." Guest Lecturer. World Languages Day. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. February 26, 1998.

49. "Know Thine Enemy's Mythology: Yahweh vs. Baal and Asherah in 1 Kgs 17-18." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature-Pacific Northwest Chapter. Tacoma, WA. May 8-10, 1998.

50. "Homeric Dreams and Ancient Near Eastern Mantic Techniques." Classics Lunchtime Colloquium. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. January 20,1999.

51. "An Evil Eye on Jewish Superstition." Panelist at B'nai Berith Symposium on Jewish Magic and Superstition." B'nai Berith. Seattle, WA. March 11, 1999.

52. "Students and Electronic Research in Jewish Studies." Technology, Pedagogy and Jewish Studies Session. Western Jewish Studies Association Fifth Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. March 14, 1999.

53. "Dream Theory and Magic in Ancient Egypt." Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. October 9, 1999.

54. "The Descent of Ishtar: Language, History, and Film." Central New York Conference on Language and Literature. SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY. October 4, 1999.

55. "'David's Jerusalem." St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. Seattle, WA. October 24, 1999.

56. "The City of David: The Cultural Roots of Monarchic Jerusalem." Comparative Religion Program Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Lecture Series. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. November 3, 1999.

57. "Univer/City: A Meeting of the Three Civic Cultures." Panelist-Respondent. Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington. Seattle, WA. November 6, 1999.

58. "Abraham's Ten Trials and a Biblical Literary Convention." Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago, IL. December 19, 1999.

59. "The Essence of Biblical Poetry." First Baptist Church. Seattle, WA. February 20, 2000.

60. "Geminate Ballast and Clustering: An Unrecognized Literary Feature in Ancient Semitic Literature." Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. October 4, 1999.

61. "Dreamers and Mantics: Homer and the Ancient Near East." University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 9, 2000.

62. "Magic and Dream Interpretation in Ancient Egypt." University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 10, 2000.

63. "Geminate Ballast and Clustering: An Unrecognized Literary Feature in Ancient Semitic Poetry." Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society. Portland, OR., March 14, 2000.

64. "Building Communities Through Technology." Seattle Arts Commission Conference on Arts and Technology. Seattle, WA. March 18, 2000.

65. "Creation and the Power of Polemic: Genesis 1-3 in the Light of the Ancient Near East." St. John's Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Seattle, WA. April 5, 2000.

66. "An Unrecognized Poetic Device in the Hebrew Bible: Geminate Ballast and Clustering." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature-Pacific Northwest Chapter. Spokane, WA. April 29, 2000.

67. "Jerusalem's Temple and Its Ancient Near Eastern Context." St. John's Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Seattle, WA. May 3, 2000.

68. "Show Me the Blood: Games and Sports in the Ancient World." Saturday Huskies Seminars. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. October 21, 2000.

69. "Dreaming and the Ideology of Mantics: Homer and Ancient Near Eastern Oneiromancy." Third Annual Meeting of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project (MELAMMU). Chicago, IL. October 27-31, 2000.

70. "Apollonius' Argonautika and Egyptian Mythology." On Board the Argo Through Time and Media. Conference on Argonautika Studies. Classics Department. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. November 3, 2000.

71. "Divinatory Punning, Biblical Prophecy, and Lex Talionis." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Nashville, TN. November 18, 2000.

72. "Magic in Ancient Egypt." Third Annual Egypt Revealed Symposium. Reports from the Field: 2001 Excavation Season. Seattle, WA. October 13, 2001.

73. "Dreams and Dreaming in Ancient Egypt." Third Annual Egypt Revealed Symposium. Reports from the Field: 2001 Excavation Season. Seattle, WA. October 14, 2001.

74. "Beyond Walls: A Workshop in Teaching Religious Studies on the Web." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, CO. November, 2001.

75. "Dream Rituals, Symbolic Dreams, and the Production of Power in Ancient Mesopotamia." Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Panel on Dreams and Dream Theory. Denver, CO. November 19, 2001.

76. "Tombs, Temples, and the Divine: Modern Travels in the Ancient Middle East." Honors Program Brown-Bag Luncheon. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. December 5, 2001.

77. "The Bible in the Light of Egyptian and Mesopotamian Texts." North Seattle Community College. Seattle, WA. January 22, 2002.

78. "Body Parts as Literary Devices in the Hebrew Bible and Akkadian Literature." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature-Pacific Northwest Chapter. Eugene, OR. May, 3, 2002.

79. "Power, Ideology, and Influence: Ancient Egypt and its Superpower Neighbors." Ancient Egypt Studies Association. Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. June 8, 2002.

80. "Word Play in the Hebrew Bible." Congregation Beth-Am. Seattle, WA. October 13, 2002.

81. "Relics in the Ancient Near East." Comparative Religion Program Faculty Lecture Series. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. January 29, 2003.

82. "Scorpion Charms and Hippo Tusks: The Power of 'Magic' in Ancient Egypt." American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter. Berkeley, CA. February 23, 2003.

83. "Digital Egypt." College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Club Special Lecture. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. March 19, 2003.

