
6/11/24 - Our project on Automated Detection of Protein Regions Conserved over Evolutionary Time has received the Center for Biotechnology Innovation and Training Summer Undergraduate Research Award to fund Adam Chhor for the summer.

3/25/24 - Our paper A Dual-Model Anomaly Detection Algorithm for non-linear stream data in Smart City Environments was accepted at SecRIot.

3/12/24 - Our paper Thimblerig: A Game-Theoretic, Adaptive, Risk-limiting Security System for Cloud Systems was accepted at the IEEE/IFIP NOMS Mini-Conferencey

1/8/24 - Our paper Where Am I?: Unraveling Challenges in Smart City Data Cleaning to Establish a Ground Truth Framework was accepted at IEEE TRUSTSENSE.

10/2/23 - Christopher's paper on The Diversity-Hire Narrative in CS: Sources, Impacts, and Responses was accepted at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium.

5/10/23 - Our project on Automatic Generation of Large-Scale Genetic Variant Libraries for Precision Genome Editing has received the Center for Biotechnology Innovation and Training Summer Undergraduate Research Award to fund Gabriel Pitzel for the summer.

12/8/22 - Jeffy's paper, Keyword Extraction From Specification Documents for Planning Security Mechanisms was accepted at ICSE 2023. PDF Here

10/03/22 - Vidushi's paper, Computing Specializations: Perceptions of AI and Cybersecurity Among CS Students was accepted at SIGCSE 2023. PDF Here

4/19/22 - Jeffy's paper, Towards Lightweight Detection of Design Patterns in Source Code was accepted at the 2022 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2022). PDF here

2/22/22 - We received $96k from the NSA for our project on GenCyber Capacity Building: Curriculum Development for Non-Profit Programs Serving Historically Under-Represented Individuals in Cybersecurity in collaboration with iUrbanTeen.

2/8/22 - Our paper on Performing Indoor PM2.5 Prediction with Low-cost Data and Machine Learning was accepted by Facilities Journal (pdf)

4/28/21 - We received $300k from the NSF for our project Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Cybersecurity: Workforce Needs and Barriers to Learning in collaboration with Prof. Colleen Lewis at UIUC.

3/1/21 - I received $50k from T-Mobile to on developing security metrics for machine learning models.

1/19/21 - Our paper on privacy preserving video sharing on mobile devices using fully homomorphic encryption was accepted at IEEE SPT-IOT.

11/3/20 - Our paper on Predicting PM 2.5 in well-mixed indoor air for a large office building using regression and artificial neural network models was accepted by Environmental Science & Technology. If you don't have access, a free version is available here

7/1/20 - We received an $87k grant from T-Mobile for research on anonymizing mobile phone datasets for external use in machine learning.

3/1/20 - Kevin's paper on Detecting hidden webcams with Delay Tolerant Similarity of Simultaneous Observation (DT-SSO) was accepted for publication by Elsevier's Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal.

1/10/20 - The demo of our system for privacy-preserving video sharing on mobile phones using fully homomorphic cyptography was accepted at the IEEE PerCom 2020 Demo session.

12/20/19 - Nick's paper on using context-awareness to secure crowdsensing incentives has been accepted at COMOREA 2020.

11/27/19 - I will be giving a talk at the University of Bamberg on December 2.

11/26/19 - My work in Germany has been covered in the following news article.

7/1/19 - I have been awarded the Johann-von-Spix Guest Professorship at the University of Bamberg.

5/23/19 - Our work in detecting hidden cameras was mentioned in Communications of the ACM.

5/22/19 - Our paper on Design Patterns for Compensating Controls for Securing Financial Sessions has been accepted at the 2019 International Workshop on Security Measurements of Cyber Networks (SMCN-2019).

3/10/19 - I have been awarded a $300k grant from the NSF to develop security mechanisms and privacy enhancing technology for smart city applications that utilize crowdsensing.

1/14/19 - I will be giving a talk at PNNL on 25 January.

1/1/19 - Abirami Narayanan's paper, iService: A Cloud-based Scheduling Service for Efficient Usage of IoT Resources was accepted at IEEE Pervasive Living Spaces (PerLS).

12/11/2018 - Kevin Wu's paper, Do You See What I See? Detecting Hidden Streaming Cameras Through Similarity of Simultaneous Observation was accepted at IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communications (Percom) 2019.

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My primary research interest is security in emerging environments. I am currently exploring topics such as secure machine learning in smart spaces and privacy in sensor-rich environments.

If you are interested in taking CSS497 with me, see my 497 Capstone Guidelines. For CSS595 or CSS700 see these MS Capstone Guidelines (MSCSSE or MSCSE). Contact me and begin this process as early as possible in order to have the best opportunity to succeed.

Some days I receive 40-60 emails that I need to give some response to. Answering every email with a full response immediately could easily consume my entire day every day. I will try to respond as quickly as I can, but since I have a significant amount of other work that I am doing, sometimes there may be significant delays in response time. Please feel free to follow up if I have not responded after a few days as it is possible I missed your email.

I am willing to work with students at all levels, but due to a large number of current students, I am mostly interested in working with students who are self-motivated and have a strong idea of what research areas they want to work in. Fill out this form if you are interested. Do not include an unsolicited copy of your CV/Resume. I will ignore any emails with attachments. Do not ask me to help you get admitted to the program.