Keller Lab Links

last edited (haphazardly) 2016
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Reserved for Keller Lab:


How to Attend and Schedule Group Meetings

  • As of Winter Quarter 2024: CHB239 Wednesdays 10:30am - 11:30 or 12
  • How to propose to change the group meeting time/place:
    1) Ask in the front office if a conference room is available at your time (in order of preference: CHB239, 339, 439, BAG319)
    2) Set up a 5-day chart at with the times that you and the rooms are available.
    3) E-mail group members - ask them to enter their schedules. Send reminders. Verify that you can still book the room.
    4) Inform everyone of the change. Send reminders before the meeting to help old dogs learn new tricks.

How to Buy/Build Things & Learn about Membrane Biophysics

How to Use and Maintain Microscopes

How to Complete Yearly IDP Forms, Mentor-Mentee Expectations Checklists, and Compacts

UW User Facilities and Makerspaces

Chemistry Department Links

Programs, Computing, Statistics, and Data Management

Triangle Graph Paper

Conferences / Travel / Posters / Talks

How to Write & Publish a Paper or Dissertation / Search & Reference Literature / Review Papers

How to Maintain Lab Safety

How to Get Lab Ethics Training

Mass Transit to/from Our Lab

  • From Seatac aiport, take light rail to the University of Washington Station. (Buy a ticket before boarding.)
  • From Downtown, enter the "bus tunnel", for example at Westlake Station, and board a either the light rail or a northbound UW express bus (#71/72/73, or the #74 if it says "Univ Express"). Sit near the driver if you need to ask directions or questions. Your closest stop to the university will probably be your 2nd opportunity to depart is after crossing a freeway bridge over water. Ask the driver.
  • From anywhere else, use the King County Metro Trip Planner by entering "University of Washington" into the "To" or "From" field.
  • Walk to Bagley Hall, found on this map, next to the blue circle of Drumheller Fountain.

How to Get Yourself a Fellowship, Job, Grant, Plan, Mentor, Career

  • See the Keller Lab Mentoring Site Here.

How to Reduce Stress

Dept. of Chemistry 351700, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195-1700
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