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Course Information

Screen Shot from Rosemary's Baby

Instructor: K. Gillis-Bridges
Class: MW, 12:30-1:50 p.m.
Rooms: Mary Gates 082A/082
Office: Padelford A-105
Hours: MW 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Phone/Voice: 206.543.4892
Email: kgb@u


Screen shot from Rosemary's Baby)

This page includes links to clips from Comparative Literature 272 films, English 197 class handouts, information on course films and directors, databases for film research, sites on film terminology, guidelines on writing about film, and highlights of the Seattle film scene


The clips page contains high- and low-bandwidth versions of scenes from Comparative Literature 272 films. Please note that you must log on with your UW Net ID and password to access the clips page.

Additional clips can be found on YouTube; search by film title. The 1925 and 1929 versions of Phantom of the Opera, "Excerpts from the Photoplay Dracula" and "Excerpts from the Photoplay The Bride of Frankenstein" are available on The Internet Archive.



All course handouts are in Adobe PDF format unless otherwise specified. To get a free copy of the latest Adobe Reader, go to the Adobe site. Handout titles appear in reverse chronological order, with recent materials at the top of the list.


Course Films and Directors


Film Research


Film Terminology


Writing About Film


Seattle Film Scene
