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![]() Class Participation Students should come prepared for each class session, with assigned reading completed. I expect prompt, regular attendance and active participation in discussions of readings and films. Students should plan to ask questions, make comments, summarize critics’ arguments, paraphrase their electronic postings, evaluate class activities, or contribute to small-group discussions. If you tend to remain quiet in class, you may supplement your participation points by making additional postings to the class discussion board or by submitting URLs and short descriptions of links I can add to the course web site. Electronic Postings Students will use the class discussion board to post responses to each film or reading. To facilitate discussion, I will post questions to which I want you to respond. Your posting should provide a 150- to 250-word response to a selected question; you may also address your classmates’ ideas as you respond to the question. The electronic discussion site allows us to extend class discussion and to raise issues for in-class discussions. Your postings receive points on a credit/no credit basis, with full points granted to on-time postings that meet the length requirement and demonstrate serious engagement with the discussion questions. To keep the discussion board manageable, I have divided the class into four groups as follows:
During the fourth and final weeks of class, students will complete a short exams in which they analyze clips from selected class films. Policies Lateness and Completion Policy I will not give make-up exams or accept any work submitted after assigned deadlines except in cases of documented illness or family emergency. Assignments turned in as email attachments must arrive in the format indicated on the schedule, or I will consider them late. To avoid computer problems, you should save frequently while working, and you should back up work saved to a hard drive on disk or your Dante account. Remember also to avoid storing floppy disks next to cellular phones. Please note that students must complete midterm and final exams and submit at least seven of the electronic postings in order to pass the course. Plagiarism Policy In your electronic postings and optional assignments, you may draw upon the ideas and words of other writers. However, you must make clear to your audience that you are incorporating another’s work by placing quotation marks around exact words and citing the author’s name whenever you quote, summarize or paraphrase. Failure to credit sources may result in a failing grade for the assignment, a failing grade for the course, or expulsion from the university. |