| Reserve
Texts | Films
Kimberlee. Reading Packet for English 345. Available at
Professional Copy N’ Print on the northeast corner of 42nd and University.
for check-out from Kimberlee: Kolker, Robert. Film, Form, and
Culture CD-ROM [Top]
Reserve Texts
I have
placed one course article on electronic reserve and a sizeable collection of books on three-day reserve at
Undergraduate Library. These books should prove valuable as you
conduct research for presentations, role-plays, and profiles. [Top]
Film titles
in bold are on reserve at the Odegaard Media
Library. Film titles followed by an asterisk are available on reserved
compilation tapes. Along with the films listed, I have placed on reserve
additional works by course directors. All links go to the Internet Movie Database page
on the linked film or director.
- The Bigamist
(Ida Lupino,
1953, 80 minutes)
- The Blot
(Lois Weber,
1921, 80 minutes)
- Blue Steel
Bigelow, 1990, 102 minutes)
- Boys Don’t Cry
Peirce, 1999, 118 minutes)
- Christopher Strong
Arzner, 1933, 77 minutes)
- The Cinematic Jazz
of Julie Dash (Yvonne Welbon,
1992, 26 minutes)
- Cléo de 5
à 7 (Agnès Varda, 1962, 90 minutes)
- Clueless
(Amy Heckerling,
1995, 97 minutes)
- Craig’s Wife
Arzner, 1936, 73 minutes)
- Daughters of the
Dust (Julie Dash, 1991, 112 minutes)
- Fast Times at Ridgemont
High (Amy Heckerling, 1982, 90 minutes)
- Film About a Woman
Who . . . (Yvonne Rainer, 1974, 105 minutes)
- The Hitch-Hiker
(Ida Lupino,
1953, 71 minutes)
- How Men Propose*
(Lois Weber,
1913, 6 minutes)
- Illusions
(Julie Dash,
1982, 34 minutes)
- Maedchen in Uniform
Sagan, 1931, 88 minutes)
- Making an American
Citizen* (Alice Guy Blachè, 1912, 14 minutes)
- Marianne and Juliane
(Margarethe Von Trotta, 1981, 106 minutes)
- Matrimony’s Speed
Limit* (Alice Guy Blachè, 1913, 14 minutes)
- Meshes of the Afternoon*
(Maya Deren,
1943, 18 minutes)
- Not Wanted
(Ida Lupino,
1949, 94 minutes)
- Officer
Henderson (Alice Guy Blachè, 1913, 12 minutes)
- Olympia,
I and II
Riefenstahl, 1936-1938, 199 minutes)
- Point Break
Bigelow, 1991, 122 minutes)
- Ritual in Transfigured
Time* (Maya Deren, 1946, 15 minutes)
- Sink or Swim
(Su Friedrich,
1990, 48 minutes)
- A Study in Choreography
for Camera* (Maya Deren, 1945, 4 minutes)
- Tender Fictions
(Barbara Hammer, 1995, 58 minutes)
- Triumph of the Will
Riefenstahl, 1934, 114 minutes)
- The Watermelon Woman
(Cheryl Dunye,
1996, 90 minutes)