84. "Shibboleths, Politics, and Literary Flare: Dialects and the Hebrew Bible." Displaced Dialects: From Local Language to Panhellenic Poetics. Symposium of the Department of Classics. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. April 19, 2003.

85. "The Ark of the Covenant in the Light of Ancient Egypt." St. John's Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Seattle, WA. May 7, 2003.

86. "Digital Egypt II." College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Club Special Lecture. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. June 4, 2003.

87. "Nocturnal Ciphers in the Ancient Near East: Egyptian Dream Exegesis from a Comparative Perspective." Conference: "Through a Glass Darkly: Magic, Dreams, and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt." University of Swansea, Wales, UK. September 2, 2003.

88. "Moses, Myth, and Magic: Light from Ancient Egypt." North Seattle Community College. Seattle, WA. October 16, 2003.

89. "Abraham and Life-Long Learning." First of four lectures given as Scholar in Residence at Congregation Beth-Am. Seattle, WA. November 7, 2003.

90. "Finding a Home for Abraham: The Patriarch and Historical Context." Second of four lectures given as Scholar in Residence at Congregation Beth-Am. Seattle, WA. November 8, 2003.

91. "The Father of a Multitude: Abraham in Judaism and Islam." Third of four lectures given as Scholar in Residence at Congregation Beth-Am. Seattle, WA. November 8, 2003.

92. "Prophet, General, and Merchant: Abraham and the History of Biblical Interpretation." Last of four lectures given as Scholar in Residence at Congregation Beth-Am. Seattle, WA. November 9, 2003.

93. "Prophet and Friend of God: Abraham in Judaism and Islam." Congregation Herzl-Ner Tamid. Seattle, WA. February 1, 2004.

94. "Resurrection in the Ancient Near East." St. John's Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Seattle, WA. February 4, 2004.

95. "Dismemberment, Creation, and Ritual: Images of Divine Violence in the Ancient Near East." Symposium on Religion, Conflict and Violence: Exploring Patterns Past and Present, East and West. University of Washington.Seattle, WA. March 17, 2004.

96. "Pungent Puns with a Punitive Punch: Contextualizing Ancient Near Eastern Word Play." American Oriental Society Plenary Session on Wordplay. San Diego, CA. March 14, 2004.

97. "Our Conception of Ancient Egyptian History and Culture." Seattle Arts and Lectures. Henry Art Gallery. Seattle, WA. March 31, 2004.

98. "Omens, Codes, and Literary Dreams in Ancient Mesopotamia." Symposium on Dreams in Ancient Cultures. Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, Columbia University, New York, NY. April 9, 2004.

99. "Egyptian Conceptions of the Divine." Seattle Arts and Lectures. Henry Art Gallery. Seattle, WA. April 14, 2004.

100. "Knots, Clappers, and Genitals: The Art of 'Magic' in Ancient Egypt." American Institute of Archaeology. Walla Walla, WA. April 21, 2004.

101. "Egyptian Conceptions of the Self and Others." Seattle Arts and Lectures. Henry Art Gallery. Seattle, WA. April 28, 2004.

102. "The Egyptian Concepts of 'Magic' and Divination." Seattle Arts and Lectures. Henry Art Gallery. Seattle, WA. May 12, 2004.

103. "Egyptian Beliefs Concerning Death and the Afterlife." Seattle Arts and Lectures. Henry Art Gallery. Seattle, WA. May 26, 2004.

104. "Magic and Religion in Ancient Egypt." Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. October 21, 2004.

105. "Images of Divine Violence in the Ancient Near East." Tashkent Islamic University. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. October 22, 2004.

106. "Teaching Ancient Religions." Workshop. Al-Beruni Institute. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. October 26, 2004.

107. "Responses to Papers on Dreams in Ancient Egyptian and the Bible." Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 21, 2004.

108. "Art, Violence, and the Cosmos in Ancient Egypt." Monthly Meeting of the Catalysts. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. February 9, 2005.

109. "Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt: A Trip through Egyptian History." Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. October 7, 2005.

110. "Research and Training in Ancient Near Eastern Studies." Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Near and Middle East Studies. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. January 27, 2006.

111. "A. Leo Oppenheim: On Typology and Method." Panel organizer and panelist. American Oriental Society, Seattle, WA. March 19, 2006.

112. "Creation, Combat, and Myth in the Ancient Near East: Genesis Compared." North Seattle Community College. Seattle, WA. April 10, 2006.

113. "Word Play in Ancient Near Eastern Literature: Toward a Typology." Panel organizer and panelist. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature-Pacific Northwest Chapter. Spokane, WA. May 6, 2006.

114. "The Dead Sea Scrolls." Honor Committee Exclusive Lecture and Preview. Pacific Science Center. Seattle, WA. September 20, 2006.

115. "Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls." Pacific Science Center special event at Town Hall. Seattle, WA. October 4, 2006.

116. "The Dead Sea Scrolls: What Are They All About?" Congregation Beth `Am. Seattle, WA. October 8, 2006.

117. "The Dead Sea Scrolls." KCTS Television. Seattle, WA. November 8, 2006.

118. "Advice for Graduate Students." Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Near and Middle East Studies. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. February 2, 2007.

