Tue/Thu, 1:30-3:20
GLD 435
Office Hours:
12:00-1:00 and by appointment
Padelford A305
Link to the course discussion board.
If you have used a web browser, using the class discussion forum shouldn't present a problem. Follow the instructions below to use the board. All links in the instructions will open in a new browser window.
1) Go to the board.
2) You will come to a login window. Log in with your UW Net ID and password (the same name and password you use to access UW email). If you don't have a UW Net ID, you can set one up online.
3) The board is organized into separate discussion areas. Click on a conversation title to access any area.
4) Click on my message at the top of the screen to view the discussion prompts and all currently posted responses.
5) To reply to one of the prompts click the Reply button above my post. You will jump to an Add to this conversation box at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can scroll down to the box.
6) Type your text into the box, using the bold, italics, alignment, and list buttons to format your posting. If you want to include a link, highlight the text you want to link, click the hyperlink button and type the URL into the box that appears.
7) To preview your message, click the Preview button. If you want to make changes, close the preview window.
8) To send your message click the Post button. Your message will appear at the bottom of the thread.
9) To reply to one of your peers' postings, click Quote. You will jump to the Add to this conversation box, which will contain his or her message. Type your reply into the box. If you wish, you may edit your peers' text to include only the points to which you're responding. You can also reply to a peer's postings by clicking the Reply button and listing his or her name in your response.
10) You may edit or delete your own posting by clicking Edit or Delete.
11) For additional instructions, see Catalyst's GoPost Help Center.