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M, 2:30-5:20
W, 2:30-4:20
Thomson 125

K. Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A305
MW, 1:00-2:20

Page last updated

Title Image--"Role-Play"


For the role-play, students will work in groups to research the background of and critical responses to one or two course directors.  They will then script or construct notes to improvise a 15-minute scenario that presents a dialogue between two directors, an exchange between a director and her audience, a discussion between a director and the characters in her films or an interchange between the director and her critics. 

After the role-play, each group member will submit a typed, one- to two-page memo briefly describing his or her contribution to the project, listing the sources consulted by the group, and explaining why the role-play highlighted particular issues.   Groups will also turn in one copy of their script or improvisation notes.  These materials should be submitted the class period following the role-play date (Monday for a Wednesday role-play, Wednesday for a Monday role-play).

Remember that you may do only one role-play as an optional assignment.


I will use this grading scale to evaluate role-plays.