GLD 435
Office Hours:
12:00-1:00 and by appointment
Padelford A305
I've received several questions via email today that I thought the entire class would like answered.
Q: What do I need to include on my poster?
A: The elements each poster must include are listed in bullet-point form on
the poster presentation assignment You
may use the assignment sheet as a check-list to review your poster's contents.
Q: Do I need to provide a feedback form for my presentation?
A: You need a method of collecting feedback. Think about the type of feedback
you desire. Do you want to know whether you've defined your issues or questions
for analysis clearly? Whether your claim is feasible based on your observations?
Whether you've effectively incorporated course readings? The feedback you
collect will help you revise your ideas in progress for the final project
due 3/18. Because you'll have many visitors to your poster, your feedback
questions shouldn't take long to answer. You may write questions on separate
sheets of paper and let audience members write down their answers. You may
copy a form that has your questions and space for answers (or your questions,
multiple-choice answers, and a space for comments). You can create a short
survey online that viewers can complete immediately after assessing your
poster. The only requirement is that the feedback instrument be clear and
easy to complete.
Q: Where do I get a laptop again?
A: From the STF Equipment
Loan Program
Q: How will you grade the presentation?
A: Grading criteria are on the poster presentation
assignment sheet. I'll make
a grading grid based on the criteria, circle the number of points you receive
in each category, and hand you the grade in class. I'll also put brief comments
on your feedback sheets. If I find myself pressed for time, I'll complete
the grading grid and tell you what you need to concentrate on as you continue
your project.
Everyone has received a commented final proposal via Collect
It. I'll hold
extended office hours Monday from noon to 4 o' clock for anyone who wants to
discuss the final project. I've also uploaded a statistical report of our class's
online activities on the "Materials" page.
I've moved class online today due to illness. Instructions for your three assigned tasks, along with discussion areas for each task, are available on the course discussion board.
Remember that final project proposals are due at 10:00 tonight via Collect It.
The URLs for all web sites I would like you to read for class this week and next are linked to the schedule page (scroll down to view readings for each week). For sites that present a single article, for example "How to Survive in Any RPG," read the entire piece. For sites with multiple sections, such as The Center for Computer Games Research and Avant Game, read the opening and the "About" pages and skim through the main site pages--those linked from the navigation bar--to learn what information the site features (note that if the navigation bar features multiple pages listed under specific categories, skim a few pages in each category). Also read one or two of reviews, articles, message board threads or blog entries to get an idea of the authors' and viewers' interests. The "Source Citation and Evaluation" section of the links pageincludes links to guidelines on evaluating web pages. Use these guideline when evaluating web sites of your own choosing.
Tuesday's Stone reading has been moved to 2/21. Read Curtain for Tuesday's class, though. Since I know you'll be working hard to finish your cyberartifact analysis the night before class, I'm not assigning additional web sites to read for Tuesday.
The out-of-class screening of eXistenZ is scheduled from 2:30-4:30 today in Kane 019. If you cannot attend the screening, you'll need to view the film on your own before Thursday's class.
Remember that I will be checking email frequently over the weekend. Don't hesitate to contact me with questions. I've already fielded some questions I'm sure other people will want answered. I've produced an anonymous version of the questions and my answers on a discussion board area titled "Cyberartifact Analysis Q&A."
The assignments page contains a direct link to the electronic drop box where you will submit your artifact analysis. You'll also find links to resources on citing sources. The materials page now includes a UW-restricted link to a film clips page. I'll be adding AI clips later today.
I've moved office hours to 12:30-1:15 p.m. today.
Today in class, we agreed to revise our course schedule. This means that groups will present one class period later than originally scheduled. Click to download a revised course schedule and revised presentation dates handout.
As I indicated in class last week, I'm cutting a few of our readings. You no longer have to read the following articles, assigned for the dates indicated:
I've updated the links page with additional Neuromancer resources and links to information on artists Orlan and Stelarc. The discussion board page now contains instructions on how to use the Catalyst GoPost tool.
A few reminders:
Some of you did not receive the email containing the link to the student survey. The message went to your UW email account. If you use another account (Gmail, Comcast, etc.), make sure to forward your UW email to your primary account. If you have already done so and still didn't receive the email, check your junk mail folder. Your junk mail settings may filter out all mass emails.
The syllabus, schedule, and link to the course discussion board. Our Web site will remain under heavy construction for the next few days.