Schedule Quick Links
- Week One
- Week Two
- Week Three
- Week Four
- Week Five
- Week Six
- Week Seven
- Week Eight
- Week Nine
- Week Ten
- Week Eleven
- Finals Week
Course Information
Instructor: K. Gillis-Bridges
Class: MW, 12:30-1:50 p.m.
Rooms: Mary Gates 082A/082
Padelford A-105
Hours: MW 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Phone/Voice: 206.543.4892
Email: kgb@u
Week One
- 9/24
Topic: Course introduction and student survey; introduction to film genre and formal analysis
Week Two
- 9/29
Topic: Discuss mise-en-scene, cinema studies argumentation, and notetaking; Essay 1 assigned
Reading: Bordwell and Thompson, “Mise-en-Scene” (C Lit 272 Packet) - 10/1
Topic: Discuss viewing notes and mise-en-scene and cinematography in Phantom of the Opera; introduction to storyboards
Reading: Bordwell and Thompson, “Cinematography” (C Lit 272 Packet)
Due: Phantom of the Opera viewing notes; bring in two electronic formats - 10/2
Due: Dracula response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Three
- 10/6
Topic: Constructing scene analysis essays from notes, responses, and storyboards; discuss sample essays and approaches to Essay 1
Reading: Bordwell and Thompson, “Editing” (C Lit 272 Packet)
Due: Storyboard of a scene from Phantom of the Opera or Dracula; bring in hard copy - 10/8
Topic: Peer critique of Essay 1; sign up for conferences
Due: First draft of Essay 1; bring in two electronic formats - 10/9
Due: Exchange completed reviews of two peers’ essays by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Four
- 10/13
Class canceled for conferences - 10/15
Topic: Reflect on the process of writing Essay 1; compare Cat People and Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Due: Final draft of Essay 1; bring in two electronic formats - 10/16
Due: Psycho response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Five
- 10/20
Topic: Discuss Psycho responses and approaches to comparing films’ formal elements; Essay 2 assigned - 10/22
Topic: Develop and post formal film comparisons - 10/23
Due: Night of the Living Dead response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Six
- 10/27
Topic: Discuss Night of the Living Dead responses and approaches to comparing films’ contextual dialogues
Reading: Worland, “Horror in the Age of Anxiety” and Becker, “A Point of Little Hope: Hippie Horror Films and the Culture of Ambivalence” (C Lit 272 Packet) - 10/29
Topic: Discuss Rosemary’s Baby and sample comparison essays; integrating sources into comparative film analysis
Reading: Sobchack, “Bringing it all Back Home: Family Economy and Exchange” (C Lit 272 Packet)
Due: Commented sample essays and two to four questions about Sobchack’s article; bring in two electronic formats - 10/30
Due: The Exorcist response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Seven
- 11/3
Topic: Discuss Essay 2 proposal and The Exorcist responses
Due: Essay 2 proposal; bring in two electronic forms - 11/5
Topic: Peer critique of Essay 2; sign up for conferences
Due: First draft of Essay 2; bring in two electronic formats - 11/6
Due: Exchange completed reviews of two peers’ essays by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Eight
- 11/10
Topic: Essay 2 workshop
Due: Revised draft of Essay 2; bring in hard copy - 11/12
Topic: Reflect on the process of writing Essay 2
Due: Final Draft of Essay 2; bring in two electronic formats - 11/13
Due: Carrie/Halloween response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost
Week Nine
- 11/17
Topic: Discuss Carrie and Halloween responses and approaches to analyzing gender and sexuality in film; Essay 3 assigned
Reading: Carroll, “Nightmare and the Horror Film: The Symbolic Biology of Fantastic Beings” and Clover, “Her Body, Himself: Gender and the Slasher Film” (C Lit 272 Packet) - 11/19
Topic: Discuss Videodrome and approaches to theoretical film analysis
Reading: Modleski, “The Terror of Pleasure: The Contemporary Horror Film and Postmodern Theory” (C Lit 272 Packet)
Due: Modleski article response; bring in two electronic formats - 11/20
Due: Silence of the Lambs response due by 10:00 p.m. via GoPost - 11/21
Screening of The Shining in MGH 082, 3:30 p.m.
Week Ten
- 11/24
Topic: Discuss Silence of the Lambs responses; develop thesis and writing plan for Essay 3
Reading: Halberstam, “Skinflick: Posthuman Gender in Jonathan Demme’s Silence of the Lambs” (C Lit 272 Packet) - 11/26-11/30
Class canceled for online peer review and conference sign-up
Due: Exchange first draft of Essay 3 and completed reviews of two peers’ essays via GoPost
Week Eleven
- 12/1
Topic: Essay 3 workshop; portfolio and reflective essay assigned - 12/3
Topic: Reflect on the process of writing Essay 3; discuss approaches to portfolio assignment; course evaluation
Due: Final Draft of Essay 3; bring in two electronic formats
Finals Week
- 12/10
Due: Publish E-Portfolio to web by 10:00 p.m.