497 Guidelines

  1. Use This form to contact me about 497 unless you are doing current job/internship, then email me directly and make sure to mention that you have read this page
  2. Your proposal should be thorough enough that I understand the background of what you are going to do, why you are going to do it, what you are going to do and how you will evaluate if you have completed your project sufficiently. I want to see that you have thought this through and have a plan. Make sure that your proposal looks professional. I do not want to see a poorly organized document. Make sure your schedule is in the form of a table and is easy to read.
  3. Make sure you include a schedule of what you plan to do on a week-by-week basis
  4. Make sure to include the colloquium date in your schedule
  5. Make sure to include a final report in your schedule
  6. If you do not have a draft of your poster and presentation by the last Monday of the quarter that you want to present, you will not present. Include this in your schedule.
  7. You must meet with me to give me a mock presentation. Include this in your schedule.
For Current Job/Internship
  1. Choose CR/NC option
  2. Include reports every 2 weeks. These reports will include what you've worked on, what issues you've had, and what you plan to do next.
For Research
  1. If you have not read my research page and perused my recent publications, stop reading this and do so now. You must have an idea of what research areas I'm working in before you contact me. Express what topics you're interested in when you email me or I'll send you back to this page
  2. I prefer people who have taken 498 or 499 with me, demonstrated research skills in one of my classes, or regularly attended my research meetings (contact me if you would like to begin attending them). There may be exceptions on a case-by-case basis if you can demonstrate that you are prepared to start the research project in week 1 of your first quarter of capstone.
  3. The research option must be spread over at least two quarters. Exceptions may be made if you've already worked on the research with me prior to the start of your 497.
  4. Estimate each task at a # of hours granularity. The Capstone should be 400 hours total
  5. Include weekly reports in your schedule
  6. Choose the Decimal Graded option
For Individual/Group Projects
  1. You'll need to convince me that the project is worth doing. You must present and defend your motivation, design, and project plan to me.
  2. This option must be spread over two quarters. Exceptions may be made if you've already worked on this in a class with me or in 498 with me.
  3. Choose the Decimal Graded option
  4. Estimate each task at a # of hours granularity. The Capstone should be 400 hours total
  5. Include weekly reports in your schedule