Indicators of Sustainability 23
There are many ways to try and measure the sustainability of a
society. What follows is an incomplete
list of some of the indicators one may track.
Link 23 above will lead you to three more inclusive lists of indicators.
24 |
Air/Water Quality |
Biodiversity |
Carbon Footprint 25 |
Climate Change 26 |
Consumption Rate |
Corruption 27 |
Crime |
Deforestation |
Democratic Participation/
Representation |
Desertification |
Disease |
Ecological Footprint 28 |
Ecosystem Integrity |
Education Access |
Equity |
Endocrine Disruption 29 |
Environmental Refugees 30 |
Extinction Rate |
Food Miles |
Food Security |
Global Environmental Outlook 31 |
Happiness/Happy Planet Index 32 |
Health |
Human Development Index |
Hunger |
I = P x A x T 33 |
Literacy |
Living Planet Index 34 |
Living Standard |
Millenium Development Goals 35 |
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 36 |
Mortality Rate |
Peak Oil 37 |
Planetary Boundaries 38
Pollution/Emissions |
Population Growth Rate |
Poverty |
Recycling/Re-use |
Sanitation 39 |
Sprawl 40 |
Stocks/Reserves |
Violence |
Water Footprint 41 |
Waste 42 |
snowflake in an avalanche ever felt responsible --- Voltaire |
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Rob Turner at rturner@uwb.edu.