Assignment Suggestions: Second Optional Due Date Essays submitted for the second optional assignment due date will compare and contrast any two of the following films: Cléo from 5 to 7, Blue Steel, Clueless, Ritual in Transfigured Time, Meshes of the Afternoon, Study in Choreography for Camera, Sink or Swim, or Film About a Woman Who . . .. In your essay, you will present an argument about the significance of the films’ connections, and you will develop this argument by analyzing the narrative, contextual and/or formal elements (setting, costume, lighting, shots, editing, sound, etc.) of both films. The following list of themes should yield fruitful comparisons. You may propose other themes or a paper comparing one of the listed films with an earlier film, but you will need to speak to me before proceeding.
The following guidelines represent additions to the list of general guidelines for comparison/contrast essays. 1. Because we have viewed films made within and outside Hollywood traditions, consider comparing Varda or one of the experimental filmmakers with Heckerling or Bigelow. Such a comparison would give you insight into how filmmakers working with different aesthetic goals deal with similar topics. 2. If you wish to write about a film we've viewed only in clip form, remember that you may screen the whole of Blue Steel, Clueless, or Film About a Woman Who . . . at the Odegaard Media Library, where the majority of our course films are on reserve. |