119. "Nocturnal Ciphers: The Punning Language of Dreams in the Ancient Near East." New Books In Print Lecture Series. Simpson Center for the Humanities. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. January 24, 2008.

120. "The Ritual Use of Linguistic and Textual Violence in the Ancient Near East," Symposium on Ritual Dynamics. Heidelberg, Germany, September 29, 2008.

121. “‘Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign’”: Script, Power, and Interpretation in the Ancient Near East,” Science and Superstition: Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World. Oriental Institute Annual Seminar. University of Chicago, IL. March 6, 2009.

122. “Diviners, Exorcists, and Freud: Dream Interpretation in the Ancient World,” University of Victoria. Victoria, BC, Canada. March 12, 2009.

123. “The Sexiest Poem in the Bible.” Donors reception. Jewish Studies Program. University of Washington. October 14,  2009.

124. “Moses the Egyptian.” First of three lectures given in the University Lecture Series at Congregation Beth-Am. Series: "From Slavery to Sinai: New Findings from Ancient Egypt and the Story of the Exodus." Seattle, WA. January 13, 2010.

125. “Plagues, Fire Pillars, and the Sea of Reeds.” Second of three lectures given in the University Lecture Series at Congregation Beth-Am. Series: "From Slavery to Sinai:New Findings from Ancient Egypt and the Story of the Exodus." Seattle, WA. January 20, 2010.

126. “Levites and the Ark of the Covenant.” Third of three lectures given in the University Lecture Series at Congregation Beth-Am. Series: "From Slavery to Sinai: New Findings from Ancient Egypt and the Story of the Exodus." Seattle, WA. January 27, 2010.

127. "When Aninals Talk." Cornel University Symposium on "Power and Knowledge in Ancient Iraq." Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. October 29, 2010.

128. "Divine Dreams and the Power of Interpretation in the Ancient Near East." University of British Columbia, Vancouver. April 14, 2011.

129. "Literary Craft and Performative Power in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament." Keynote speaker. "International Conference on Ancient Jewish Texts and the 'Literary'." University of Antwerp, Belgium. March 15, 2012.

130. “The Ark of the Covenant and Egyptian Sacred Barks: A Comparative Study.” International Conference entitled, “Out of Egypt: Israel’s Exodus between Memory, History, and Imagination.” University of California, San Diego. June 1- 3, 2013.

131. “Scale Scriptitious: The Concentration of Divine Power in the Ancient Near East.” Conference on "The Minor and Miniature." Indiana University. April 11-12, 2014.

132. “Maleness, Memory, and the Matter of Dream Divination in the Hebrew Bible.” Session on “Dream Divination.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA. November 23, 2014.

133. "Augur Anxieties in the Ancient Near East." Symposium on "Negotiating, Communicating, Relating: Approaches to Ancient Divination." Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, UK. July 21, 2015.

134. "Finding Myself in the Past: On Forschung, Friedhöfe, und Freidenkenden." Department of Germanics New Books Series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. November 20, 2015.

135. Commencement Address given for the graduates of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. May 22, 2016.

136.“‘Wordplay’ in Ancient Near Eastern Texts.” Invited presentation for the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, February 2, 2021.

137. “Translation Impossibilities in Akkadian, Egyptian, and Biblical Hebrew.” For Translation Across the Disciplines Graduate Seminar, University of Washington, May 7, 2021.

138. “Workshop: On Publishing.” For Interdisciplinary Near and Middle Eastern Ph.D. Program, University of Washington, May 19, 2021

139. “From Rebellion and Death to Victory: On Appellative Paronomasia in Numbers 20-21.” Virtual workshop on “Sprechende Namen in der antiken Literatur,” Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik, Universität Innsbruck & AKTION Österreich-Tschechische Republik, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20, 2021.

140. “‘To Make Them See Your Majesty’: The Visual Program of the “Poetical Stela” of Thuthmosis III.” Virtual Conference on “Rethinking the Visual Aesthetics of Ancient Egyptian Writing.” University of California-Berkeley, November 19, 2021.

141. “The Problem with Puns: On ‘Wordplay’ in Ancient Texts.” Part of the Ancient Global Languages contribution to the College of Arts & Sciences Passport to the World: Cultures without Borders Program, University of Kentucky. March 10, 2022.

142. BBC interview on the History of Dream Interpretation for The Forum. To listen to it and/or download, click here.

143. “Enkidu, Ishtar, Humbaba, and the Diviners: On Creature Taxonomy and the Mesopotamian Scholarly Imagination.” “Humanimal Virtual Conference: The Bible and ‘Animal’ Others.” University of Edinburgh. March 12, 2023.

144. “Wordplay” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Inaugural series “Conversations with Scholars” in Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Washington. March 15, 2023.

145. “Ex Oriente Lux.” Department of Classics, University of Washington. May 18, 2023.

146. “Ancient Near Eastern Poetic Repetition in the Light of Neuroscience.” Workshop on Repetition, Parallelism and Creativity: An Inquiry into the Construction of Meaning in Ancient Mesopotamian Literature and Erudition. University of Vienna. February 29, 2024.