Tue/Thu, 1:30-3:20
GLD 435
Office Hours:
Tue/Thu, 12:00-1:00 and by appointment
Padelford A305
This schedule may be altered at any point in the term at the instructor’s discretion. Students must complete readings by the time class meets on the dates indicated. The designation (CR) indicates a selection from The Cybercultures Reader; (O) indicates an online reading. Please note that there are several film screenings outside of class. If you cannot attend the screening, you must view the film on your own.
Go to: Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Finals
Date |
Activity/Topic |
Reading |
Due |
Course introduction |
1/9 |
Complete online student survey by 10:00 p.m. |
1/10 [Top] |
Neuromancer |
Gibson, Neuromancer, Chapters 1-5 (3-79) |
Neuromancer |
Gibson, Neuromancer, Chapters 6-16 (81-199) |
1/16 |
Screening: The Matrix (Kane 019, 2:00-4:30 p.m.) |
Posting on Neuromancer due by 10:00 p.m. |
1/17 |
Class cancelled
Response to peer’s Neuromancer posting due by 10:00 p.m. |
1/18 [Top] |
Screening: Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut and AI (Kane 019, 12:00-4:30 p.m.) |
Neuromancer Defining and deconstructing humans and machines
Gibson, Neuromancer, Chapters 17-24 (201-271); McQuire, “Space for Rent in the Last Suburb” (CR, 66-79); Lupton, “The Embodied Computer/User” (CR, 422-432); Moravec, “The Universal Robot” (CR, 508-515); Turing, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” |
1/23 |
Posting on chatbot experiment due by 10:00 p.m. |
1/24 [Top] |
Neuromancer Cinematic cyborgs: Blade Runner, The Matrix, and AI Student presentation on Turkle article |
Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto” (CR, 34-64); Hayles, “Computing the Human” (CR, 557-576); Turkle, “Cyborg Babies and Cy-Dough-Plasm” (CR, 547-556); AI (Spielberg, 2001); Blade Runner (Scott, 1982/1992); The Matrix (Wachowski Brothers, 1999) |
Cinematic cyborgs: Blade Runner, The Matrix, and AI Cyberart and digital media Student presentation on Manovich article |
Manovich, “From DV Realism to a Universal Recording Machine” (CR, 174-182); Stelarc, “From Psycho-Body to Cyber-Systems” (CR, 456-471) |
1/30 |
Posting on digital art work due by 10:00 p.m. |
1/31 [Top] |
Conclude discussion of cinematic cyborgs: Blade Runner, The Matrix, and AI Cyberart and digital media |
Response to peer’s artwork posting due by 10:00 p.m. |
Cyberart and digital media Student presentations on Ayers and Held articles |
Ayers, “Serene and Happy and Distant” (CR, 472-483); Held, “Gene(sis)” (CR, 717-730) |
2/6 |
Postingon virtual identity due by 10:00 p.m. |
2/7 |
Identity in cyberspace Student presentations on Cheung and Nakamura articles |
Cheung “Identity Construction and Self-Presentation” (CR; 273-285); Nakamura, “Race in/for Cyberspace” (CR; 297-304); web site selected for virtual identity posting |
2/8 [Top] |
Screening: eXistenZ (Kane Hall 019, 2:30-4:30 p.m.) |
2/11 | Cyberartifact essay due by 10:00 p.m. via Collect It | ||
2/12 |
Identity in cyberspace Student presentations on Curtain and Stone articles |
Curtain, “Promiscuous Fictions” (CR; 321-328); bentkid (O); QueerFilter (O) |
2/13 |
Posting on game experience due by 10:00 p.m. |
2/14 [Top] |
Gaming |
eXistenZ (Cronenberg, 1999), Avant Game (O); Center for Computer Games Research (O); “How to Survive in Any RPG” (O) |
Response to peer’s game experience posting due by 10:00 p.m. |
Gaming and game fandom Student presentation on Rehak article |
Rehak, “Mapping the Bit Girl” (CR, 174-182); (O); Planet Lara (O); Game news, discussion forum, or fan site of your choice (O) |
2/20 |
Posting on virtual community due by 10:00 p.m. |
2/21 [Top] |
Defining and critiquing virtual community Student presentation on Willson article |
Stone, “Will the Real Body Please Stand Up?” (CR, 433-455); Willson, “Community in the Abstract” (CR, 213-226) |
Defining and critiquing virtual community Student presentations on Bakardjieva and Robins articles
Bakardjieva, “Virtual Togetherness” (CR, 236-253); Robins, “Against Virtual Community” (CR, 227-235) |
2/27 |
Posting on cyberpolitics due by 10:00 p.m. |
2/28 |
Politics and activism in cyberspace Student presentations on Jordan, Kahn and Kellner, and Sassen articles |
Jordan, “Technopower and Its Cyberfutures” (CR, 594-601); Kahn and Kellner, “Technopolitics and Oppositional Media” (CR, 618-637); Rheingold, “Smart Mobs” (O); Sassen, “Digital Networks and the State” (CR, 577-581) |
2/29 [Top] |
Final project proposal due by 10:00 p.m. via Collect It |
Web 2.0 |
Britannica Blog Web 2.0 Forum (O); developerWorks Interviews: Tim Berners-Lee (O); “What is Web 2.0” (O) |
3/5 |
Posting on Web 2.0 due by 10:00 p.m. |
3/6 [Top] |
Web 2.0 |
Site viewed for Web 2.0 posting and one of the following:Bloglines (O), (O), Digg (O), flickr (O), Wikipedia (O), or YouTube (O) |
Response to peer’s Web 2.0 posting due by 10:00 p.m. |
Final project poster presentations |
3/13 [Top] |
Final project poster presentations |
[Top] |
Final project due by 10:00 p.m. via Collect It |